Assholes's Speech

Bucho231's Avatar
Another cry baby democrat.... never happy. Give the guy at least 6 months before you kick him out. He hasn't even had a chance to fuck thing up half as much as Obama did. So just shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Working White House? It's a resort. If he wants to go away to get work done, go to Camp David. It's set up as a working White House and wouldn't need things Mar-a-lago needs and those extra costs. He goes to golf and be around people wanting to kiss up to him. And please with the yearly salary thing. He could take a salary for all I care if he signed an agreement saying he wouldn't take a penny of the money his company gained during his time in office. That's not the case so it's all show. He's making more from his company than he would as President so he's doing us no favors. It's like the CEO taking a salary of $1 like that negates the billions they get in stock. Or how about keep the money he makes from the company but have his children pay the bill not taxpayers when they are overseas doing business deals but require protection from SS. I don't care if he's taking vacations. But he's the one who criticized Obama for it and he's doing the exact same thing in such a short amount of time. People seem to have given Trump so much slack for things they were killing Obama for, I just can't seem to figure out why?? Originally Posted by Milly23

Its right there in your face and its as plain as black and white.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Another cry baby democrat.... never happy. Give the guy at least 6 months before you kick him out. He hasn't even had a chance to fuck thing up half as much as Obama did. So just shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride. Originally Posted by Bucho231
I totally agree. By the end of 6 months (although Trump promised that a lot would happen within his first 100 days in office) we should have a good indication of how well Trump is doing. Right now he is taking a crash-course in Politics 101.
tinman483's Avatar
Unless you denounce your citizenship he is your President also!
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
P.I.D. nailed it.
lustylad's Avatar
I totally agree. By the end of 6 months... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Huh? You want to give him a whole 6 months? That's very generous of you. The libtards wanted to impeach him before he was even sworn in!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Huh? You want to give him a whole 6 months? That's very generous of you. The libtards wanted to impeach him before he was even sworn in! Originally Posted by lustylad
Once again you are lumping ALL Liberals into a single category. SOME people wanted him impeached and still do. A handful. In case you didn't notice, or cared not to, Bucho231, who seems to be a rather ardent Trump supporter, is the one who first suggested 6 months. Yet you get on ME when I agree with him.Trump is the one who made promises as to what would be done by May 1st or so, 100 days into his term. In case you've forgotten, or would like to forget's like lumping all Trump supporters in a single category... I feel your pain....

Once again you are lumping ALL Liberals into a single category. SOME people wanted him impeached and still do. A handful. In case you didn't notice, or cared not to, Bucho231, who seems to be a rather ardent Trump supporter, is the one who first suggested 6 months. Yet you get on ME when I agree with him.Trump is the one who made promises as to what would be done by May 1st or so, 100 days into his term. In case you've forgotten, or would like to forget Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
lustylad's Avatar
Once again you are lumping ALL Liberals into a single category. SOME people wanted him impeached and still do. A handful. In case you didn't notice, or cared not to, Bucho231, who seems to be a rather ardent Trump supporter, is the one who first suggested 6 months. Yet you get on ME when I agree with him. Trump is the one who made promises as to what would be done by May 1st or so, 100 days into his term. In case you've forgotten, or would like to forget. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Relax, speedy. I wasn't “getting on you”. You're one of the reasonable voices here. I don't even consider you a libtard. But henceforth I will heed your advice and try to differentiate more by segregating libtards into 3 categories – non-hyperventilating, hyperventilating, and bat-shit crazy.

And you can call me a liberal anytime – a John Stuart Mill liberal.

Trump is awesome. He has a lot of cleaning up to do.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar's like lumping all Trump supporters in a single category... I feel your pain.... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You are correct. It's wrong either way.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Relax, speedy. I wasn't “getting on you”. You're one of the reasonable voices here. I don't even consider you a libtard. But henceforth I will heed your advice and try to differentiate more by segregating libtards into 3 categories – non-hyperventilating, hyperventilating, and bat-shit crazy.

And you can call me a liberal anytime – a John Stuart Mill liberal.

Originally Posted by lustylad
Sound good to me! Like I've said, I never considered myself to be a Liberal until I got to Texas which I consider to be ultra-Conservative. I disagree with the politics of Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, and Ken Paxton much more than I disagree with the politics of Donald Trump.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
(CNN)A federal judge in Hawaii blocked President Donald Trump's new travel ban on Wednesday afternoon, hours before the ban was set to go into effect.

The ruling -- which applies nationwide -- means that travelers from six Muslim-majority countries and refugees will be able to travel to the US.
The Trump administration took over a month to rewrite the travel ban order after multiple federal courts blocked its implementation last month. Unlike the previous executive order, the new one removed Iraq from the list of banned countries, exempted those with green cards and visas, and removed a provision that arguably prioritizes certain religious minorities.

US District Court Judge Derrick Watson concluded that the new executive order still failed to pass legal muster.

"The illogic of the Government's contentions is palpable. The notion that one can demonstrate animus toward any group of people only by targeting all of them at once is fundamentally flawed," Watson wrote.
Uh no - the deal is - The Trump administration rewrote the new travel ban to pass the Supreme Court challenge. They knew that this would happen - so they took it up a notch.
It's all about the Supreme Court.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Uh no - the deal is - The Trump administration rewrote the new travel ban to pass the Supreme Court challenge. They knew that this would happen - so they took it up a notch.
It's all about the Supreme Court. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Perhaps. It may end up being decided by two Supreme Court Justices, Kennedy and Roberts.