Respect a simple yet lost concept

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  • 02-10-2011, 02:50 PM

Yes the internet is just another tool to hurt people. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
So was the invention of fire but its good far outweighed its bad. Unless of course you were the next tribes dinner!

The only problem with the internet is it reaches so many people in a faster amount of time. I really don't think it is as cliche' as saying "kids need to stop taking things personally", because some of the internet bullying in so many cases incites actual crime against individuals that are being targeted. Making statements that children some how need to be "mentally strong" against such attacks (bullying) is making assumptions about children in general. No two children are alike; where one child may have had the support, upbringing, education, and maturity level to deal with bullying, another may not have. Some children are more emotionally sensitive and not capable of verbalizing what is happening to them. In other words not all children having the same coping skills.

. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
You will never get rid of bullying, to think so is silly. All I was suggesting was that the world is indeed a better place because of advancements.
"There are few rules, it's wise to sit back and read for a while before you begin posting. Yes, we engage in that lost practice of using manners. We are polite and we try to seduce, not argue. We expect you to walk that thin line between being polite and not being boring." Originally Posted by Ansley
I want to use this as my signature.

But would you not agree that marriages and the family unit overall were stronger back then? Originally Posted by London Rayne
I think the strength of the FU has been the same. People stayed together for "the kids" or other reasons. It may appear the FU is not as strong because spouses are not staying ina bad or abusive relationship. The career paths are more plentiful (I am not saying being the home parent isn't a path, it is and a darn hard one). The dynamics of the FU are being discussed these days. Now I think it is for the better but others might feel it is not.
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  • WTF
  • 02-10-2011, 02:58 PM
But would you not agree that marriages and the family unit overall were stronger back then? I would. When there was no tv, radio, etc. people were actually forced to face things head on and communicate face to face rather than hiding behind a keyboard. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Yes, that is true, but it is also true that women had fewer options. They were basically forced to stay in unhealthy marriages. We can debate all day if that is good or bad.

Come to think of it,I kinda miss those days!

. You can be anyone you want to be on the internet. No one sees your flaws except when your words and immaturity shine through. They can't see how you look unless you post pictures. We are all scholars and supermodels here lol.
Originally Posted by London Rayne
To me, that is a good thing. The internet is about idea's. Not looks. I wish I was not influenced by looks or credentials and for the most part I try not to be. The internet is great for ugly people with great idea's with no damn school'n!

I actually miss "talking." Long, meaningful conversations where you actually had tears in your eyes because of the spoken words. Even if you knew you were seeing that person at school that day, you still could not bear to get off the phone so you just fell asleep listening to each other breath. I miss that. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Damn girlfriend, somebody was in loveeeeeeeeeee back in the day!

All I am saying is that the paradigm shift has made our civility discussion a moot point with the younger generation. They see nothing wrong with what they are doing. And frankly neither do I. They have just chosen a different path, same as we did from our elders. Originally Posted by WTF
Ahhh...but like everything WTF, everything works best in moderation.
Even you.


C xxx
So was the invention of fire but its good far outweighed its bad. Unless of course you were the next tribes dinner!

You will never get rid of bullying, to think so is silly. All I was suggesting was that the world is indeed a better place because of advancements. Originally Posted by WTF
I agree the internet is a fantastic tool. But that was not what I meant in my earlier comment, it is just another tool for hurting people when it comes to bullying.

I agree also, bullying will always be there, just as racism, but it doesn't mean we give up on trying to stop it. Yes advancements in technology has made our world in a lot of ways better. Like electricity! I am so glad for that because it is friggin cold outside!
I am glad so many people replied to this thread and I saw alot of viewpoints and one thing I would like to point is another aspect of disrespect..posting or replying in a passive aggressive attempt to get a response. what a childish immature method because it will never work.
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  • WTF
  • 02-10-2011, 09:03 PM
I am glad so many people replied to this thread and I saw alot of viewpoints and one thing I would like to point is another aspect of disrespect..posting or replying in a passive aggressive attempt to get a response. what a childish immature method because it will never work. Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Well that is another POV.

Problem as I see it is that we all have different views on just what is disrespectful.
Ahhh...but like everything WTF, everything works best in moderation.
Even you.


C xxx Originally Posted by Camille
I work best with my pants off