New Poll shows the uneducated favor Trump.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So the Liberal Media says "working class" folks are "uneducated", for the purpose of their Agenda, (which BTW, you are not a part of, except of course to propel them forward, but of course you are sooo smitten with them to understand)

Myself, I would say, "the working class folks are the buttress of this nation interestingly with all the jobs going elsewhere, our support is collapsing very quickly.

On a side note about the Liberal effing Media, why have they not said anything about Milwaukee? Oh thats right they did say something, Wolfie and USA News, with zippo out of the mouth of our so called President (Oh, he got the notice, it was a black police officer who shot and killed an armed man who was getting ready to shoot him, but did he do anything to stop the riots which BTW are coming to the white boys neighborhood) Today said, that an unarmed black man was killed by a police officer. Well that totally proved to be their agenda didn't it? Or have you not heard about that and the baseless riots that are taking place now with National Guard called in?

Sorry if a bit convoluted, as I am typing quickly. Originally Posted by Cherie

Rhetorical question for you to answer in your spare time. When has Obama ever been able to stop riots?

don't get mad blame the guy you support...he loves the poorly educated. LOL

the bottom line is that people with common sense who actually care about winning Presidential elections wouldn't have voted for a guy who's mentally incompetent. You failed to see the big picture and how a Trump nomination on the republican side would actually set you back for decades. No need to act high and mighty now you should have listened to Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush.

Trump was a plant from the beginning.
Must take a long time for the news to make it to Florida, it has been covered daily in the Midwest. The gov said he had seen the still of the man holding a gun before he was shot.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Must take a long time for the news to make it to Florida, it has been covered daily in the Midwest. The gov said he had seen the still of the man holding a gun before he was shot. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

LOL - and as for me I haven't followed the case at all I'm focused on Hillary beating this Orangutan. However, if the guy was a life threat he should have been taken out plain and simple.
MT Pockets's Avatar
The point was made. You're just too damn stupid to understand. Under educated high school drop outs historically vote dim-retard.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The stupid part is anyone that thinks your graph means anything.
The fact that those drop outs have moved to Trump is the whole point. It is the only demographic that has aligned with him. All the smart folks have abandoned him. So the point you do not seem to get is Trump has attracted the dumbest, are you one of them?
LexusLover's Avatar
..are you one of them? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Actually, he's a lot smarter than you are. Are you one of the dumber ones who won't be voting for Trump? Sounds like it dumbass! It's amazing how many dumb fucks want HillaryNoMore as President.

Are you one of them?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
All the smart folks have abandoned him. So the point you do not seem to get is Trump has attracted the dumbest, are you one of them? Originally Posted by MT Pockets

LOL - you have no idea just how much he is.
lustylad's Avatar
The stupid part is anyone that thinks your graph means anything.
The fact that those drop outs have moved to Trump is the whole point. It is the only demographic that has aligned with him. All the smart folks have abandoned him. So the point you do not seem to get is Trump has attracted the dumbest, are you one of them? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
So you're doubling down on stupid, are you? HEY GUYS, WE HAVE A MARK!!!

If you truly believe "those drop outs have moved to Trump" then I'm sure you will be happy to accept my bet, reprinted below! Loser leaves the board for 6 months. Deal?

....would you care to place a bet on who will carry the high-school dropout vote on November 8? My money is on hildebeest! Originally Posted by lustylad
I B Hankering's Avatar
The stupid part is anyone that thinks your graph means anything.
The fact that those drop outs have moved to Trump is the whole point. It is the only demographic that has aligned with him. All the smart folks have abandoned him. So the point you do not seem to get is Trump has attracted the dumbest, are you one of them?
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You'd be wrong, MT Jockstrap, because the biased poll you're citing purposefully excludes those demographic sectors which historically have a higher dropout rate than whites, MT Jockstrap.

Rhetorical question for you to answer in your spare time. When has Obama ever been able to stop riots?

don't get mad blame the guy you support...he loves the poorly educated. LOL

the bottom line is that people with common sense who actually care about winning Presidential elections wouldn't have voted for a guy who's mentally incompetent. You failed to see the big picture and how a Trump nomination on the republican side would actually set you back for decades. No need to act high and mighty now you should have listened to Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush.

Trump was a plant from the beginning.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Records show that the majority of uneducated, high school dropouts vote dim-retard, Sissy Chap, and a majority of those holding a bachelors degree tend to vote Republican more often than not, Sissy Chap. Furthermore, Sissy Chap, DNC officials, Rhodes and Gruber all have remarked how Odumbo and hildebeest like their minions (that would be you, Sissy Chap) stupid and uninformed.
LexusLover's Avatar
So you're doubling down on stupid, are you? Originally Posted by lustylad
He's quadrupling down on stupid .. and dragging sisternbreath with him!
lustylad's Avatar
He's quadrupling down on stupid .. and dragging sisternbreath with him! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wonderful... then they'll BOTH take the bet... we can kill two dodo birds with one stone!
A new poll in key battle states proved exactly what's going on in these forum- the people who overwhelmingly support Trump are uneducated people. In interesting poll of Whites with and without college education, shows that white trailer park trash like I B Hankering, LustyLad, and Lexus Lover favor Trump because they are poorly educated and need someone to hate and blame so they are impressed with Trump's hate rhetoric.

. The Education Gap
With one exception (Florida), Clinton is leading in every battleground among college-educated white voters, while she's losing among whites without a college degree. Why is this significant? As the Atlantic's Ron Brownstein has noted, no Democratic presidential candidate going back to 1952 has won among college-educated whites. (All poll numbers below are among registered voters)


Whites with a college degree: Clinton 55%, Trump 23% (D+32)
Whites without: Trump 43%, Clinton 32% (R+11)

Whites with a college degree: Trump 42%, Clinton 40% (R+2)
Whites without: Trump 50%, Clinton 32% (R+18)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 56%, Trump 25% (D+31)
Whites without: Trump 42%, Clinton 35% (R+7)
North Carolina

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 47%, Trump 40% (D+7)
Whites without: Trump 60%, Clinton 23% (R+37)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 45%, Trump 37% (D+8)
Whites without: Trump 49%, Clinton 31% (R+18)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 53%, Trump 32% (D+21)
Whites without: Trump 50%, Clinton 34% (R+16)

Whites with a college degree: Clinton 43%, Trump 37% (D+6)
Whites without: Trump 48%, Clinton 28% (R+20)
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Must take a long time for the news to make it to Florida, it has been covered daily in the Midwest. The gov said he had seen the still of the man holding a gun before he was shot. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Well then why did Wolfie and USA TODAY and god only know how many other papers/news organizations reported that it was a police officer shot an unarmed black. With no remorse, along with Hillary we also have a psychopathic Media.
Rhetorical question for you to answer in your spare time. When has Obama ever been able to stop riots?

don't get mad blame the guy you support...he loves the poorly educated. LOL

the bottom line is that people with common sense who actually care about winning Presidential elections wouldn't have voted for a guy who's mentally incompetent. You failed to see the big picture and how a Trump nomination on the republican side would actually set you back for decades. No need to act high and mighty now you should have listened to Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush.

Trump was a plant from the beginning.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

LOL, blame Trump???????????? Mentally incompetent?????????? Silly boy, its the Trojan Horse who has looked to divide this country, the divide has never been so grisly as it is now, Dr King would be rolling over in his grave. (please don't give me Rodney King and the '92 riots)

My answer to your rhetorical question would be; first, he is usually the person that uses the rhetoric to insight violence before he even knows what the facts are, e.g. his anti cop rhetoric, in the Trevon Martin case he spouted out, "If I had a son he'd look just like Trevon" does he mean the one pic with his pants down below his azz, and his gold tooth giving someone the finger?, Then in Ferguson he opens his yap because he knows it will create further racial tension along with his cronies Sharpton and Holder, lets not forget DeBlasio. Did your Savior try to stop the rioting in that city when the uneducated, welfare laden, baby making machines (for money in their pockets) decided to riot, no, the police and National Guard were told to "stand down" and let the thugs rule Ferguson (how'd that go)? When Eric Garner died the Liberals (starting with DeBlasio called his police force terrible names, when they were just enforcing the stupid laws the Liberals make) once again TH gets in the middle and undermines our men in blue. Then of course there's Baltimore and he blames Trump, but does he say anything about locking the little thugs up if they decide to start burning things down. No, nothing, nada, so they had a hell of party burning "the house".

My question to you would be why doesn't he get up there and say, rioting is not acceptable you will be arrested and put in jail.


His first shooting off at the mouth was when he called the Boston cops "stupid". How dare he, we can do without but we cannot do without our Police Officers, they are the glue to our society.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
LOL, blame Trump???????????? Mentally incompetent?????????? Silly boy, its the Trojan Horse who has looked to divide this country, the divide has never been so grisly as it is now, Dr King would be rolling over in his grave. (please don't give me Rodney King and the '92 riots)

My answer to your rhetorical question would be; first, he is usually the person that uses the rhetoric to insight violence before he even knows what the facts are, e.g. his anti cop rhetoric, in the Trevon Martin case he spouted out, "If I had a son he'd look just like Trevon" does he mean the one pic with his pants down below his azz, and his gold tooth giving someone the finger?, Then in Ferguson he opens his yap because he knows it will create further racial tension along with his cronies Sharpton and Holder, lets not forget DeBlasio. Did your Savior try to stop the rioting in that city when the uneducated, welfare laden, baby making machines (for money in their pockets) decided to riot, no, the police and National Guard were told to "stand down" and let the thugs rule Ferguson (how'd that go)? When Eric Garner died the Liberals (starting with DeBlasio called his police force terrible names, when they were just enforcing the stupid laws the Liberals make) once again TH gets in the middle and undermines our men in blue. Then of course there's Baltimore and he blames Trump, but does he say anything about locking the little thugs up if they decide to start burning things down. No, nothing, nada, so they had a hell of party burning "the house".

My question to you would be why doesn't he get up there and say, rioting is not acceptable you will be arrested and put in jail.


His first shooting off at the mouth was when he called the Boston cops "stupid". How dare he, we can do without but we cannot do without our Police Officers, they are the glue to our society. Originally Posted by Cherie
First off all of you speak from a position of anger and weakness. You lost the election twice to a black man get over it already. He won fair in square plain and simple. It's a bitter pill to swallow but you'll be ok.

2ndly he's spot on regarding the many cops, especially in the Boston case with Professor Gates. Cops are largely as uneducated as the people they serve in poor communities. When they're no longer allowed to cover the crimes, investigate themselves, and get away with shit then we can have a reasonable conversation.

Lastly as the first African American POTUS he has the obligation to speak out on racial injustices such as the Trayvon Martin case. Michael Brown not so much but the POTUS has that obligation and bully pulpit and he should take the time to use it. It does me little good going into too much detail with you type of people. My only concern is that you lose the election once again this time with Hilary at the top of the ticket.

You folks are so mired in the mud you cannot see the big picture of the importance of Presidential politics and I for one am glad we have people like you out there helping fight a useless fight as the numbers are against you and demographics are improving in our favor every year. As I mentioned in another thread Fox news and other Far right pundits are doing a masterful job on people like you by separating rubes from their money.

Carry on
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think the elections were "fair and square". There were 59 precincts in Pennsylvania alone in 2012 where Romney did not receive a single vote. There were a number of precincts in Ohio where the total votes counted exceeded the number of eligible voters. I think 2012 was stolen. Much like this upcoming election will be stolen.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't think the elections were "fair and square". There were 59 precincts in Pennsylvania alone in 2012 where Romney did not receive a single vote. There were a number of precincts in Ohio where the total votes counted exceeded the number of eligible voters. I think 2012 was stolen. Much like this upcoming election will be stolen. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Plus, it probably chaps Sissy Chap's ass that Odumbo is half white.