Quid Pro Quo took place for sure, now what?

might as well stack the legitimate charges as high as possible. if Trump was found guilty of murder, the Senate would not convict. the election could possibly swing. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That’s what this is all about.

Throw shit against the wall, have a willing Press report it as the most recent “bombshell”, and hope the American Voter is too stupid to see through this charade.

The catch is, the American Voter just might not be that stupid.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
he really did.. of course the right will never admit that. funny that they held up the Ukraine funds AND the Whistleblower's initial report, but miraculously the funds were released right after the Whistleblower became public knowledge.

nothing to see though.. big "nothing Burger".

hold the lettuce. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

"they"? uh No. the initial report was rejected as an urgent concern because the rules stated that only first hand knowledge is considered urgent. and only urgent complaints are sent to Congress. to the very committee Schiff chairs. interesting isn't that? the ICIG then changed the rules to allow a second hand complaint to be considered urgent. the ICIG initially claimed the rules were changed in 2018. then admitted that was not true, they were changed specifically to allow the whistleblower's complaint to be considered urgent.

Schiff via his staff has also admitted they had contact with the whistleblower before his first complaint was filed, which was rejected as urgent. see above. there is nothing miraculous about the funds being released. apparently some funds had already been released and the rest after Trump had spoken to the incoming Ukraine president. you know .. the incoming president that ran on a anti-corruption platform. there is nothing wrong or illegal about Trump holding up military aid until he spoke with the incoming president to discuss how those funds would be used by the incoming president. notice i keep emphasizing incoming .. the Democrats "might" have a case if the president had an established record dealing with Trump and the US. Trump as president sets foreign policy not the NSC or Congress. and there is that treaty we have with Ukraine .. about cooperating on criminal matters .. including corruption.

all these inconvenient facts. do try to keep up, yeah?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2019, 12:58 PM
That’s what this is all about.

Throw shit against the wall, have a willing Press report it as the most recent “bombshell”, and hope the American Voter is too stupid to see through this charade.

The catch is, the American Voter just might not be that stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie....that is wtf Benghazi was. Then the email server.

Please understand that is what BOTH parties do. Folks just turn a blind eye to their party doing so.

So this is not about overthrowing the results of 2016 it is about winning in 2020.

Besides it is good that Clinton was found to have a private server and it is good that we found out how crooked Trump is in trying to get dirt on a political opponent.
HedonistForever's Avatar
That’s what this is all about.

Throw shit against the wall, have a willing Press report it as the most recent “bombshell”, and hope the American Voter is too stupid to see through this charade.

The catch is, the American Voter just might not be that stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie S

We only have to consider whether 20 Republican Senators will be that stupid and the consensus on both left and right seems to suggest no, they will not be that stupid.

I'm guessing we'll see a poll if we haven't already asking the American voter "how important is this Ukraine matter to you"? To which most Americans I would predict would say "who" or "what Ukraine matter"?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Jackie....that is wtf Benghazi was. Then the email server.

Please understand that is what BOTH parties do. Folks just turn a blind eye to their party doing so.

So this is not about overthrowing the results of 2016 it is about winning in 2020.

Besides it is good that Clinton was found to have a private server and it is good that we found out how crooked Trump is in trying to get dirt on a political opponent. Originally Posted by WTF

You left out finding that Hillary's campaign through a front, Confusion GPS, through a law firm, hired a foreign national, Christopher Steele who contacted evil Russians to get information to use against her political opponent, a violation of Federal election law and yet we haven't heard a peep from the FBI or DOJ about this. The facts are not in dispute so why no inquiry? Then we have a DNC contractor Chalupa working with Ukrainian officials for information to use against Trump


And yet Democrats don't seem to have a problem with any of this. I'm glad to see you admit that both parties do this kind of crap and if Hilary and Dems had not done everything they are accusing Trump of, I might very well raise my hand and say yes, Trump committed a federal campaign violation just like I thought Don Jr. did but unless and until the Dems admit their own collusion with Ukraine and Russia, I am not willing to hold Trump accountable for doing exactly what the other party has done. Maybe some day we can all agree that if we are going to hold one party accountable, we must hold the other accountable. I won't hold my breathe.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2019, 03:18 PM
You left out finding that Hillary's campaign through a front, Confusion GPS, through a law firm, hired a foreign national, Christopher Steele who contacted evil Russians to get information to use against her political opponent, a violation of Federal election law and yet we haven't heard a peep from the FBI or DOJ about this. The facts are not in dispute so why no inquiry? . Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Had Clinton been elected the GOP led House would have impeached her.

So quit your belly aching.

This poor pitiful picking on Donald is growing old.
HedonistForever's Avatar

Had Clinton been elected the GOP led House would have impeached her.

You could have just started with that and said so leave Trump alone but you didn't do that, you belly ached

So quit your belly aching.
Originally Posted by WTF

Just as soon as you stop belly aching about Trump.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2019, 03:37 PM
Just as soon as you stop belly aching about Trump. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I said he was going to get impeached. How is that belly aching?

My main job is to make fun of the hypocrisy and correct all the lies.
lustylad's Avatar
Bribery? Who did he bribe and how? Originally Posted by Levianon17
He "bribed" Ukraine into not investigating the Bidens using funds that Congress had already appropriated for them... yeah, that sounds right! Originally Posted by lustylad
He was asking who Trump bribed....Trump was bribing them to investigate the Bidens. Originally Posted by WTF

Read my post again... slowly. Then read it again. And again. And again.

You'll get it eventually.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2019, 05:39 PM
Read my post again... slowly. Then read it again. And again. And again.

You'll get it eventually.

] Originally Posted by lustylad
I got it the first time dicklicker...obviously I didn't agree with your bs.

lustylad's Avatar
attempted Bribery will be plenty for impeachment. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Just like you impeached him for attempting to fire Mueller? Good luck with that!


Maybe we should start impeaching the POTUS anytime he has an "incorrect" thought?

Why not? Wtf is notorious for mind reading. He used to be a hall monitor in grade school. Now he aspires to be the libtard thought police.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2019, 06:58 PM
Just like you impeached him for attempting to fire Mueller? Good luck with that!


] Originally Posted by lustylad
Let's see you lost a bet to me that Trump would be running 3 plus% GDP.

How about I give you a chance to catch back up.

Trump will be impeached no matter what you think now and I'll let you name the bet...30 days?
HedonistForever's Avatar
I said he was going to get impeached. How is that belly aching?

My main job is to make fun of the hypocrisy and correct all the lies. Originally Posted by WTF

Isn't that interesting. While I wouldn't call it my job more like an interest, I too do this to point out hypocrisy ( wouldn't call it fun necessarily ) and correct lies. And yet we both see each other as belly aching.

How about this for hypocrisy.


Flashback: That Time Obama Brutally Fired All Of Bush's Ambassadors

I wonder if Democrats referred to that as an abuse of power? The Dems were trying to make the point today that Yovanovitch may have been fired so Trump could slip in a stooge to hide the corruption he had in mind for Ukraine. Taylor the guy that testified first, the incorruptible boy scout is the acting Ambassador to Ukraine. Maybe the corrupt one will be next.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
a majority of your stupid posts are direct Homosexual references, you have zero to say about politics. you appear to be a 9 year old boy obsessed with male-to-male sex.

sound smart? what is smart about quid pro quo? that term is referenced 100 times a day in the media. a smart person avoids the use of that already tired expression.

the Carter stuff has nothing to do with a Foreign Government, and is thus irrelevant. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Actually, it demonstrates precisely how governments work even domestically and by "good" presidents.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Isn't that interesting. While I wouldn't call it my job more like an interest, I too do this to point out hypocrisy ( wouldn't call it fun necessarily ) and correct lies. And yet we both see each other as belly aching.

How about this for hypocrisy.


Flashback: That Time Obama Brutally Fired All Of Bush's Ambassadors

I wonder if Democrats referred to that as an abuse of power? The Dems were trying to make the point today that Yovanovitch may have been fired so Trump could slip in a stooge to hide the corruption he had in mind for Ukraine. Taylor the guy that testified first, the incorruptible boy scout is the acting Ambassador to Ukraine. Maybe the corrupt one will be next. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

oh my!! Obama the n****r did that? yeah he did.

so Trump fires a disloyal bitch and people are outraged?

who cares. he's the president and he can do that.


maybe now you get why Trump doesn't trust the State Dept.