Bashing Leslie Lane

For all the hype I was expecting the review to be a home run, not a single.
rrrabbit's Avatar
For all the hype I was expecting the review to be a home run, not a single. Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
I'm very much stumped.

I, personally, thought that MS's review was pretty mush a solid "hell yes".

Therefore, my confusion.

What were some of us expecting instead ? Her puzzy is detachable, and she'll loan it to you for the week for free ?

Let's see how much spin we can create from my comments ... it's getting boring in here again ... and we don't want that, do we ladies and gents ?

nuglet's Avatar
read the review again and you'll see it wasn't a "hell yes", I read it as "ok", nothing special.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I was actually hoping for face pictures to show up at some point. The body shots look great.

As for hype vs. expectations..

or even hopes?

I'd like to see a girl who can do a back bend so I can be inside of her while she does BLS on me at the same time. I may have to wait for a Chinese contortionist.

A woman who can DT and TUMA at the same time would be hot. I've only had this done as part of a threesome, and it was good times. In fact, I may marry the woman who can do this.

Just kidding. I don't expect things like this at $700... It would be at least $750.
For all the hype I was expecting the review to be a home run, not a single. Originally Posted by Pflugerbill
It seemed to me that MS enjoyed himself. The review might not have been a home run but it sounded to me as though it was at a minimum a double and quite possibly a triple.

We can spend the next 100 posts speculating but MS is the only person who can truly respond to the question.
nuglet's Avatar
at 500 she better knock it OUT OF THE PARK EVERYTIME. There shouldn't be an area open to improvement. "Enjoying" happens at 200 too.
at 500 she better knock it OUT OF THE PARK EVERYTIME. There shouldn't be an area open to improvement. "Enjoying" happens at 200 too. Originally Posted by nuglet
Perhaps in your book but you can only write a book for yourself.

I do recall MS saying he will return. In my book that speaks volumes!
nuglet's Avatar
okee dokee, that's YOUR book, write it however you like. I'm not arguing the subject. 500 is obviously more than twice what our girls charge around here, some offering excellent service. I'm debating that it was an ok performance for a grand prix ticket price. do you disagree?
I haven't seen anything nearly as complimentary as some other reviews. I haven't looked but I'm willing to bet I can find reviews by MS, of others, that are more "enticing". One of the guys said a return was a maybe.
Does that sound like a "well invested" $x5? Not in the book I'm writing, but as you said, your book may be different. I damn sure wouldn't blow that amount on that experience, and even at 1/2, I'd probably pass. There are ladies that have a much better rep, a better menu, and a more polished performance.. I could be wrong, I'm just going by the reviews, or "other peoples books".
Enjoy, let us know how it goes for you. You may want to ask about the new lower rate too while you're at it. MS wasn't the only credible writer on this gig.
read the review again and you'll see it wasn't a "hell yes", I read it as "ok", nothing special. Originally Posted by nuglet
It seemed to me that MS enjoyed himself. The review might not have been a home run but it sounded to me as though it was at a minimum a double and quite possibly a triple.

We can spend the next 100 posts speculating but MS is the only person who can truly respond to the question. Originally Posted by bigtex
Perhaps in your book but you can only write a book for yourself.

I do recall MS saying he will return. In my book that speaks volumes! Originally Posted by bigtex
Return - Is a Yes !!
Hi, my name's "007"...Leslie "007" Lane, not to be confused with Leslie Lane. She's gone fishing.

I'm here to assure you that security was Leslie Lane's top priority and still is. That's why Lil Bubba was denied and didn't pass Leslie Lane's screening. Ooops...was that supposed to be you and L.L.'s little secret???

Who's your granny???

"edm_fw".....It sounds like 2007 was a good year. PM me...let's see if we can make 2010 even better. At my introductory rate of course....I guess it doesn't suck being you after all!!!

**Offer exclusive only to edm_fw...WHY, you ask?? Because I can, I will, and I just did. And because I can make and break my own rules. There's meaning behind this....THINK. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane

Leslie a true gem, you Austin guys don't a great lady when you meet one....
Leslie Lane's Avatar

Slowly creeping in...trying not to make too much noise...Ssshhh....

Just between us....I heard Leslie Lane has a fireworks display shoot out her bum for an extra 300 berries. I'm serious!!!!

Eccie...I have a problem. I...can'
nuglet's Avatar
Leslie a true gem, .... Originally Posted by muffbro
Well, perhaps with time.. it starts with a lump of coal, then add heat, and pressure... yeah, dat's how it happens.

Is you offer from a couple of days still good? Please check your PMs.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Well, I'm officially retired and am only available to gentlemen that are pre-booked. However, I did extend a special offer to you and only you so..looks like 2010 will be your year.