
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
All providers have an NBA policy. No Broke Asses. Economic discrimination. Poor SC will never get closer to tang than his response to follow in this thread. Originally Posted by Mythos
when your broke ass man get tired of punching in a time card ere morning come holla at me...I will turn that bitch into a superstar.
Dorian.Gray's Avatar
when your broke ass man get tired of punching in a time card ere morning come holla at me...I will turn that bitch into a superstar. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I'm only one ho away from being TryWeakly's bottom bitch, but if you wanna buy me off of him I'm all ears... Or is that open orifices?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Not that you are but only pussies and assholes lodge the spelling indictment. ;-) And stop lying dude you come straight out of a Fox News comic book. Your President is a laughing stock of not only Americas enemies but our Allies as well. So much so till his own Secretary of State literally called him (using his exact words "A Fucking Moron". lol

You said you dislike Obama...you are entitled to your opinion no question but its my view that as a black person you are ungrateful and just dont get the big picture. Do you know and understand the bigger picture? No? Well let me explain...White society has setup the rules of success for black people which are in summary for the most part: 1.) Stay out of trouble with the Law, be peaceful, meek and mild 2.) Be a good clean cut citizen 3.) Help others 4.) Be likeable dont be too black 5.) conform to norms of Christianity 6.) work twice as hard to get half as much 7.) Avoid a bunch of bastard kids 8.) Get an education..no scratch that get an Ivy League education. be competent, be one of the smartest in your class and graduate with honors 9.) Be successful such as a doctor or lawyer (Obama's a lawyer) 10.) Marry in your race and stay faithful to your wife... These are just a few of the rules they setup for us to be acceptable to society.

Well Obama not only met these he exceeded expectations and became a Senator and eventually the President. Once he accomplished all that they then pulled the rug from underneath his feet and decided none of the rules he complied with was good enough. They had nothing left so the racial denigration began...he wasnt born here, he's a muslim, etc etc.

The reason all this is important is becasue in the greater context the powers that be want the world to continue to think and beleive that the black man is not credible and cannot at any point legitamately lead white men. It is designed to send a signal to young black people around the world that your contribution is meaningless and to whites that black intellect is inferior and should always be questioned even in the face of overwhelming evidence that goes to the contrary. Its meant to continue to inspire a no vote of confidence. So to me in the grand context of the past (history), present, and future it was extremely important that Obama and Michelle succeeded. The fact you cant see this is dissapointing.

Dont mix apples and oranges. Flint Michigan is a local issue not a global one. It's ok to believe in conspiracies all thats fine as long as you dont go over board...Sure there are protocols a President has to follow but dismissing his sincere contribution to help the less fortunate and not understanding the meaning of his presence and efforts as POTUS is a legit missed opportunity. Trying to lump Obama in with the hoards of White presidents before him is simply unacceptable. As a black person you've mildly irritated me this morning. ;-)

and to Katie...if you think Obama is the greatest ever then clearly I'm gonna have to reassess my view of you. I take it all back Fact is rihht now Obama is top 3...once Trump gets done fucking up so badly by trying to dismantle O's legacy then Obama will be arguably top 2. It will be debated in the intelligentsia community for centuries to come. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
How many times have you been banned?

The tears in my eyes aren't from crying for you, but laughing at your race baiting lunacy. So, you have an antifa mindset and aren't afraid to kill. You're so full of crap I could smell you from Dallas. You talk about whites being racist, yet here you are in your full blown racist regalia. You hate so much, perhaps whitey has done you wrong....boo hoo, get the fuck over yourself. I gave you an out in a prior post, but you were too stupid to take it.

I'll gladly post this picture that I know will really piss you off. I'm dying to see your answer....but I won't give a shit what you have to say. I just love having a toy like you to play with, as nobody takes you seriously.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
How many times have you been banned?

The tears in my eyes aren't from crying for you, but laughing at your race baiting lunacy. So, you have an antifa mindset and aren't afraid to kill. You're so full of crap I could smell you from Dallas. You talk about whites being racist, yet here you are in your full blown racist regalia. You hate so much, perhaps whitey has done you wrong....boo hoo, get the fuck over yourself. I gave you an out in a prior post, but you were too stupid to take it.

I'll gladly post this picture that I know will really piss you off. I'm dying to see your answer....but I won't give a shit what you have to say. I just love having a toy like you to play with, as nobody takes you seriously.

Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

You're delusional old man..and what is more I'm not a fan of Jesse Jackson..not in the least...but what you should be asking yourself is why your President was cohorting with gangsta rappers such as Snoop Dogg and others trying to build up his street cred...Should I post those for you?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I think most of black America don't like, Jesse.. You also can group him with Al Sharpton, we have valid reason, but everything doesn't need to be discussed..

Friendships do end, the last time I heard him speaking against "45" was the incident in Charlotte..

I was on tour, while sitting in the lobby, saw on tv how all Hell broke loose.

Reverend Jesse Jackson speaks https://youtu.be/KQ_PKsIPoKIttps://youtu.be/KQ_PKsIPoKI
^^^ stfu. Sure wish you were banned.

Gets old seeing someone droping the race card over and over on a hooker board.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
^^^ stfu. Sure wish you were banned.

Gets old seeing someone droping the race card over and over on a hooker board. Originally Posted by Kickrocks

Droping?, I'll go with dropping..

Glad you could join us around these parts. What's the main handle?

I always find you funny, really..
Droping?, I'll go with dropping..

Glad you could join us around these parts. What's the main handle?

I always find you funny, really.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

My bad hooker. Autocorrect on my phone needs to be corrected. This is my only handle. Try again.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Oh, it was intentional. I will give him the same respect that he gives a couple of my family members who reside at the Houston National Cemetery. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Well, at least you spelled his name right.

"If I'm mandated to stand for the national anthem, then the POTUS has to kneel to me at my command."
Champagne Brown's Avatar
My bad hooker. Autocorrect on my phone needs to be corrected. This is my only handle. Try again. Originally Posted by Kickrocks


I want to crack a joke, but everyone's too serious at the moment... I'll save it for a better time..

Duly noted..