Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Redhot1960's Avatar
No, that’s not what I wrote. The old prosecutor, Shokin, refused to progress an investigation into Burisma Holdings or the oligarch who controlled it, Mykola Zlochevsky. Biden’s son was a director of Burisima. Shokin was replaced and the investigation resumed. Zlochevsky was initially cleared but then accused again in 2018 after secret recordings came to light. He’s currently on the run I think, maybe in Monaco.

Burisima Holdings was just one of many investigations that slowed to a crawl under Shokin. If you believe Hunter Biden or Burisima was up to no good in Ukraine, his father did him no favor by helping push Shokin out Originally Posted by Tiny
OK - I can see that is the official line.

Don't you think it needs investigated? What is wrong with asking for an investigation when probable cause that a crime has been committed appears to exist?

Would it be an impeachable offense to ask the FBI to investigate it?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
OK - I can see that is the official line.

Don't you think it needs investigated? What is wrong with asking for an investigation when probable cause that a crime has been committed appears to exist?

Would it be an impeachable offense to ask the FBI to investigate it? Originally Posted by friendly fred
The impeachable offense is Abuse of power.

Do you believe the time and money spent by the Ukrainian government to investigate and prosecute a Biden more important than using their limited resources to combat an invasion by Russia.

I suggest you simply want lies published for your Fuhrer.

Viva la Whistleblowers Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Someone continues to go off the rails. What do the whistleblowers have to do with Trump giving Turkey the green light to mop up in Syria, where our previous exulted POTUS had his faux red lines.

The impeachable offense is Abuse of power.

Do you believe the time and money spent by the Ukrainian government to investigate and prosecute a Biden more important than using their limited resources to combat an invasion by Russia.

I suggest you simply want lies published for your Fuhrer. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Keep dreaming on the abuse of power.

And what a fucking laugh that you talk about time and money in regards to the Ukraine govt.

Don't you think it would be more prudent for our House of Representatives to use their limited resources to actually do their job in legislating rather the throwing all of their time and effort into a "witch hunt".
lustylad's Avatar
Do you believe the time and money spent by the Ukrainian government to investigate and prosecute a Biden more important than using their limited resources to combat an invasion by Russia. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Good point, Jaxboy. Ukraine is a dirt poor country with limited resources to fight off Putin's incursions. Which makes it even more tragic and outrageous for Biden's recovering drug addict son to be sucking $50k a month out of their gas company with zero energy industry experience! We're talking about a country where the average wage is $300 a month!

Dat boy and his Daddy are STONE COLD CORRUPT!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^6 yupper^^^
Jaxson66's Avatar
Good point, Jaxboy. Ukraine is a dirt poor country with limited resources to fight off Putin's incursions. Which makes it even more tragic and outrageous for Biden's recovering drug addict son to be sucking $50k a month out of their gas company!! Originally Posted by lustylad
Krusty you’re half right, Biden’s kid sat on the board. They gave him the job to help influence the Obama administration. It didn’t work. And all the deep state bullshit won’t change those facts.

But I suggest you would like the Ukraine to accept the deep state file from the fat lying bastard and claim it’s all true. Anything for das Fuhrer, am I right.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Originally Posted by gnadfly

Let me make sure I understand your meme.

Subpoenas have been issued to the White House, Barr, Pompeo the hero of Benghazi, the fat lying bastards personal lawyers and White House lawyers.
But your meme suggests Biden should be worried?

I suggest you’re another self proclaimed stable genius
Jaxson66's Avatar

Keep dreaming on the abuse of power.

And what a fucking laugh that you talk about time and money in regards to the Ukraine govt.

Don't you think it would be more prudent for our House of Representatives to use their limited resources to actually do their job in legislating rather the throwing all of their time and effort into a "witch hunt". [/QUOTE]

You sound exactly like those democrats during Email and Benghazi hearings. Their doing the job of investigating the most corrupt administration in history. A impeachment is coming. The trump party will be kaput after 2020 election.
Jaxson66's Avatar

I can’t wait for the fat lying bastards tweets against Powell
Triggered, Jax?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-07-2019, 09:55 AM
Triggered, Jax? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Disputing ignorance nonsense with reasoned thoughts triggered>

You tea baggers are like a kid at a Jim Jones koolaid party calling the one person telling you not to drink it , triggered.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden’s kid sat on the board. They gave him the job to help influence the Obama administration. It didn’t work. And all the deep state bullshit won’t change those facts.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66

no, it won't!

thank you valued poster.