You do understand that Milton was a so called free market guy, except when markets were collapsing, then he wanted government intervention. His monetary policy all these years was in fact government intervention.I doubt that anyone who agrees with BOTH Ron Paul and Barry Sotero would know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian.....Friedman was a conservative, that means he is RIGHT.....take that up your cum-oozing ass.....
Common sense proves him wrong every day.
People like him are big business whores, they advocate free market principials on one hand and want the backing of American taxpayers on the other. That you are to blind to see actions taken over theory expoused to actually understand wtf is/has gone on.
Now go do what you are really good at which is to pick on women who post in these forums career choices, it makes as much sense as your welfare queen self who has sucked at the government tit, who doesn't want his benefits touched............ defending Milton Freidman.
To summarize, you come on a hooker board and downgrade the women's profession and then defend Milton Freidman who is for cutting the exact same programs that you sucked from.
You get away with such hypocrisy , not because my side does not call you out on it but because people of you political slant, like nevergivesitathought say nothing. Shame on my fellow gents to the right for giving credence to your delivery while trying to judge mine. I will not turn the other cheek to folks such as you, I will expose you for the hypocrite that you are and will never turn the other cheek to folks like you.
Originally Posted by 2face/WTF