It would be difficult for you to lose sleep the way you drink yourself into a stupor and pass out, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Old-Transexual are you still trying to get attention? Good Luck...Might'nt that be why he angrily DEMANDS to be the rainbow flag carrier at all of his NAMBLA meetings or LGBT meetings to discuss marching in a St.Paddy's day parade or Veteran's Day parade ? And DEMANDS that the "uniform of the day" for all the marchers is a rainbow thong AND NOTHING ELSE !!!! IJS.....
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Might'nt that be why he angrily DEMANDS to be the rainbow flag carrier at all of his NAMBLA meetings or LGBT meetings to discuss marching in a St.Paddy's day parade or Veteran's Day parade ? And DEMANDS that the "uniform of the day" for all the marchers is a rainbow thong AND NOTHING ELSE !!!! IJS..... Originally Posted by Rey LenguaAnother Texan making a complete fool of himself. How not surprising. Another Texan who has to self gloss with a title that compensates for his probable sexual inadequacy.
Another Texan making a complete fool of himself. How not surprising. Another Texan who has to self gloss with a title that compensates for his probable sexual inadequacy. Originally Posted by Old-TAu contraire, ya doddering old Depends wearer and fouler ! The select women that have the pleasure of my company say that my "handle" on this here web site IS RIGHT ON THE EFFIN MONEY !! Guess you're just jealous since your NAMBLA buddies and your LGBT group won't let you slobber on their nobs anymore, even when you remove your full set of dentures. And you're probably pizzed that they lock you away when they march in all their gay pride parades. Something about trying to "mount" a Police dog at the last parade they let you do your swishy walking routine.
Au contraire, ya doddering old Depends wearer and fouler ! The select women that have the pleasure of my company say that my "handle" on this here web site IS RIGHT ON THE EFFIN MONEY !! Guess you're just jealous since your NAMBLA buddies and your LGBT group won't let you slobber on their nobs anymore, even when you remove your full set of dentures. And you're probably pizzed that they lock you away when they march in all their gay pride parades. Something about trying to "mount" a Police dog at the last parade they let you do your swishy walking routine. Originally Posted by Rey LenguaYou better have a good tongue when your dick is the size of a jalapeno.
You better have a good tongue when your dick is the size of a jalapeno.Not everyone is deficient with their package size like you flamer. Some of us are endowed with a package MUCH larger than your jalapeno ( actually more like a chile piquen in your case probably. But It's nice to have dreams ! ) Nice of you to stick up for your butt buddy and fellow sodomite Old-Transexual and respond for him to my post TO HIM. I've always heard you swishy walkers defend each other from attacks from people outside of your community.
Who the fuck eats dirty whoooooore snatch. You might as well just suck the three guy's dicks that fucked her before you got there. I bet you've even eaten some dude's jizz and didn't know it.
PS I just broke your common core bullshit in the other thread. I can't wait to see your response. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Not everyone is deficient with their package size like you flamer. Some of us are endowed with a package MUCH larger than your jalapeno ( actually more like a chile piquen in your case probably. But It's nice to have dreams ! ) Nice of you to stick up for your butt buddy and fellow sodomite Old-Transexual and respond for him to my post TO HIM. I've always heard you swishy walkers defend each other from attacks from people outside of your community.Swishy walkers? Flamer? You are one retrograde motherfucker. You're also all over the place. First, you've got me with boyfriends, then I'm banging Pelosi and Hillary dolls? Which is it, dickhole? Natural selection takes care of idiots like you. Common Core health classes? You're one dumb sonofabitch.
And I saw your spew about how to add using Common Core. Go check out my response after your "Dear Mummy" changes your over flowing Depends. Your stinking up the thread here.
And the women I spend my time with aren't the ones that YOU WISH you could be with and can't. They don't do the liberal 'ghetto" hygiene routine that you liberals push in the Common Core Health classes. Besides, we all know that your a big fan of ATM after your "boyfriends" do their bukake routine on you after pulling out of your sorry azz. So ya like the taste of THAT, do ya ? ! No wonder everyone that stands between you and the chocolate section at the store is in danger of being run over !! Go play with your Shrillary blow up doll. Or is it the night that you "take things out" on your Nattering Nancy Pelosi doll ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Au contraire, ya doddering old Depends wearer and fouler ! The select women that have the pleasure of my company say that my "handle" on this here web site IS RIGHT ON THE EFFIN MONEY !! Guess you're just jealous since your NAMBLA buddies and your LGBT group won't let you slobber on their nobs anymore, even when you remove your full set of dentures. And you're probably pizzed that they lock you away when they march in all their gay pride parades. Something about trying to "mount" a Police dog at the last parade they let you do your swishy walking routine. Originally Posted by Rey LenguaWell it looks like IB is training his replacement! Or break in in his newest alter ego.
Well it looks like IB is training his replacement! Or break in in his newest alter ego.It's obvious that bottled irrationality and fortitude is talking for you, Old-THUMPER.
Mini Tongue, you have the homophobia part down pretty good, but your feces pieces need some work.
Good deflection and hijacking skills. Your bombastic overbearing stupidity shows promise but has some rough edges.
With a few years practice you will deflate into a passable IBRedneck clone.
Good for you. You have probably dreamed of emulating the most revered liar and bigot on here, and you're off to a good start. But you really need to work on the volume aspect. Originally Posted by Old-T