nothing reply anything you want

Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 02-12-2013, 11:21 AM
Twas ASPD, sir.
I think around 2008-9.
jokacz's Avatar
jokacz's Avatar
jokacz's Avatar
Hot off the FB News Feed,enjoy:

on it Vern Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
you guys are awesome!!
jokacz's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Alabama, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, Ohio and South Carolina

have more people on welfare than employed.

No clue
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-17-2013, 05:28 AM
Say it ain't so.
The Drummer's Avatar
Somewhere I read that (don't quote me on the exact ratio, but I'm close) 50% of working people are paying for the other 50% of people either unable to find a job or unwilling to work.

Alabama, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, Ohio and South Carolina

have more people on welfare than employed.

per Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
This "pointless" thread is not supposed to be serious, but in case anyone wants to see the big picture of our fiscal situation:
offshoredrilling's Avatar
topics never last long in this thread
if need be we can start a new thread
so no problem jack

edit:someone will post and send thread in yet another way
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-17-2013, 09:59 AM
Somewhere I read that (don't quote me on the exact ratio, but I'm close) 50% of working people are paying for the other 50% of people either unable to find a job or unwilling to work. Originally Posted by The Drummer
I'm not sure where you heard that (or what they truly wanted you to believe), but that statement is readily attributed to the fact that roughly 50% of people don't pay any federal income taxes. Nevermind the fact that many of them are senior citizens living on social security, and nevermind the fact that it includes disabled veterans, and nevermind the fact that many of them do in fact work, but they just don't make enough money to cross the income threshold requiring them to pay, and nevermind the fact that pretty much everyone pays some sort of taxes of some sort. No, it's easier just to belittle 50% of the American people to make sure we get the 1 or 2% who might actually abuse the system.

It is funny that the same people who whine about the idea of increasing the minimum wage are the same people who whine about that 50% figure (see item 3 above).
I'm not sure where you heard that (or what they truly wanted you to believe), but that statement is readily attributed to the fact that roughly 50% of people don't pay any federal income taxes. Nevermind the fact that many of them are senior citizens living on social security, and nevermind the fact that it includes disabled veterans, and nevermind the fact that many of them do in fact work, but they just don't make enough money to cross the income threshold requiring them to pay, and nevermind the fact that pretty much everyone pays some sort of taxes of some sort. No, it's easier just to belittle 50% of the American people to make sure we get the 1 or 2% who might actually abuse the system.

It is funny that the same people who whine about the idea of increasing the minimum

wage are the same people who whine about that 50% figure (see item 3 above). Originally Posted by Doove
Nicely said doove
I'm not sure where you heard that (or what they truly wanted you to believe), but that statement is readily attributed to the fact that roughly 50% of people don't pay any federal income taxes. Originally Posted by Doove
[OSD will hate me for hijacking his hijackproof thread.]

Actually, most people who don't pay Federal Income Tax earn wages and have to pay Payroll Taxes (Social Security and Medicare Taxes). They also pay local sales taxes.