Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
Well you picked the wrong term to make your point. Anarchy is essentially the absence of a Governing body. Donald Trump is indeed Governing this country regardless if you like him or his policies. As usual you make a fucking ass out of yourself because you don't know what you're talking about. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It’s you making the ass of himself with dumbass personal attacks daily. And that’s the last explanation I give you. It’s obvious you would suck the ass of a dead diseased Yak for your messiah and from this point I’ll treat you that way.
It’s you making the ass of himself with dumbass personal attacks daily. And that’s the last explanation I give you. It’s obvious you would suck the ass of a dead diseased Yak for your messiah and from this point I’ll treat you that way. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You won't get Eccie's Congeniality Award posting stuff like that, lol.
Jaxson66's Avatar
You won't get Eccie's Congeniality Award posting stuff like that, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
. House is investigating whether Trump lied to Mueller and you in all your wisdom said it would never happen. It ain’t over
. House is investigating whether Trump lied to Mueller and you in all your wisdom said it would never happen. It ain’t over Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Hahaha, yeah they are trying everything they can. Adam Schiff is getting his fifteen minutes of fame that's all.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Hahaha, yeah they are trying everything they can. Adam Schiff is getting his fifteen minutes of fame that's all. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Coming from the guy who believes the Russians were innocent of meddling in the 2016 election. Well it’s a few months later and every intelligence dept and the Senate Intelligence committee all agree the Russians interfered in the 2016 election on trumps behalf.

If you still deny those hard facts you’re making a complete ass of yourself.

So, tell me, did the Russians interfere or not?
Coming from the guy who believes the Russians were innocent of meddling in the 2016 election. Well it’s a few months later and every intelligence dept and the Senate Intelligence committee all agree the Russians interfered in the 2016 election on trumps behalf.

If you still deny those hard facts you’re making a complete ass of yourself.

So, tell me, did the Russians interfere or not? Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I never said the Russians didn't interfere with the 2016 election. I can't be for sure if they did or didn't. What I don't believe is Trump colluded or was involved in a conspiracy with the Russians to sway the election in his favor, that's never been proven beyond any reasonable doubt.
LexusLover's Avatar
Coming from the guy who believes the Russians were innocent of meddling in the 2016 election. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So the Russians meddled in the 2016 election.

This "information warfare" by the Russians didn't affect the outcome of the presidential election, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told reporters. Trump and his Republican supporters have repeatedly denounced the Mueller investigation as a "witch hunt" and have denied any collusion. The indictment cites no instances of Russians coordinating directly with the Trump campaign.


The Internet Research Agency, a Russian organization, and the defendants began working in 2014 to interfere in U.S. elections, according to the indictment. They used false personas and social media while also staging political rallies and communicating with "unwitting individuals" associated with the Trump campaign, it said.
Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015:


DNC Staff: Arrogance Cost Clinton the Election

Nov. 25, 2016

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration said on Friday that despite Russian attempts to undermine the presidential election, it has concluded that the results “accurately reflect the will of the American people.”

The statement came as liberal opponents of Donald J. Trump, some citing fears of vote hacking, are seeking recounts in three states — Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — where his margin of victory was extremely thin.

A drive by Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, for recounts in those states had brought in more than $5 million by midday on Friday, her campaign said, and had increased its goal to $7 million. She filed for a recount in Wisconsin on Friday, about an hour before the deadline.

In its statement, the administration said, “The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian government-directed compromises of emails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the president-elect.”

That was a reference to the breach of the Democratic National Committee’s email system, and the leak of emails from figures like John D. Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

“Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people,” it added.

Supporters of Mrs. Clinton have enthusiastically backed the notion of challenging the results in the three states as a last-ditch effort to reverse Mr. Trump’s clear majority in the Electoral College. They have seized on suggestions by some computer scientists that the states, which were crucial to Mr. Trump’s victory, need to manually review paper ballots to ensure the election was not hacked.

The campaign, uniting around the hashtag #AuditTheVote, has picked up momentum among grass-roots activists still mourning Mr. Trump’s victory. But the pleas for recounts have gained no support from the Clinton campaign, which has concluded that it is highly unlikely to change the outcome.

In Michigan, Ms. Stein must wait for a Monday meeting of the state’s Board of Canvassers to certify the results of the Nov. 8 balloting before filing for a recount. In Pennsylvania, where paper ballots are used only in some areas, election officials said that the deadline to petition for a recount had passed, but that a candidate could challenge the result in court before a Monday deadline.

The recount efforts have generated pushback by experts who said it would be enormously difficult to hack voting machines on a large scale. The administration, in its statement, confirmed reports from the Department of Homeland Security and intelligence officials that they did not see “any increased level of malicious cyberactivity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on Election Day.”

The administration said it remained “confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure, a confidence that was borne out.” It added: “As a result, we believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective.”

However, intelligence officials are still investigating the impact of a broader Russian “information warfare” campaign, in which fake news about Mrs. Clinton, and about United States-Russia relations, appeared intended to influence voters. Many of those false reports originated from RT News and Sputnik, two state-funded Russian sites.

Those fake-news reports were widely circulated on social media, independent studies, including one set for release soon, have shown, sometimes in an organized fashion by groups that appear to have had common ownership. Individuals, conservative talk-show hosts and activists recirculated them, often not knowing, or apparently not caring, about the accuracy of the reports.

A study published just before the election on War on the Rocks, written by Andrew Weisburd, Clinton Watts and J. M. Berger, documented efforts by “trolls” to attack the reputations of those who challenged Russia’s activities in Syria, and to spread rumors about Mrs. Clinton’s health. The study said that an effort to track 7,000 social media accounts over two and a half years indicated that support for Mr. Trump “isn’t the end of Russia’s social media and hacking campaign in America, but merely the beginning.”

But the misinformation effort is far from black-and-white. Many people who spread false news have no connections to any foreign power, including a man in Austin, Tex., who posted a Twitter message saying that paid protesters were being bused to an anti-Trump demonstration there. Though the report quickly went viral, the buses, it turned out, were there for a corporate conference.

Other examples, including one studied by a group called Propaganda or Not and first cited by The Washington Post, appear to have more concrete connections to Russia. In late August, stories suggesting that Mrs. Clinton might have Parkinson’s disease were circulated on, which often runs pro-Russian material. It clearly twisted an email sent by one of Mrs. Clinton’s top aides about a drug called Provigil that is used to treat sleepiness. It has also been prescribed to patients with sleepiness as a side effect from several different ailments, the email added, including “Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis.”

That single reference was enough to create a fake story suggesting that Mrs. Clinton was being treated for Parkinson’s.

The allegation was quickly shot down by several news organizations. It made little difference: Propaganda or Not, made up of former national security, intelligence and other professionals, and some workers at Google and other technology firms, concluded that it was reproduced tens of thousands of times, sometimes by botnets, and viewed millions of times.

But it is not known whether that news was circulated under Russian government direction, or simply by Russian sympathizers, or Mrs. Clinton’s opponents.

The barrage of online efforts to influence the election this year has prompted broader concerns that similar attempts, directed by the Kremlin or its surrogates, could now be focused on elections next year in Germany and France. The goal, intelligence officials and outside experts fear, is to undermine the cohesiveness of the Western alliance, particularly NATO members, by calling into question the validity of democratic elections.

“We simply don’t know what the effects of the ‘fake news’ and other disinformation was,” said Jason Healey, an expert on cyberconflict at Columbia University. “If they were able to influence in favor of Trump by one or two percentage points in some places, they will be encouraged to try again for the French and the Germans.”

The efforts have also prompted debate inside Facebook and other social media firms about their responsibility to filter out false news. But doing so is a complex task, akin to editing a news operation, and it comes with complex political calculations: Once social media firms begin editing here to American standards, they will be under pressure from authoritarian regimes to do the same to their standards.

In its statement, the administration focused chiefly on the threat of Russian manipulation of the vote on Election Day, not on the proliferation of propaganda and fake news.

Ms. Stein, of the Green Party, acknowledged on Thursday in an interview with the PBS “NewsHour” that it was unlikely that recounts could change the results. Still, she said that “this was an election in which we saw hacking all over the place,” and that “at the same time, we have a voting system which has been proven to basically be wide open to hackers.”
LexusLover's Avatar
The DNC's gaggle of so-called "candidates" are so sorry, the DimWits have to try to toss out Trump, because they can't beat him at the polls ....

and before they strip the U.S. Billionaires of their money to pay for the illegal aliens they are inviting into this country and fighting to retain in this country .... they will "allow" one or two to join the flock to resupply the DNC overhead chest so the career leaches can survive another election cycle.

Swamp Rats are high maintenance.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I never said the Russians didn't interfere with the 2016 election. I can't be for sure if they did or didn't. What I don't believe is Trump colluded or was involved in a conspiracy with the Russians to sway the election in his favor, that's never been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. Originally Posted by Levianon17
While I believe the Russians most certainly interfered in the 2016 election, I agree with you, and said from the start, that Trump did not collude with the Russians.
Jaxson66's Avatar
So the Russians meddled in the 2016 election.

Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015:

US News: NOTHING ABOUT RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you’re up at 4 am posting an article from some rat hole on the net dated February of 2018 and of course you had to mention Hillary.

Has time stood still in your world? Turn your tv on, lots more truth coming.
So you’re up at 4 am posting an article from some rat hole on the net dated February of 2018 and of course you had to mention Hillary.

Has time stood still in your world? Turn your tv on, lots more truth coming. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So First off, what does the time of the day of a post have any fucking thing to do with it's content. Are you now the sleep police too. Fucking hilarious.

And the content of the post was very relevant regardless of when it was reported. Nothing in today's news contradicted a thing that was in that post, and nothing you posted in your distraction of it did either. Even the Mueller report said no collusion.
Jaxson66's Avatar Originally Posted by eccielover
Your article is from November 2016, are you stuck in time also.

Listen up, lots more truth has been exposed since 2016.

Break out the trump impeachment survival kit. Testimony in the impeachment inquiry of the fat lying bastard is resuming.
  • oeb11
  • 11-19-2019, 07:15 AM
J666 is advancing a new concept in DPST control - "Sleep Police"

Typical insecure DPST compensating for inadequacy!

"Truth and Narrative uber Alles" the DPST motto!
Your article is from November 2016, are you stuck in time also.

Listen up, lots more truth has been exposed since 2016.

Break out the trump impeachment survival kit. Testimony in the impeachment inquiry of the fat lying bastard is resuming. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Ok, you are a very disjointed(I'm thinking confused, angry, and depressed that none of the "gotcha's" you keep posting stick) person aren't you.

The discussion of Russian collusion is basically closed as we have shown in the various articles and the results of the Mueller probe. My article simply shows that there is still nothing that has said the 2016 election was compromised in any way. And you've not shown anything that says it was.

So moving on from there, the current relevant impeachment attempt is over quid-pro-quo or maybe now bribery as that's what the Dem focus group feels will sell best.

Since this latest circus has started, I've said, I give the house 50-50 on voting to the positive on at least one article of impeachment. However, the only survival kit necessary is knowing that the Senate is going to see through the bullshit House attempts and vote not to convict.

Beyond that it's funny watching your daily re-posts of exactly the same story or what you feel is the next "gotcha" only to be shot down over and over again.

Sometimes I actually feel sad for you, but most days it's just laughing at your anger and hatred of Trump.