Carla Sweets- No

Bigdog, your posts are that of an imbecile. They lack in anything factual and have nothing to do at all with the subject of the thread.

You fucked up and outed your prior handle. I have not pushed to have you banned yet again. I can see that was a mistake. Better make that back up handle now if you don't have it already.
I really hope Carla is giving that baby up for adoption.
Dang, that was painful to read.

Back and forths are cool and all, but can't y'all mix in a little fun? I mean, 107 posts and very little if any bannable content in this mf'er. Just lots of sad shit.

Y'all are gonna have to do better than this if you expect me to frequent this place more often. So, in the future, just ask yourselves THIS question before starting one of these things: Will this be entertaining for EN? If not, then stick it back in the oven and let it bake a little longer. The recriminations and emotions will fester during the interim, making for much more explosive and entertaining content. It's worth the wait, so be patient.

And with that, I'm off to catch up on my WP reading. Now there's a girl who knows how to entertain and apparently....
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I really hope Carla is giving that baby up for adoption. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
Well that was a pretty shitty thing to say
Well that was a pretty shitty thing to say Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Based on her responses to this thread and other postings it doesn't seem like she's quite ready to raise a child. You may be right, might have been one of those things that would have better left unsaid.
This to the OP...If she offered you your money back and you declined, shut the fuck up with your whining because she would rather pay you back than fuck you. Get over it and stop acting like a bitch. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck YEAH!
Invisible1's Avatar
OldButStillGoing: Wow! You paid her. Then spend 3+ hours with her. How you and the provider choose to spend time is up to you both. Then after spending 3 hours with you, she offers to give you your money back, but instead you want more time with her? Sheeezz, you are a penny pinching whiner. I think you should post a review and fill in the blanks... What did you pay? What where the activities? How long was the session? Was she on time? Do you recommend her/would you see her again? You know the drill.

Now move along please......NEXT?
Did you read what I said? I guess not as you expressed no comprehension of what happened what so ever. Cone back when you learn how to read and understand.
Invisible1's Avatar
OldButStillGoing: Yes, I read everything you wrote. And everything everybody else wrote. I hate to bust your balls (actually I think I am enjoying bustin' your balls), but you gifted her, you spent time with her, she offered your gift back, and then you declined the offer. Woops!....You shoulda' spent an hour or two in the car fetching that buck sixty you gave her back. I bet you really are a very nice, sweet, gullible guy in civilian life.

OK, looking at your silly situation another way: Hey, in the best of situations you are always only paying for the provider's time. We all know that. So if you are paying for her time, then whatever happens during that time you spend with her is up to you and her. You are both adults? Right? By the way, what the F is a session? Erase "session" from your vocabulary. The only rule that I completely understand about this freaky hobby world is that whatever happens between two consenting adults when they are together is OK, legal and kosher as long as both adults are consenting. She can say no or you can say no....or whatever happens (or doesn't happen)....just happens. Savy? Its like stocks, performance in the past, does not mean the performance in the future will be the same. There is a very human element in the hobby that should not be taken for granted.

Looking again at the helping her out because you are a good guy and btw, I want to have a session theme from some of your posts: Seems you went to help a damsel in distress (or was it "damsel in a mini-dress?") You are a handsome, dashing gentleman helping out a woman in need. Giving money to her and buying some items she desperately needs. Driving her around being Mr. Chivalry. (I bet your car is painted good-guy-white) Ok, coming back to earth now.....Seems to me, this little fantasy about you being a good deed doer in the hobby got you fucked. Perhaps you weren't fucked the way you planned, but you were fucked. She got her O...echem, I mean, she got what she wanted. Now Mr. OldGoodDeedDoerAndStillGoing wants something in return for his good deeds? Sorry but that is not how a good southern gentleman gives charity to a lady in need.

Regardless, thank you for the info about your big fantasy good deed doer miss-adventure. LOL Similar events have happened to many of us in the hobby. Time to suck it up, get over it, move on and perhaps find a new ATF to spend some time with. Meanwhile you can still write a review about your time with Miss Carla Sweets.

I think many of us "adults" here have plenty info from both sides to decide what we think. You really don't need to respond to every post that does not agree with you. Its kinda like religion or politics, you are not going to change anyone's mind and convert them to your way of thinking by making additional arguments after they indicate that they believe differently.

Oh, I almost forgot, you really cracked me up with your "Its the principle" of the thing comments. I think your good christian mind should consider the "business" you are swinging your pud around in. Please get over yourself and your self righteous principles. Please go take a good long gander in the mirror and blame what happened to you on the guy you see there. I wish you luck with this, it may be the first time you have ever accepted what happened to you in your long life as possibly being at least partially (or in this situation mostly) your own fault. God Bless you brother....Amen.

All in all, I actually just think you are still "sore" from rubbin' your sweet gerkin to much after not getting to pickle Carla Sweets. If I am right about this, my spider senses are telling me that you should grab some gift money and quickly make a date with another beautiful and very capable lady. And remember, do your research before you ask another girl out. And, for the date you desperately need, ECCIE is a great place to do the research.

Now pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and realize that you may be Old But your are Still Going!

Good luck to you.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
OldButStillGoing: Yes, I read everything you wrote. And everything everybody else wrote. I hate to bust your balls (actually I think I am enjoying bustin' your balls), but you gifted her, you spent time with her, she offered your gift back, and then you declined the offer. Woops!....You shoulda' spent an hour or two in the car fetching that buck sixty you gave her back. I bet you really are a very nice, sweet, gullible guy in civilian life.

OK, looking at your silly situation another way: Hey, in the best of situations you are always only paying for the provider's time. We all know that. So if you are paying for her time, then whatever happens during that time you spend with her is up to you and her. You are both adults? Right? By the way, what the F is a session? Erase "session" from your vocabulary. The only rule that I completely understand about this freaky hobby world is that whatever happens between two consenting adults when they are together is OK, legal and kosher as long as both adults are consenting. She can say no or you can say no....or whatever happens (or doesn't happen)....just happens. Savy? Its like stocks, performance in the past, does not mean the performance in the future will be the same. There is a very human element in the hobby that should not be taken for granted.

Looking again at the helping her out because you are a good guy and btw, I want to have a session theme from some of your posts: Seems you went to help a damsel in distress (or was it "damsel in a mini-dress?") You are a handsome, dashing gentleman helping out a woman in need. Giving money to her and buying some items she desperately needs. Driving her around being Mr. Chivalry. (I bet your car is painted good-guy-white) Ok, coming back to earth now.....Seems to me, this little fantasy about you being a good deed doer in the hobby got you fucked. Perhaps you weren't fucked the way you planned, but you were fucked. She got her O...echem, I mean, she got what she wanted. Now Mr. OldGoodDeedDoerAndStillGoing wants something in return for his good deeds? Sorry but that is not how a good southern gentleman gives charity to a lady in need.

Regardless, thank you for the info about your big fantasy good deed doer miss-adventure. LOL Similar events have happened to many of us in the hobby. Time to suck it up, get over it, move on and perhaps find a new ATF to spend some time with. Meanwhile you can still write a review about your time with Miss Carla Sweets.

I think many of us "adults" here have plenty info from both sides to decide what we think. You really don't need to respond to every post that does not agree with you. Its kinda like religion or politics, you are not going to change anyone's mind and convert them to your way of thinking by making additional arguments after they indicate that they believe differently.

Oh, I almost forgot, you really cracked me up with your "Its the principle" of the thing comments. I think your good christian mind should consider the "business" you are swinging your pud around in. Please get over yourself and your self righteous principles. Please go take a good long gander in the mirror and blame what happened to you on the guy you see there. I wish you luck with this, it may be the first time you have ever accepted what happened to you in your long life as possibly being at least partially (or in this situation mostly) your own fault. God Bless you brother....Amen.

All in all, I actually just think you are still "sore" from rubbin' your sweet gerkin to much after not getting to pickle Carla Sweets. If I am right about this, my spider senses are telling me that you should grab some gift money and quickly make a date with another beautiful and very capable lady. And remember, do your research before you ask another girl out. And, for the date you desperately need, ECCIE is a great place to do the research.

Now pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and realize that you may be Old But your are Still Going!

Good luck to you. Originally Posted by Invisible1
Wow. This is just way too long. Can you summarize it in 10 words or less?

I envy your availability of free time.
Invisible1's Avatar
Summary in 10 words:

OldButStillGoing would be better off taking credit for fucking up.
Your a moron. We did not spend 3 hours together. We never had a session. If you actually comprenended what was said you would know that. She got paid but never delivered. She agreed to make things up but never did. What is so hard to understand? Others figured it out, why can't you?
Invisible1's Avatar
Yes, I comprehend. You think you are the good guy driving the white car. I think you could have avoided the situation and cannot be honest with yourself about fucking up. I think you are an emotional softie who posted here to get sympathy from others to ease your wounded self esteem after being "wronged" by a provider that you thought might actually like you a little bit. I think you're belief that giving $160 and doing good deeds for Ms. Sweets should have definitely gotten you laid otherwise she should have given your $160 back in this hobby world is such a naive crock of shit belief for someone who says they hobby as much as you do and post as much as you do on here.

You will not get anything resolved here, so stop trying......To sad.
You have gotten some sympathy, but not from everyone.

Look OldGuy, thanks for the info. Your initial post was plenty. You informed us of a situation related to a provider here on ECCIE. That is exactly what ECCIE is for, but please realize your news is not new or original wrt Ms. Sweets. Hello? McFly??? This is post #118 about your lame incident that could have easily been avoided by you.

You my friend are the moron. Look in the mirror. You will see him too.

I am done.
So why you post? You have misstated so much its clear you don't care about facts. Or is your only goal to bash me? Are you such a poor reader you cannot understand i never asked for my money back? When she offered I was so impressed i offered to let her make up the session instead. She would get the money, i would get a session. Win win for both of us. In hindsight maybe i should have taken her offer but now I doubt I would ever have seen a dime.

If you think a thread has gone on too long, why keep it going by posting?

Oh, by the way, I don't need anyone's sympathy. Just passing on info on a providers activities.

If guys like you did not post stupid shit these threads would end so much sooner