Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Chung Tran's Avatar
should dole out aid to known corrupt nations without conditions or oversight. got it!

BBAHHAHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump told Sonland there was no conditions on the aid.

well, there wasn't anymore, not after he learned about the investigation!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump told Sonland there was no conditions on the aid.

well, there wasn't anymore, not after he learned about the investigation! Originally Posted by Chung Tran

then there was no quid pro quo and no bribery. so you agree the Democrats have no reason to impeach Trump except for the political circus, right??
Chung Tran's Avatar
then there was no quid pro quo and no bribery. so you agree the Democrats have no reason to impeach Trump except for the political circus, right?? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

there was an attempted quid pro quo, that was scuttled on September 9, when Trump got wind of the Whistleblower and the impending inquiry. that's why he told the Ambassador on the 10th there was no quid pro quo. the money to Ukraine happened to be released the following day. funny the timing of all this, huh?
Jaxson66's Avatar
What Trump did is what a President should do. First of all Trump didn't make any demands nor did he break the law or violate the constitution. What Trump did was make inquires to the Ukrainian President about why an American who is in the Public eye was making illegal transactions and Obstructing Justice in a foreign investigation. That's what Trump did. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Knowing now trump and Rudy were running a shakedown.

You still gonna stand behind this bullshit from 60 days ago.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

there was an attempted quid pro quo, that was scuttled on September 9, when Trump got wind of the Whistleblower and the impending inquiry. that's why he told the Ambassador on the 10th there was no quid pro quo. the money to Ukraine happened to be released the following day. funny the timing of all this, huh? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

No. show me in the testimony or the transcript, and Vindman for starters actually heard the call, where Trump said "No investigation, No money". you can't do that because it didn't happen.

doesn't it strike you strange that no one .. no one .. has contradicted the transcript? not even Vindman? interesting isn't that?

Knowing now trump and Rudy were running a shakedown.

You still gonna stand behind this bullshit from 60 days ago. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

but but but .. the Mueller report! but but but .. the testimony. to watch you keep grasping at straws in a wind storm desperately wanting to find the straw that doesn't exist is amusing. don't die on us! we want to watch you meltdown when Trump isn't removed from office .. and wins re-election.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Deprogramming Trump cultists from Fox's fact free news

It is about time Fox was called out far more effectively as a purvey of fact free propaganda mislabeled as news. Between ignoring news that makes Trump look like the criminally incompetent and mentally unbalanced person he is and filling hours of airtime with distractions when they can, and spouting and outright lies and conspiracy theories made up from whole clothe on fringe websites which only a delusional person could characterize as merely distortions.
Deprogramming Trump cultists from Fox's fact free news

It is about time Fox was called out far more effectively as a purvey of fact free propaganda mislabeled as news. Between ignoring news that makes Trump look like the criminally incompetent and mentally unbalanced person he is and filling hours of airtime with distractions when they can, and spouting and outright lies and conspiracy theories made up from whole clothe on fringe websites which only a delusional person could characterize as merely distortions. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Resorting to the Daily Kos. ROTFLMAO!!!!

And are you trying to imply my above clips are somehow fox news driven or inaccurate in the representation of the direct hearings or post interviews?

Or are you just railing against Fox News yet again?
rexdutchman's Avatar
We are in the weeds , 3 questions the LSM has forgot about ?
1) IF there was a Quid pro quo was that illegal ?
2) Why are all the "witnesses " (3 hand opinions) disgruntled employees or fired ?
3) Hunters dealings ?
That's the whole base of the investigation
  • oeb11
  • 11-21-2019, 08:24 AM
Does not matter to the DPST's if a "crime" was committed -

They are an impeachment in search of a crime - and have been sicne Nov 2016.

DPST's are excellent at accusing others in Outrage of their own behavior.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Does not matter to the DPST's if a "crime" was committed -

They are an impeachment in search of a crime - and have been sicne Nov 2016.

DPST's are excellent at accusing others in Outrage of their own behavior.

hypocrites. Originally Posted by oeb11
You again with the same talking points issued to you by Fox opinion network.

You want the truth, have your Fuhrer allow Mulvaney, Pompeo, Bolton and Perry come in next week and testify. That won’t happen because that fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office claims executive privilege just like he did after the Mueller investigation. You swallow that shit sandwich, I’m not.

Don’t you have a cartoon to post and own a libtard? More your speed.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Resorting to the Daily Kos. ROTFLMAO!!!!

And are you trying to imply my above clips are somehow fox news driven or inaccurate in the representation of the direct hearings or post interviews?

Or are you just railing against Fox News yet again? Originally Posted by eccielover
No, I stating it as a matter of fact, Fox opinion network are god damn liars.

Please don’t post your lying horse shit here.
Jaxson66's Avatar
A definitive guide to 64 Republican impeachment excuses
  • oeb11
  • 11-21-2019, 03:46 PM
A non partisan source - of course.

Slanted poster.
if WaPo ever publsihed anything truthful and factual - the DPST's would desert in an instant.
Knowing now trump and Rudy were running a shakedown.

You still gonna stand behind this bullshit from 60 days ago. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
There's no proof in that. There's no substantial proof in any of this. The Chairman of this Impeachment Hearing is Adam Schiff, he's a Sociopathic liar.