For Those Who Think Trump Didn't Act Quickly Enough During The COVID-19 Pandemic...

as usual yous are amusing. yous ramble on about "illiterate" Trump supporters. by reading yous posts one wonders what the average IQ of Trump Haters is?

BAHHAHAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'll tell what it is based on their ideology it's 666.
So many political thread troll little time. Maybe someday you and the kid will quit adding so much bleach to your mop water
HedonistForever's Avatar
The first four countries below have higher population density and much more person-to-person contact with China than the United States. Hong Kong and Singapore have higher population density than New York City.

South Korea -
Deaths: 246
Population: 51,171,706
5 deaths per million population

Singapore -
Deaths: 14
Population: 5,804,000
2.4 deaths per million

Taiwan -
Deaths: 6
Population: 23,726,460
0.25 deaths per million

Hong Kong -
Deaths: 4
Population: 7,371,000
0.54 deaths per million

New Zealand -
Deaths: 19
Population: 4,743,131
4 deaths per million

United States -
Deaths: 58,955
Population: 327,096,000
180 deaths per million

Nobody's proposing testing 330 million Americans multiple times. You test people with symptoms, then follow up with tracing and testing of contacts.

And what about the people with no symptoms which seem to be more than those with symptoms? How do we trace those people? And what does all this contact tracing get you? You tell the contact to "stay inside"? Isn't that already the order? Isn't everybody suppose to stay away from everybody else? And how many "tracers" do you figure we need to trace a few million people? And of course you would have to test people multiple times until we know for sure that you can't catch the virus a second time and the CDC says there is no evidence of that, so to tell somebody that has "survived" COVID-19 that they are now free for all time to get next to anybody they want would be to ignore the science or lack there of that can not confirm that because you test positive, survive, that you are no longer a threat. I would think we would want to test those who have tested positive multiple times to find out if any of this is true.

And nobody's separating families, except maybe China and Vietnam.

OH but there are people advising just that but of course in a "safe and dignified manner".

Masks, testing, and tracing are how the first four countries above did so well compared to us.

Maybe that had something to do with the "experts" like our Surgeon General telling people not to wear masks when many of the people in those other countries have been wearing masks for years.

If we don't implement this, it's going to cost a lot more money and lives. If we don't, you're going to see NYC recreated in other places and we'll be looking at massive lockdowns all over again.

So what numbers do we need from these tests to prove we can go back to work and can we stay locked down for the rest of the year if "necessary"?

Originally Posted by Tiny

I wonder if the general health in those countries had anything to do with the low numbers since we know that more underlying health issues equals more deaths and maybe those people just weren't obese and riddled with diabetes like Americans are. And I wonder if they did a better job of separating actual COVID deaths from flu, you know, that other virus that kills thousands of Americans. I'm hearing a lot of talk about revising down the number of deaths due to actual COVID. Maybe the MSM in those countries didn't feel the need to hype deaths due to COVID in hopes of making the President look bad. Just a thought. And maybe those countries didn't demand that COVID patients be put back into nursing homes full of old, sick people. Just a thought.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So many political thread troll little time. Maybe someday you and the kid will quit adding so much bleach to your mop water Originally Posted by Tsmokies

bleach is a great disinfectant. Trump said so. and he's right.

Cleaning and Sanitizing with Bleach after an Emergency
  • Tiny
  • 04-28-2020, 09:44 PM
I wonder if the general health in those countries had anything to do with the low numbers since we know that more underlying health issues equals more deaths and maybe those people just weren't obese and riddled with diabetes like Americans are. And I wonder if they did a better job of separating actual COVID deaths from flu, you know, that other virus that kills thousands of Americans. I'm hearing a lot of talk about revising down the number of deaths due to actual COVID. Maybe the MSM in those countries didn't feel the need to hype deaths due to COVID in hopes of making the President look bad. Just a thought. And maybe those countries didn't demand that COVID patients be put back into nursing homes full of old, sick people. Just a thought. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Read up on it. The Asian countries on the list did a good job of testing and tracing. You might not stand for some of the high tech measures they use to track people to combat the virus, although I would.

The head of the CDC explains this:

You have a good point about people in the USA suffering from more pre-existing conditions. I don't think you're right about America overcounting Covid deaths. We've undercounted them. A lot of people have died from Covid 19 and were assumed to have died from other causes.

So what numbers do we need from these tests to prove we can go back to work and can we stay locked down for the rest of the year if "necessary"? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The testing and tracing is what enables you to avoid the lockdown. The non-Asian country on the list, New Zealand, has done well because it put an extreme lockdown into place. That's not the way to go. America needs to get back to work. And stay at work. And if this gets out of control again we'll be going home again.
So many political thread troll little time. Maybe someday you and the kid will quit adding so much bleach to your mop water Originally Posted by Tsmokies
It would be nice if you didn't drink that brain eradicator. Your posts might make more sense.
  • oeb11
  • 04-29-2020, 08:27 AM
You are over-qualified. Don't short yourself.
You sound like a 24 carat Chumpster !!

Let's see ; Name calling
Inflated ego
Inflated sense of self-importance

That's Chump alright !! You got him pegged !!

Was it Chump that said "Is it Chicken or is it Tuna ?"
No,that was Jessica Simpson.
Chump said "swallow a lightbulb,inhale bleach vapors,and inject disinfectant."
On live TV !! Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Repeating the "Chump" word in multiple ways, and perseveration of posts - does not constitute rational and/or reasonable debate - for those elitists whose inflated ego is the reciprocal of their intelligence - and who wish to sit on their throne of self-righteousness and pontificate in words of a 3rd grade level.

Poor little keyboard warriors - I really wonder if this is not another YR persona - same type of worthless ranting.

Get some professional Help for the Hatred - it is self-destructive!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
more morons from Austin Originally Posted by Hotrod511

More like an infestation. Needs Fast Pest Control.

I'd imagine 3,148 FPS should git 'er dun.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Maybe someday you and the kid will quit adding so much bleach to your mop water Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Dunno, seems like more bleach is needed to clean up a stain like you.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What I said is that people with Education and Credentials giving them a Credible opinion (this does not include you)... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Pfffffttttzzz - Let's face it, you are exactly the type of sheep that tyrants value highly. Not having the slightest hint of critical thinking is the trait they look for and you are their ideal candidate for enslavement. Here is why:

Critical thinking is the ability to think in an organized and rational manner in order to understand connections between ideas and/or facts. It helps you decide what to believe in. In other words, it’s “thinking about thinking”—identifying, analyzing, and then fixing flaws in the way we think. <--- You are not here

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.” –H.L. Mencken
<--- Likewise, You are not here

“Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.” –George Carlin <--- You are here

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
H. L. Mencken
<--- You are absolutely here

The big irony here is that it is simply a choice you made. Well... technically you didn't learn the skill or weren't taught it. Which seems odd, in that it used to be taught many years ago. Today? Not at all. I see an opportunity for a Renaissance...
sportfisherman's Avatar
Chump and his Chumpsters don't like or expect to be stood up to or pushed back on.

They are a bunch of Whinin' Cryin' pussies.

They feign indignation. How dare he ? I can't believe ?

They are the self-righteous ones.

I thought you guys liked and admired name-calling.And overbearing,rude,belittling,an d demeaning behavior.

Just watch Chump's press conferences or read his tweets.Look how he treats the press.

You don't like it when it is practiced on Chump or on you ?

And by the way it does not take much in the way of Critical Thinking for me to spot a Con Artist or an Imbecile.I could do that in elementary school.

Nor to recognize that Chump is now ahead of Jessica Simpson for having said the Dumbest Shit Ever on national TV.
At least she was doing it on a semi-scripted show and somewhat playing a character.
Unfortunately for us Chump is Playing at being President !!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Chump and his Chumpsters don't like or expect to be stood up to or pushed back on.
Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Now that's funny considering how the Left, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter are all banning anybody that is standing up to and pushing back on Leftwing orthodoxy. You can't ask out loud/ question if the lock down was worth the economy disaster it caused. Why not? Because it just might start Americans asking their Representatives why they did this and Lord knows, they don't want that question asked.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Now that's funny considering how the Left, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter are all banning anybody that is standing up to and pushing back on Leftwing orthodoxy. ... Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Agree on all that and a bag of nuts. But your profile says Miami. So my question is on that. What is the vibe down there on the local channels? I know Da Guvnar is opening back up, generally speaking. But I thought Miami was a hot spot. Are they calling for Daddy Gubmint to vanquish all the daemons in exchange for the illusion of safety locally? i.e. Sheeps or Patriots?
Chump and his Chumpsters don't like or expect to be stood up to or pushed back on.

They are a bunch of Whinin' Cryin' pussies.

They feign indignation. How dare he ? I can't believe ?

They are the self-righteous ones.

I thought you guys liked and admired name-calling.And overbearing,rude,belittling,an d demeaning behavior.

Just watch Chump's press conferences or read his tweets.Look how he treats the press.

You don't like it when it is practiced on Chump or on you ?

And by the way it does not take much in the way of Critical Thinking for me to spot a Con Artist or an Imbecile.I could do that in elementary school.

Nor to recognize that Chump is now ahead of Jessica Simpson for having said the Dumbest Shit Ever on national TV.
At least she was doing it on a semi-scripted show and somewhat playing a character.
Unfortunately for us Chump is Playing at being President !! Originally Posted by sportfisherman
No, Biden beats Trump and every human being above ground in that category and you'll vote for him dumb on, lol.
  • Tiny
  • 04-29-2020, 09:05 PM
I wonder if the general health in those countries had anything to do with the low numbers since we know that more underlying health issues equals more deaths and maybe those people just weren't obese and riddled with diabetes like Americans are. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Coming back to this, I was speaking this evening with an old flame in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is the most densely populated city in the developed world. It had lots of flights to Wuhan and other Chinese cities, and lots of Chinamen pouring over its borders by train and car. The population is 7.5 million and they've only had 4 deaths! She said not even the restaurants had shut down, only the bars. I asked her the secret of their success, and she said we don't have a bunch of obese people like the USA. I think masks, testing and tracing there are just as important, but she impressed on me you've got a point.