Of course there are some Negative Neals out there deciding what motivates others based on their own skewed perceptions. STFU already! Shall I tell you what motivates your asinine behaviors? *pttth* No thanks. Not even going to ATTEMPT such idiocy.
I'd do the party for FREE as I've done other outings for FREE. I don't need $$ to want to hang out w/ other members of the community. I was instrumental in getting socials started up again after almost a YEAR w/out them. My only motivation was the need to bring a feeling of community back to Austin's hobby scene. Those first socials after the dry period were a blast! Even better, they actually served the intended purpose successfully. Yea!!!
The initial "thinking out loud" posts of this thread were addressing how to cover the costs of hotel rooms to accommodate the keyholders. I think that somehow turned into concerns that ladies would balk at being asked to pay out anything. Since there have been a shitload of nasty finger-pointing threads *as is the usual of late*, people are falling all over themselves to kiss the ass of one faction or the other. People... FUCKING GROW UP.
Seems to me the only FAIR & OBJECTIVE way to make this "pussy lottery" a win/win would be for all participants to pay an even share of the hotel costs. As for refreshments beforehand, we can go dutch unless someone chooses to buy a drink for another guest. Personal CHOICES are not DICTATED, right??? Geez...
I'll be bringing along my Smiley Spanky Spoon for troublemakers, FYI. Sick & tired of BS lately & about to break it over the next one's ASS!
Good nite...