Run Ben Run!

Ben Carson has ZERO chance of winning the Republican nomination.

Presidential primaries (and Presidential elections) are ALL about money and organization, with money being the primary factor.

Ben Carson is a political neophyte who doesn't really seem to care about the "nuts and bolts" of politics. He has had three key staff members quit his campaign, which tells me these three realize he has no chance of winning.

Raising money is paramount to a Presidential bid, and money needs to be raised continuously throughout. Carson will never be able to raise the kind of money he needs to compete against financial heavyweights like Bush (and perhaps Rubio).

Carson may not even be involved in the Republican debates.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't know how the intricacies of an internal combustion engine either, but my car started up this morning and I drove it. At some point in your life, you must defer to someone who knows more than you. In the case of my car, it's a mechanic. In the case of science, it's scientists.

As for dimensions, it depends on what you're referring to. A point, a plane, a line, what? If you referring to the univers, String theory says there are 10 plus time, so 11, but we only experience 3. Why? I don't know. People smarter than you or I are looking into it and they're who I'll listen to about it, not some idiot on a hooker board.

Quantum physics is the branch of physics that deals with things on a very small scale. It also deals with chemical bonding, but past that I'm fuzzy.

We don't know what dark matter is, but they know it comprises a large part of the universe and it doesn't interact with light, only gravity. The LHC has already been fired up, just the other day, actually. They basically smash pairs of protons together and that creates energy, but it also converts part of the energy to mass, so they're hoping to find out exactly what dark matter is and what role it played in the formation of the universe.

You can continue to taunt me, but you won't succeed. As I said, you will get tired of typing it long before I will get tired of reading it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The point is you believe in something you don't understand and can't explain. Kind of like those who believe in a God of some sort. Call it what you want, but it's faith, Brother Worm "True Genius" Raper. Hallelujah!
I don't know how the intricacies of an internal combustion engine either, but my car started up this morning and I drove it. At some point in your life, you must defer to someone who knows more than you. In the case of my car, it's a mechanic. In the case of science, it's scientists.

As for dimensions, it depends on what you're referring to. A point, a plane, a line, what? If you referring to the univers, String theory says there are 10 plus time, so 11, but we only experience 3. Why? I don't know. People smarter than you or I are looking into it and they're who I'll listen to about it, not some idiot on a hooker board.

Quantum physics is the branch of physics that deals with things on a very small scale. It also deals with chemical bonding, but past that I'm fuzzy.

We don't know what dark matter is, but they know it comprises a large part of the universe and it doesn't interact with light, only gravity. The LHC has already been fired up, just the other day, actually. They basically smash pairs of protons together and that creates energy, but it also converts part of the energy to mass, so they're hoping to find out exactly what dark matter is and what role it played in the formation of the universe.

You can continue to taunt me, but you won't succeed. As I said, you will get tired of typing it long before I will get tired of reading it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
" ...referring to the univers.." WELL MISTER SPELLING NAZI, LOOKS LIKE YOUR LIBERAL "DICK"tionary wasn't available when you posted this font of idiocy !! Did you learn to spell by reading all the graffiti scrawled on those men's room stalls that you "work" out of ?
dirty dog's Avatar
As far back as Aristotle, scholars thought the world was a sphere. Two people don't make that false. Go read up on it. Here, I even provided a link to a religious website that says exactly what I'm saying. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Hey you posted that link Pedro.........IJS.
The point is you believe in something you don't understand and can't explain. Kind of like those who believe in a God of some sort. Call it what you want, but it's faith, Brother Worm "True Genius" Raper. Hallelujah! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's not faith at all. You're confusing belief and faith. Belief is a part of faith, but there's more to it than that. Someone can explain to me how an internal combustion engine works and I can see it operate. The same can't be said for god. As for science, I don't need to have faith in gravity. It's evident every time I see something drop. The difference with science is that there ARE people who understand it and who CAN explain it. With god, that's not the case at all. It's entirely on faith.