YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

I've been in a horrible mood lately. One of my ATF's answer to everything: "How bout we go to a strip club for lunch?!" That always makes me feel better!!! Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I'm sorry you've been feeling low, pretty lady. Boobies do make everything better. Whenever I feel a little irritable lately, I put this video on - maybe it will cheer you up, too. :mwah2:
spice-is-nice's Avatar
Rene Descartes is sitting in a bar.

The bartender asks "Would you like another?"

Rene replies "I think not."

And vanished. . . . . . . .
I pulled into my driveway today and caught of glimpse of a handsome sweaty gardener, got out of my car and smelled fresh cut grass...I usually don't fantasize...but I did this afternoon...

A guy arrived home to find his wife sliding down the banister. Asked what she was doing her reply. "warming up your dinner".
A guy arrived home to find his wife sliding down the banister. Asked what she was doing her reply. "warming up your dinner". Originally Posted by tucson

Hope she used some oil or lube...YIKES!
pyramider's Avatar
Pledge. Originally Posted by pyramider
You're a genius...lol
Random, but this makes me

Valerie, this one is my favorite. It makes me smile every time I think of it.

Random, but this makes me

https://vine.co/v/hWQDJ3MvHh1 Originally Posted by Valerie
That's fucked up...LOL!
Valerie, this one is my favorite. It makes me smile every time I think of it.

https://vine.co/v/hhTWaJ363Xz Originally Posted by Cowboy011
Cheers to that!
A question to ponder and respond to peeps...

If you could use a voodoo doll to hurt anyone you chose, would you do it?
I have several people in mind the top of the list is????
I have several people in mind the top of the list is???? Originally Posted by tucson
I would use a doll for behavioral modification purposes. So every time someone does or says something bad, I would totally pop them in the mouth or slap them on the hand...lol (its weak, I know...)

Now, if I could use it on the guy that disrespected me during the screening process yesterday...I would sooo enjoy some cock and ball torture on him...