Let's welcome Pistolero to the Houston mod team

pyramider's Avatar
Whaddya know ... pistolpete wears Chucks.
dearhunter's Avatar
I do not judge a modtard by the color of his socks........it is good to see pistolpete on the clock.........welcome aboard
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Hope you get a bang out of being a mod! (Just go with the double entendre of your choice, there.)
I am sure the pistol is feeling the luv !!
pyramider's Avatar
Pistolero is loved on this board.
whos pistilario?..what happenned?
It's inspiring wen pistilera enters the NY forum...then Valerie's husband shows up and my heart jus melts!
Dude's been around a long time...nice.

Blue skies amigo!
pyramider's Avatar
Shameless bump.
dearhunter's Avatar
I just want to send out some luv to our other new modtard Pistolpete........I know that in the mad rush of modtards come lately he may be feeling neglected
chicagoboy's Avatar
Pistolero, beware the Ides of March!
internet_inventor2's Avatar
And on the 8th day he created pistolero.
pyramider's Avatar
Pistolero can sure herd cats.
he did some modtarding in upset that was no flash in the pan

not some Tardy come lately
pyramider's Avatar
His modtarding skills are legendary.