Why do we Play the way we do? Independent Providers vs Agency Girls vs Dancers that P4P vs Civiliains that P4P vs Sugarbabies

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-11-2010, 11:04 AM
I wonder if there'll be a new group formed to replace ATTA Girls called the GCCG Girls. Or the ATCG Girls. Or the TATA Box Promoters?

Then the hobbyists can form a group called the HisTones. His ... tones ... histones ... get it? As in the histone proteins? The alkaline peptides found in the cell nucleus that form the DNA into nucleosomes?

I am such a damn science geek.

I peed myself laughing so hard coming up with that. I need to go change my man-skirt.
Guest062716's Avatar
Carl, that was an AMINO thing to do.... I couldn't resist either. LOL

Thanks for keeping it light-hearted.



You're speaking my language!!!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-11-2010, 11:31 AM
You poor child. You have my deepest sympathies.

If you can bear the pain, show me on the doll where the C students in high school beat the crap out of you.
No! NO! Not the locker again! Please don't shut me in the locker again!!

Lol. I've always been a science nerd. Guess thats what helped me get into med school, so I can't complain~!
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Whispers - Amen!
Kat - Amen!

Both of you have said things that finally saw the light of day, albeit a topic that I have no ties to since I'm not in the "know" like the rest of you. But I do appreciate and respect your opinions. I'm not quite sure what is going on in this discussion since it's off track now but I gather there's a riff between cliques of providers/hobbyists and prices??? It seems that the original discussion has touch several other topics of interest...
nuglet's Avatar
Aw heck Mr Thicke; Nobody knows what's going on here. We're just all lost in the park.. come join the madding crowds..
missi hart's Avatar
Aw heck Mr Thicke; Nobody knows what's going on here. We're just all lost in the park.. come join the madding crowds.. Originally Posted by nuglet

if thomas hardy was a hobbyist i think he would suggest we stay far from the madding crowd
nuglet's Avatar
I'm impressed, good catch.
Whispers's Avatar
What if a guy started a thread saying he felt "left out" because he wasn't included on the bbfs email list that's going around Austin? What if he called the people that control that list a bunch of pimps or handlers or WK's or lapdogs? Originally Posted by lickalotapus
AllRight all ready LAP...... I called in a favor and got you put on the damn list! Now quit mentioning it out in the open!

What about the list that's going around another major city with a names of RMT's that offer extra's? What about the private group of guys that meet at the strip club and share information with only a chosen, hand picked few people about regarding strippers and waitresses to provide extra's?
Actually that's a pretty open group and we welcome ALMOST anyone...... ANYtime you are in town I will gladly accompany you to a club or two and make some personal introductions.

I could go on and on and on...the point is that these groups have been around for a long time and will continue to be around and will continue to be private and exclusive.

As far traveling ladies having a hard time getting screening and having a high NC/NS ratio in Austin, from what I've heard over the last year or so I believe it is true. However it's been going on much longer than the current social group you are accusing of doing it. Until someone gives me hard evidence to link to the two, it will continue to be two separate situations and the appearance of another agenda.

I agree that the NCNS has been around a lot longer than the ATTAgirls.......

Now.... As to other agendas.......

Sorry... too worn out from a long ass week of work problems for any agendas...... But submit your requests and I'll get around to it!
knotaprayr's Avatar
Just bumped into this thread, and now my 10 minute old fantasy of being kidnapped by a group of AttaGirls, held hostage and brainwashed and manipulated into believing i was enjoying the wild bondage and sex used to influence my behavior and extract a fixed amount of money from me has already been dashed. If i had known the group existed, i would now mourn it's passing. i've got to quit using that "find any post" feature on TaylorMaiden's showcase.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
S**t! I was hoping that my secret was safe for at least a little longer! See what happens when you try to start a secret society by using mind control? Mama said that it would take years to master my super powers and that I shouldn't use them to serve my own greedy desires, but, those with feline intuition were actually hot on my trail for almost a year without my detection! I was going down , I see that now! Bwahahahahahahahahaha.

Just bumped into this thread, and now my 10 minute old fantasy of being kidnapped by a group of AttaGirls, held hostage and brainwashed and manipulated into believing i was enjoying the wild bondage and sex used to influence my behavior and extract a fixed amount of money from me has already been dashed. If i had known the group existed, i would now mourn it's passing. i've got to quit using that "find any post" feature on TaylorMaiden's showcase. Originally Posted by knotaprayr
I thinck this thread might actually have too much cowbell.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
My Jedi instincts fortified by my feline faculties further my fears when feeling fateful follies forthcoming family.

Kreativity is kool when allowed freedom to FLOW...

ibechill's Avatar
please delete.

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