Bill O'Reilly

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  • 04-22-2017, 01:06 PM

The fucking tort lawyers who own Congress have exempted the FDA from being sued! :
Originally Posted by lustylad
You ignorant SOB, you think tort lawyers WANT the FDA exempt from being sued! The one with the deepest pockets of all?!!!

You know about as much aboutthis subject as you do the construction business.

Big Phrama is the winner in this....they are the ones who want both the FDA and themselves exempt from lawsuits.

God damn, i used to think you we're just an partisan hack not a stupid son of a bitch.

Turns out you're both.

Oh and the swamp has been refilled with Goldman Sachs employees

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
aren't you guys going off topic on this tort thing?

btw, I think O'Reilly should sue the people (media matters and the ladies) who smeared him.
If Bill could have done that without risk wouldn't he have already done it?

I can see suing the NYT and Media Matters but with most of these women accusers/settlers isn't he risking a lot for no gain?
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  • 04-22-2017, 01:30 PM
Robert Kennedy, Jr. began by stating, “I’ve read the science, and the science is very clear—..."

Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you think big pharma should be exempt from lawsuits?

Oh great legal mind of eccie political forum, please share with us your knowledge.

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  • 04-22-2017, 01:37 PM
If Bill could have done that without risk wouldn't he have already done it?

I can see suing the NYT and Media Matters but with most of these women accusers/settlers isn't he risking a lot for no gain? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I think Bill was slow to see just how much the tide had turned.

Or he probably had , especially after the ouster of his boss but remember all this was before the ouster of Ailes.

Bill Clinton fucked it up for everyone...

This is just an extension of that case.

I do not agree with it but it is wtf it is.

lustylad's Avatar
You ignorant SOB, you think tort lawyers WANT the FDA exempt from being sued! The one with the deepest pockets of all?!!!

Big Phrama is the winner in this....they are the ones who want both the FDA and themselves exempt from lawsuits. Originally Posted by WTF
You dumbfuck... the FDA and other regulatory bodies (i.e. the swamp) are stuffed full of lawyers! So is Congress! They draft the laws to protect their own! That's why you can't fire a federal employee; you have to put them on "administrative leave" and keep paying the jackasses no matter how badly they fuck up... look at Lois Lerner - another lawyer! That bitch subverted the IRS and turned it into a political weapon - and she still gets to retire on a $102k-a-year federal pension!

In a rational world, we would be able to fire these bastards for cause, just like we do in the private sector. Let them be sued personally for any harm they do, but nobody gets to raid the US Treasury. If I do everything right and take my product to the FDA and they test and approve it and I don't bribe them, then why should I be on the hook? And if I am still on the hook, then why the fuck do we need an FDA in the first place? So they can take our tax dollars and not be held accountable for anything?

We badly, badly, badly need tort reform in this country. Limits on class action lawsuits, limits on the outrageous awards, limits on the obscene compensation of tort lawyers. Unproductive leeches. It's a fucking circus and it needs to stop now!
Some lawyers, like the guy who owns crap-grub empire Carls' Jr, or the guy who owns Trump University or the lowlife who peddle the shit food at Golden Corral ("Best buffet in the USA") are all about one thing, and one thing only. They don't want interference in how they conduct commercial trade. Screw government regulation, say the dumbos. Let manufacturers decide if the air or water pollution they create is unreasonable. Let the lawyers determine a ceiling -or no ceiling- on torts, suits, legal challenges, etc. etc. Bill O determined his own fate by harassing too many women. He was shameless and relentless. His problems have nothing to do with tort reform or the obvious shortcomings in the legal system. Bill O's problems are his personal problems. He's a intelligent guy who behaved like an insensitive, disrespectful, arrogant asshole. I'm glad he is off the air. His arrogance showed through in his broadcasts and in his conduct while airing his program. That FOX tolerated his insensitivity for so long tells you all you needs to know about FOX.
lustylad's Avatar
So where are you taking the wife for that special dinner tonight? Carl's Jr. or Golden Corral?
It's a special evening so they're going to the Golden Coral. No scale night plus all you eat popcorn scrimp.
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  • 04-22-2017, 04:05 PM
You dumbfuck... the FDA and other regulatory bodies (i.e. the swamp) are stuffed full of lawyers! So is Congress! They draft the laws to protect their own!

Drafting a law where you can not sue the FDA or Big Pharma is not helping their own! God Damn...if Gay Rey was anything more than a Parrot, this is the logic I'd expect out of that dumb SOB.

. If I do everything right and take my product to the FDA and they test and approve it and I don't bribe them, then why should I be on the hook?

But if you fund Super Pacs that fund Congressional victories which turn into laws where you can not be sued nor can the FDA, which ensures you huge profits that you can funnel back to congress....then you wind up with a situation just like what Kennedy was talking about. How fucking stupid are you? Lawyers want to sue the fuck out of businesses that produce dangerous product.

This is not a situation where Lawyers are helping their own....they are helping big business!

And if I am still on the hook, then why the fuck do we need an FDA in the first place?

I have no problem with lawyers being able to sue the fuck out of the FDA seem to be the one having trouble with that. Maybe then, we'd spend more money on a better FDA than wasting money on some fucking wall.
! Originally Posted by lustylad

You are talking out both sides of your dirty gay ass. Sober up and post something linear when you do. Until then, Party on Wayne!
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  • 04-22-2017, 04:06 PM
It's a special evening so they're going to the Golden Coral. No scale night plus all you eat popcorn scrimp. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You sure seem to know a lot about their menu!

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  • 04-22-2017, 04:09 PM
Some lawyers, like the guy who owns crap-grub empire Carls' Jr, or the guy who owns Trump University . Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Trump U is a perfect example of why we need lawyers to sue the fuck out of snake oil salesmen....or if their is no law to sue, then there should be no law from keeping those folks from popping a cap off in the snake oil salesman ass! Either way, I'd support. But that fucking lustyladyboy wants big business to sell us shit with no recourse! WTF?
You sure seem to know a lot about their menu!

. Originally Posted by WTF
Going into a Golden Corral is a lot like going into a WalMart.

Over weight people buying cheap shit.
What makes you think I do not enjoy ripping this Dodo Bird a new one every time he opens his beak?

. Originally Posted by WTF
You haven't ripped anybody a new one but yourself in the history of this forum. Please stop using the phrase hypocrite. You misuse it like you do "red herring."

Really? So he is going to walk away with twenty five million. Not bad for a sexual predator. Originally Posted by R.M.
Perhaps your definition of "sexual predator" is different than the rest of the worlds. I don't believe he was convicted of any sexual criminal activity. Furthermore, from what I've heard he didn't even have "Bill Clinton sex." He and/or Fox didn't get much for their $25MM.

You sure seem to know a lot about their menu! Originally Posted by WTF
It's your Mom's favorite place! You should check out her menu. Ooops, you already have.

Trump U is a perfect example of why we need lawyers to sue the fuck out of snake oil salesmen....or if their is no law to sue, then there should be no law from keeping those folks from popping a cap off in the snake oil salesman ass! Either way, I'd support. But that fucking lustyladyboy wants big business to sell us shit with no recourse! WTF? Originally Posted by WTF
So tough guy it sounds like you're threatening the President. You really do want to get this forum shut down. TDL is right. Grow the fuck up.
Trump U is a perfect example of why we need lawyers to sue the fuck out of snake oil salesmen....or if their is no law to sue, then there should be no law from keeping those folks from popping a cap off in the snake oil salesman ass! Either way, I'd support. But that fucking lustyladyboy wants big business to sell us shit with no recourse! WTF? Originally Posted by WTF
Did Bill C Fuck it up for Don T too, WTFutile?



Everyone knows about the problems with Trump University. Trump should just be glad that Trump U didn’t have a Division I NCAA football team, or else he might well have Title IX complaints to go with the class action civil suit.

But did you know that Bill Clinton was a university chancellor? I didn’t either. There he is, over to the left. Moreover, he was paid $16 million by Laureate International Universities to be their “honorary” chancellor. Just think how much Slick Willie could have pulled down if he’d been a real chancellor. Just what is Laureate International University? It’s the parent company of Walden University, a mostly online, for-profit diploma mill that is facing the same kind of civil suits and fraud allegations as Trump University. Funny how the media seems to be uninterested in this story.