Sugar Daddy/ Sugar Baby Dating

you need to have the ability to function in His would he introduce you at an Important Public Function???

The impression I get from that _ if the SB & SD is at a prestigious public event, the SB should have a pretentious act of entitlement or the SD will be shunned. Omg, what a disgrace.
So dramatic, being a measly whore wouldn't suffice. Who does he owe an explanation to? It's none of their business.

A elite business woman had a younger boy-toy living with her for years and she flaunted him around like a prized pig at a political covention.
He had no education or job but he was handsome and charming. She didn't care what people thought.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 12-24-2014, 06:04 PM
I've got a camper out back and will buy groceries.
Anyone wanna move to West Texas?
I've got a camper out back and will buy groceries.
Anyone wanna move to West Texas?
Originally Posted by riday

A struggling college girl would possibly jump at that opportunity.

You never know babe, at least it's an opportunity to help someone. Good
for you. Who are we to judge others standards as long as they are happy.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 12-24-2014, 06:11 PM
I love your little pea-picking heart and positive outlook!
Merry Christmas to you Sweety!
I love your little pea-picking heart and positive outlook!
Merry Christmas to you Sweety! Originally Posted by riday
Awwwww, thxs babe.
Some of you equate the providers as dumb ass broads. I have been accompanied to political functions by Alaine and one other provider. I have attended other functions with providers. I always choose a lady that has class and intelligence. I don't exactly have a sugar baby but I do have several that I have helped in a pinch. Never except for one of the first has shafted me. Perhaps luck but I have been pleased with their willingness to respond to my needs.
^^^^ Hell yea.
Antagonistic people do
exist. Unfortunately.
Solitaire's Avatar
Real Sugar Daddies... are NOT found on an Escort Site,
they are found through LEGITIMATE Social Circles.
You can NOT attain one unless you have a REAL occupation or educational pursuit,
you need to have the ability to function in His World...
how would he introduce you at an Important Public Function???
Originally Posted by Ninotsugi
I actually see your point. Much more "saccharin dating" than Sugar Dating going on these days. I have even witnessed "crumb dating".
Insulting men won't justify a
bc7274's Avatar

Originally Posted by Ninotsugi
Real Sugar Daddies... are NOT found on an Escort Site,
they are found through LEGITIMATE Social Circles.
I disagree. You can define a "real" SD almost any way you wish--and you will indeed find some of them here. It may not be why the man came on here, but that is not the issue. As I mentioned, I know at least four who would fit even GotYour6's strict definition. And therefore by extension you seem to imply that "Real Sugar Babies" would also not be found here either.

You can NOT attain one unless you have a REAL occupation or educational pursuit,
Here I assume the "You" you refer to are some of the ladies posting here. Thus my extending that thought to believe you were referring to them (the ladies on here, or at least those who think SDs are found here. If that is not what you intended by "You", then I am confused.

Thus my comment that it seems you believe many/most/lots of them have neither a "REAL occupation" (whatever occupations you do consider real), nor an educational pursuit.

Assuming that was what you meant, again I disagree with your point.

you need to have the ability to function in His would he introduce you at an Important Public Function???

Here again, the way you stated this it came across as if ladies here are not appropriate to introduce to his acquiantances or function in "His World". As I stated, I disagree with that one as well, referencing four specific, significant "real world" gatherings where women from an escort site turned SB held their own quite well. By the way, at the White House dinner and the Kremlin private tour, the ladies in question were the ones with the invitations and their SDs were the "+1"s.

As I read your post you made three direct or indirect statements. I actually disagree with all three. Let me explain.

So, whether that is what you intended, it was the way your post came across--and why I implied you were castigating a broad swath of ladies here.

My point was NOT that every lady here is SB material, nor every guy a potential SD. Some are, some are not. Same as any other large collection of people. You might be quite surprised at some of the folks who are members here.

Originally Posted by Old-T

[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=6]Siberia[SIZE=3]... I do beg your Pardon, I meant $175 it must have been a typo-o!

While you are at it, post links to
my advertising changes because
you still can't read updated changes.

Practice what you preach and learn
to READ.
Stay on topic if you are capable.

Sugar daddies & sugar babies are
in every denomination.
Had a sugar daddy lawyer for 4 yrs,
bought me 2 vehicles (nothing extravagant) my choice. I personally
don't value materialistic items and
find lasting friendship more rewarding
in priorities.

I see you like flying ufo's , another thread derailment for lack of words. Roflmao Originally Posted by Ninotsugi
Is This Your Sugar Daddy???

I don't get on here often or post often to thread but I thought id just share my opinion. Before I was introduced to the escort world by a ( SD where I use to live ) I was a sugar baby before an escort. It is a different relationship for sure and I think escorts going from escorting to sb might have a hard time understanding how it works. However I did find a SD off an escort site and we have been going strong for 6 months now. Not all men who hobby can be sd's and not all escorts can be sb 's. Finding the right chemistry can be difficult but when you do It can be very beneficial like it has been in my case. I enjoy the hobby as well as the relationship I have w my SD it just works for both of us .
You can't calculate very well
with math.
$500 divided into 5 hours
is $100 an hour,
You did that recently,roflmao.

Stick to the facts and not an
opinion. A white night looks
bad when he has to speak to
a woman on your behalf.
I can hold my own but
you can't when you
deliberately change the
I will keep asking,what does
my massage have to do with
sugar daddies?
I had a sugar daddy in the past.
Cat got your tongue?
The education theory is lacking on
your part from the examples of not
reading,typo's, and math calculations.
Impressive didn't enter my mind.
Education is a continuous thing to benefit us all, obviously if used.

Sorry, if I interrupted your game on finding a sugar daddy on here.
I know sugar daddies prefer intelligent women, could you try using a calculator.
inspector farquar's Avatar

Stick to the facts and not an
opinion. A white night looks
bad when he has to speak to
a woman on your behalf.
I can hold my own but
you can't
when you
deliberately change the
subject ... The education theory is lacking on
your part

from the examples of not
and math calculations.

Impressive didn't enter my mind.

Education is a continuous thing to benefit us all, obviously if used.
.... Originally Posted by siberia
Miss, have you heard the one about glass houses and stones?
Originally Posted by siberia

Stick to the facts and not an
opinion. A white night looks
bad when he has to speak to
a woman on your behalf.
I can hold my own but
you can't
when you
deliberately change the
subject ... The education theory is lacking on
your part

from the examples of not
and math calculations.

Impressive didn't enter my mind.

Education is a continuous thing to benefit us all, obviously if used.

Miss, have you heard the one about glass houses and stones? Originally Posted by inspector farquar
Thank-You Inspector Farquar... Siberia I will Pray for you it is obvious you are a
Woman full of CORRUPTION,