No way Mooshell is a female!!!

lustylad's Avatar
Does the american thinker have any problems with Bush43 getting admitted into Yale with "C"s and "D" from boarding school in Connecticut. Or getting admitted into Harvard MBA with a 2.7 GPA in History at Yale? Originally Posted by adav8s28
Maybe you should ask them...

I'm not defending Bush43 but while we're on this topic, do you have any problems with Al Gore's pisspoor academic record? You remember Al, dontcha? He's the guy Bushie beat back in 2000!

Here is how one commentator summed up Gore's academic creds:

"At Harvard Mr. Gore's grades were for years lower than those Bush earned at Yale. Classmates remembered Gore, The Washington Post reported in 2000, spending 'a notable amount of time' shooting pool, watching television and 'occasionally smoking marijuana.'

Gore (whose [confessional?] new book is titled 'The Assault on Reason'), according to The Washington Post, 'avoided all courses in mathematics and logic throughout college.'

His grades at Harvard were pathetic, especially for someone who today holds himself up as the national arbiter of scientific issues. As a sophomore he got a D in Natural Sciences, and only a C-plus in another low level Natural Sciences course his senior year. In Economics — yet another field in which Gore has exhibited lifelong ignorance — he earned a C-minus.

For two of his four years at Harvard, Gore ranked in the bottom fifth of his class academically.

After squeaking through Harvard, Gore returned to Tennessee and, after flunking out of its Divinity School, entered but failed to earn a degree from Vanderbilt University Law School."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Who said/wrote that full service was not available? Just because he got something different doesn't mean FS was not available.

He started the BS about the reviews. He should look in the mirror before he starts his BS.

You can be a white knight for him all you want.

Speaking of class you should be telling that to WD. Originally Posted by adav8s28

doesn't mean it is either. you've never been to an amp. try one and let us know.
adav8s28's Avatar
Bush Jr. was a "legacy kid". Anybody who has gone to an Ivy League school knows many of them because they have no business being there if not for their daddy. I worked to get there. Their dads made a phone call.

They were "C" students for a reason. They shouldn't have been there. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You won't find the American Thinker saying/writing anything about that.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You won't find the American Thinker saying/writing anything about that. Originally Posted by adav8s28

what was inaccurate about the American Thinker article? assuming you read it ..

and see Lusty's post above about Al Gore ..

btw .. haven't we told you what a slacker Al is before? yeah he is.

we told you so

adav8s28's Avatar
Maybe you should ask them...

[/I] Originally Posted by lustylad
It was Bambino who posted the link by the americanthinker, about the only reason M. Obama got into Princeton was due to Affirmative Action. For argument sake let's say that is true. Bush43 got in Yale because his dad made a phone call. What's the difference? Both of them were not qualified. They are not the only students to get into a Ivy league that were not qualified.

The Obama's get picked on by the republicans because they are black or identify as black and B. Obama beat the republicans twice by 15 million votes.
... No, the OBamas are not held in good standing by
Republicans because they are phonys and liars.

Barrack - with his "born in Kenya" bullshit - which, of course
got him into Harvard... and Michelle - who talks like a player
in the political field - but doesn't have the brains or the
backbone to actually toss her hat into the ring.

Michelle will do WHAT?? "wipe the floor" with anyone
in a debate??

WHEN have we ever seen her in a debate?

... As I surely mentioned already - I'd LOVE to see her
the Democrat candidate in 2024!

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
... No, the OBamas are not held in good standing by
Republicans because they are phonys and liars.

Barrack - with his "born in Kenya" bullshit - which, of course
got him into Harvard... and Michelle - who talks like a player
in the political field - but doesn't have the brains or the
backbone to actually toss her hat into the ring.

Michelle will do WHAT?? "wipe the floor" with anyone
in a debate??

WHEN have we ever seen her in a debate?

... As I surely mentioned already - I'd LOVE to see her
the Democrat candidate in 2024!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
When you were Jewish Lawyer (JL) and Uncle Han you always complained about affirmative action. You never said/wrote one word about a legacy kid who was not qualified, getting into an IVY league school. I don't know what B. Obama's academic record was at Columbia. He finished Harvard Law School Magna Cum Laude. That would be a 3.6 GPA. What did Bush43 do at Harvard MBA?

We know what he did afterwards. He ran the Texas Rangers baseball franchise into the ground. He served as Gov of Texas. He then ran the USA into the Steepest reccesion since the Great Depression of 1929. Some of that is not all of his fault. He didn't believe in regulations for Wall street. With that being said, you had companies like AIG lose all of their money on credit default swap bets that went side ways.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Salty, you don't represent the vast majority of Americans. You're a really weird old man on a whore board acting like an Australian. Do you think you are a representation of the vast majority of this country or a fucking joke who no sane person cares about what he thinks? I know the answer. Do you, mate? Cool, I'm from there too now because I just said "mate".

Man, you're not fooling anyone with your bullshit act. Just cut it out and stop being a goofball.

Who the fuck can even take you remotely seriously with your bullshit Australian schtick? Give me a damn break with that clown act.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Salty, you don't represent the vast majority of Americans. You're a weird dude on a whore board acting like an Australian. Do you think you are a representation of the vast majority of this country or a fucking joke who no sane person cares about what he thinks? I know the answer. Do you, mate? Cool, I'm from there too now because I just said "mate".

Man, you're not fooling anyone with your bullshit act. Just cut it out and stop being a goofball. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

everyone who hangs out on a hooker board is weird.
adav8s28's Avatar
everyone who hangs out on a hooker board is weird. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Is it the clients and the providers or just the clients? Just asking for a friend.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is it the clients and the providers or just the clients? Just asking for a friend. Originally Posted by adav8s28

if you say so
lustylad's Avatar
...the only reason M. Obama got into Princeton was due to Affirmative Action... Bush43 got in Yale because his dad made a phone call. What's the difference? Both of them were not qualified. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I agree both would not otherwise have been "qualified". I disagree with your claim that Bush43's "dad made a phone call." No need for that. Everyone in the Yale Admissions Office knew who was applying. You obviously don't understand how these things work. Wink, wink. Nod, nod.

How do you think Hunter Biden got into Yale Law?

The Obama's (sic) get picked on by the republicans because they are black or identify as black... Originally Posted by adav8s28
Riiight! Because everyone knows all Republicans are racist. It has nothing to do with the guy's politics. Nope. If Obama had been a conservative, Republicans would have "picked on him" just the same. Just like they "picked on" Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Clarence Thomas, Allen West, John James and Winsome Sears.

Fucking racists!
winn dixie's Avatar
This is what people do when they read you got a HJTC at the AMP in Austin.

Originally Posted by adav8s28
Yep. I knew I stepped in something.

Sorry I havent given you the attention you crave. Run along now.
lustylad's Avatar
Man, I'm not fooling anyone with my bullshit act. I should just cut it out and stop being a goofball.

Who the fuck can even take me remotely seriously with my bullshit "Ivy League" schtick? Give me a damn break from my clown act. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
If you say so, Luke!
lustylad's Avatar
I'm not defending Bush43 but while we're on this topic, do you have any problems with Al Gore's pisspoor academic record? You remember Al, dontcha? He's the guy Bushie beat back in 2000! Originally Posted by lustylad
You won't find me saying/writing anything about that. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Hmmm... why am I not surprised?