Claire She Blows and PlainVanillaATX

Whispers's Avatar
My money is on the same person who outed him to his girlfriend on this very forum: Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

"His Girlfiend"? :ro flmao:

A whore calls a regular John her boyfriend and think's she is his girlfriend.....

The whore continues to fuck and suck other men for money while the John continues to see other whores.......

The whore is clueless and needs to blame others for her misfortune?

Come on Claire..... You have to be smarter that that and just let emotions overcome you thinking you found your way out of here......

A married man is not going to leave his wife and children for a whore..............

When it is all over you may succeed in costing him the wife and kids.... Then he will be back to whores as a single man and maybe then a whore will have a chance.....

It won't be you though...... It will be someone younger and hotter and less jaded that hasn't been here long..... That's the kind of whore that will have a chance at winning the ring....
Whispers's Avatar
"Who were the people that were stalking Claire's PERSONAL Facebook to begin with and why? Why go and run & tell whispers?"

Telephone,telegraph and tele-Whispers...
Anyone,whether hobbyist or provider that shares info/gossip with Whispers best beware.
This thread is ALL the evidence you need. Originally Posted by Observing
Yes Ma'am..... If you are afraid to post something and believe it is something the community should here send it this way.....

If it is true and can be verified and is hobby related I'll get it out there.....
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Look,ignorant whimpy is still using the word whore in such an bumbling fashion. Again the proper way to use the word whore is-Whimpy is an attention seeking man-whore. The man-whore has so many threads posted as a way to seek that attention. What a wanton whore he is.
nuglet's Avatar
Yes Ma'am..... If you are afraid to post something and believe it is something the community should here send it this way.....

If it is true and can be verified and is hobby related I'll get it out there..... Originally Posted by Whispers
We all know it doesn't have to be true whisper, you'll spread fertilizer like a farmer. Just your style.. nosy and noisy.
HunterGrace's Avatar
I'm sorry lady but when one of you whores feels it is OK to contact a clients wife and to publicly post pictures of the two of you together and put his life on blast it's information that other's here might appreciate having prior to booking an appointment. Originally Posted by Whispers
I couldn't agree more. Outing is dangerous and unacceptable. I know first hand the effects of being outed.

Ironically, I also know first hand the effects of being falsely accused of outing someone. Fortunately, the girl who accuses me of this has ruined her own reputation and is a well known dangerous, indiscreet, unstable, provider here, and she can't escape that rep, no matter how many times she changes her handles or retires. In retrospect, I digress. Perhaps I still don't know the effects of being falsely accused as she never successfully smeared my name.

At any rate, outing, as has been described in this thread by Whispers, is wrong and hell yes, the community deserves to know before booking with such an indiscreet and hot headed provider. She seems to have little control over her emotions and she forgets her place. In the hobby, if your boyfriend pays you tribute for time and has a wife at the house he gets his mail, you are his provider, not a girlfriend. The tribute is supposed to remind you of that and keep you in your place.

Don't forget, it's an ILLUSION OF PASSION and the ILLUSION is supposed to be for his benefit, not for a providers personal life. Claire, you forgot your place and started believing the illusion was real. IT's not, know your place. Stay in it. And if you contact a wife, you have outed the client. And that is not okay. Not in any way you spin it.

Bad provider Bad. Just Bad Form. Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad. What were you fucking thinking. What the fuck? Really

Claire, you blew it all right.

Whispers, you nailed it.

Now, am I still Observing? Because if I am, I suddenly have a split personality, don't I? (Hint: No, I am not Observing. Nor do I have any other handles. I don't even post under this one very often, why would I need another? Get a new obsession, you know who you are, I'm not the one, I promise you, I'm not the one)
I couldn't agree more. Outing is dangerous and unacceptable. I know first hand the effects of being outed.

Ironically, I also know first hand the effects of being falsely accused of outing someone. Fortunately, the girl who accuses me of this has ruined her own reputation and is a well known dangerous, indiscreet, unstable, provider here, and she can't escape that rep, no matter how many times she changes her handles or retires. In retrospect, I digress. Perhaps I still don't know the effects of being falsely accused as she never successfully smeared my name.

At any rate, outing, as has been described in this thread by Whispers, is wrong and hell yes, the community deserves to know before booking with such an indiscreet and hot headed provider. She seems to have little control over her emotions and she forgets her place. In the hobby, if your boyfriend pays you tribute for time and has a wife at the house he gets his mail, you are his provider, not a girlfriend. The tribute is supposed to remind you of that and keep you in your place.

Don't forget, it's an ILLUSION OF PASSION and the ILLUSION is supposed to be for his benefit, not for a providers personal life. Claire, you forgot your place and started believing the illusion was real. IT's not, know your place. Stay in it. And if you contact a wife, you have outed the client. And that is not okay. Not in any way you spin it.

Bad provider Bad. Just Bad Form. Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad. What were you fucking thinking. What the fuck? Really

Claire, you blew it all right.

Whispers, you nailed it.

Now, am I still Observing? Because if I am, I suddenly have a split personality, don't I? (Hint: No, I am not Observing. Nor do I have any other handles. I don't even post under this one very often, why would I need another? Get a new obsession, you know who you are, I'm not the one, I promise you, I'm not the one) Originally Posted by HunterGrace
Insightful post,thanks.

I can admit and apologize when I'm wrong, Observing. I truly am sorry.
I can admit and apologize when I'm wrong, Observing. I truly am sorry. Originally Posted by The Infamous One
actionjackson647's Avatar
having met both whispers and claire,ill take claire anyday of the week
gfejunkie's Avatar
Whizzburs took his cue from the mainstream media...

If you tell a lie long enough and often enough it eventually becomes accepted as truth.
Whizzburs took his cue from the mainstream media...

If you tell a lie long enough and often enough it eventually becomes accepted as truth. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
adjective. describing something exhibiting or employing fraudulent spin. Deft use of misleading information, double speak, or double logic for the purposes of manipulating policy and the general public.
See also:
Whispers's Avatar
Whizzburs took his cue from the mainstream media...

If you tell a lie long enough and often enough it eventually becomes accepted as truth. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
yeah? Is that why Claire already admitted it?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
If you you tell a lie long enough and believe and it enough ,then the lie becomes truth to you.

Telling a lie to someone is only as easily told,when the person being told wants to believe in the lie in the first place.
Still Looking's Avatar
If you you tell a lie long enough and believe and it enough ,then the lie becomes truth to you.

Telling a lie to someone is only as easy-er told, when the person being told, wants to believe in the lie in the first place. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

What happened to honest being the best policy?