Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
There's no proof in that. There's no substantial proof in any of this. The Chairman of this Impeachment Hearing is Adam Schiff, he's a Sociopathic liar. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Well why won’t the self proclaimed chosen one allow Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and Perry testify?

My opinion, he knows he’s guilty and if these proceedings were in a court of law those witnesses would be propelled to testify.

There’s only one Sociopathic liar and his name his trump. Who feeds his cult shit sandwiches daily and they can’t seem to get their fill.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Fiona Hill shreds the Republicans’ false narrative about Ukraine

U.S. intelligence agencies, the Senate Intelligence Committee and former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III have all found that Russia meddled in the 2016 election in support of Mr. Trump. But the president and some of his more fanatical followers, such as Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), have clung to the idea that the intervention came from Ukraine, and that it was aimed against Mr. Trump. Mr. Putin himself has echoed the Republican arguments. “Thank God no one is accusing us of interfering in the U.S. elections anymore,” he said Wednesday. “Now they’re accusing Ukraine.”

Those chicken shit freedom caucus confederates wouldn’t even question Ambassador Hill because she was kicking their Russian kissing asses. They all went into filibusters about their Fuhrer being innocent. It was Hillary, Obama, the deep state, the Democrats, everybody’s lying but the fat lying bastard.

Ambassador Hill testifying for her country, Bolton? Well he’s got two million dollar book deal to tell the truth. But he calls himself a patriot. To be such a tough guy, he sure has chicken shit behavior.
  • oeb11
  • 11-21-2019, 06:46 PM
What a shame to be DPST totally invested in Impeachment as the ultimate achievement of the party.
What will the poor little fols have to do when shot down in the Senate, and 2020.

J666 and his hatred will just have to remount their unicorn and 'Impach Again"!!
Poor, benighted little DPST's with no other reason for existence than Trump hatred.
What a shame!
Jaxson66's Avatar
What a shame to be DPST totally invested in Impeachment as the ultimate achievement of the party.
What will the poor little fols have to do when shot down in the Senate, and 2020.

J666 and his hatred will just have to remount their unicorn and 'Impach Again"!!
Poor, benighted little DPST's with no other reason for existence than Trump hatred.
What a shame! Originally Posted by oeb11
You’re one stupid fucking trumptard, do you think it’s over, you think you won? Wrong, the testimony heads to the judiciary committee that still has the Russian investigation open. If they want to take this into the spring they can. Stand by dumbass, lots more coming.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You’re one stupid fucking trumptard, do you think it’s over, you think you won? Wrong, the testimony heads to the judiciary committee that still has the Russian investigation open. If they want to take this into the spring they can. Stand by dumbass, lots more coming. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

if you say so.
Levianon17's Avatar
Well why won’t the self proclaimed chosen one allow Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo and Perry testify?

My opinion, he knows he’s guilty and if these proceedings were in a court of law those witnesses would be propelled to testify.

There’s only one Sociopathic liar and his name his trump. Who feeds his cult shit sandwiches daily and they can’t seem to get their fill. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
No actually Trump is a Narcissist and that might be due to the fact that he is an over achiever. Schiff is just a vindictive little asshole that has been running this clown show only on his terms, eventually it will catch up with him.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Fiona Hill shreds the Republicans’ false narrative about Ukraine

U.S. intelligence agencies, the Senate Intelligence Committee and former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III have all found that Russia meddled in the 2016 election in support of Mr. Trump. But the president and some of his more fanatical followers, such as Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), have clung to the idea that the intervention came from Ukraine, and that it was aimed against Mr. Trump. Mr. Putin himself has echoed the Republican arguments. “Thank God no one is accusing us of interfering in the U.S. elections anymore,” he said Wednesday. “Now they’re accusing Ukraine.”

Those chicken shit freedom caucus confederates wouldn’t even question Ambassador Hill because she was kicking their Russian kissing asses. They all went into filibusters about their Fuhrer being innocent. It was Hillary, Obama, the deep state, the Democrats, everybody’s lying but the fat lying bastard.

Ambassador Hill testifying for her country, Bolton? Well he’s got two million dollar book deal to tell the truth. But he calls himself a patriot. To be such a tough guy, he sure has chicken shit behavior. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

oh really??? somebody is lying obviously....

this article from politco about Ukraine collusion has not been debunked.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Why Obstruction of Congressional Investigations Could Be Grounds for Impeachment

Whether a president’s refusal to cooperate with congressional investigations rises to the level of an impeachable offense should turn, at least, on two factors. First, drawing from the law of obstruction of justice, Congress should find the president has acted with corrupt intent vis-à-vis oversight requests. Not all acts that could “obstruct” a criminal case are appropriately charged as obstruction of justice, such as filing a good faith motion to quash a subpoena or validly asserting one’s Fifth Amendment rights. In contrast, tampering with witnesses or destroying evidence can warrant a criminal charge.

Likewise, to rise to an impeachable offense, obstruction of congressional oversight should include some level of corrupt mens rea.

Austin Evers

Mens Rea - A Defendant's Mental State

Mens rea allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

Can, or will, the POTUS claim ineptitude in diplomacy? Will Hurd says he sees no evidence of bribery.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
oh really??? somebody is lying obviously....

this article from politco about Ukraine collusion has not been debunked. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Dr. Fiona Hill says you are a Russian operative. Wether you know it or not. She would say you are the liar.
  • oeb11
  • 11-22-2019, 03:30 AM
9500- DPST's have been searching for impeachment grounds since Nov 2016
Vote it and send it to the Senate - Please!!!!
DPST's are just running in circles searching for a pot of "cause" at the end of the rainbow under little Adams Schiff's Slanted Shit Show
Warren is screaming corruption because Trump and Zuckerberg had a dinner at the WH - there's another 'Outrage" for the Mistress of Universal Control who knows better than anyone about everything.

So put "Corruption" to a vote in the DPST House - and send it to the Senate!!!
Thank you - 9500
BTW - Warren and Bernie are critical of your avatar - the "Boom of Outrage" isn't nearly sizeable enough. Add some Viagra - will ya!
Pepe le Pew is understandably non-plussed that the latest DPST - Bloomberg the media dictator and "stop, frisk and incarcerate" hero of NYC - who has not apologized for being white and male nearly enough- - has announced for Commander in Chief!
Next to announce - will be the NY Senator and Vietnam hero Blumenthal - whose tongue has never known facts - but spouts "narrative Truth" only in compliance with DPST Socialist code.

The whole field will be disappointed - You savior H.... has it all under control and planned to be the DNC nominee to oppose Trump again.

That is the real reason the House won't vote to Impeach : H..... and the DNC demand a rematch!!

DPST's are lousy poker players.
Jaxson66's Avatar
9500- DPST's have been searching for impeachment grounds since Nov 2016
Vote it and send it to the Senate - Please!!!!
DPST's are just running in circles searching for a pot of "cause" at the end of the rainbow under little Adams Schiff's Slanted Shit Show
Warren is screaming corruption because Trump and Zuckerberg had a dinner at the WH - there's another 'Outrage" for the Mistress of Universal Control who knows better than anyone about everything.

So put "Corruption" to a vote in the DPST House - and send it to the Senate!!!
Thank you - 9500
BTW - Warren and Bernie are critical of your avatar - the "Boom of Outrage" isn't nearly sizeable enough. Add some Viagra - will ya!
Pepe le Pew is understandably non-plussed that the latest DPST - Bloomberg the media dictator and "stop, frisk and incarcerate" hero of NYC - who has not apologized for being white and male nearly enough- - has announced for Commander in Chief!
Next to announce - will be the NY Senator and Vietnam hero Blumenthal - whose tongue has never known facts - but spouts "narrative Truth" only in compliance with DPST Socialist code.

The whole field will be disappointed - You savior H.... has it all under control and planned to be the DNC nominee to oppose Trump again.

That is the real reason the House won't vote to Impeach : H..... and the DNC demand a rematch!!

DPST's are lousy poker players. Originally Posted by oeb11
Yada, yada, yada all praise trump

Now, in regards to poker. I’ll consider setting at a Texas hold ‘em table with you if the rules are straight. I propose,
1. Head up game
2. 1000. dollar buy in
3. 50 dollar opening big blind
4. 10 % of pot goes to dealer to be paid by the winner
5. Neutral site
6. Prove your identity
7. If I win you wear a I love Hillary tee shirt take a pic then post on eccie and
Leave the site forever and a day.
8. If you win I take a pic in a trump 2020 tee shirt then post on eccie and
leave the site forever.
  • oeb11
  • 11-22-2019, 07:41 AM
1- what penny ante stakes - typical
2 all hat and no cattle
3 - want me to do what you won't - prove identity
4 pretend mod
5 Love you your DPST nominee - H....

6 H... t-shirts go over well at your Austin LGBTQ rallies
7 poor J666 - all keyboard and no substance.

8 can't afford a real poker game - go watch Molly's game - Hollywood - but basis in fact.
9 - enjoy your outrage
10 thank you for wasting bandwidth, j666

Now - to the issue - the house should go ahead a vote and send Impeachment to the Senate. Let's see a fair, open, non-partisan trial of charges.

Schiff show is nothing but "feelings," and a bluff as to a vote to send Impeachment to the Senate. Schiff is loving his 15 min in the spotlight, and is loathe to give it up. he will carry on as he is trying to smear the POTUS for the crime of winning Nov 2016 .

Put that in an Article of Impeachment and send it to the Senate
Go On - J666 - write Schiff and urge him to do it!!

DPST's - like j66 - are terrified of losing control of their Schiff shit clown show. DPST's do not want anything they cannot railroad.

Trump is not my favorite person, but i agree with his policies far more than DPST and j666 favoite socialist like Bernie, Warren, Creepy Joe, and your true nominee for 202 - H....
Jaxson66's Avatar
The Justice Department inspector general has found evidence that an FBI employee may have altered a document connected to court-approved surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser, but has concluded that the conduct did not affect the overall validity of the surveillance application, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The person under scrutiny is a low-level FBI lawyer who has since been forced out of the agency, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss material that has not yet been made public. They declined to identify the lawyer.
Jaxson66's Avatar
1- what penny ante stakes - typical
2 all hat and no cattle
3 - want me to do what you won't - prove identity
4 pretend mod
5 Love you your DPST nominee - H....

6 H... t-shirts go over well at your Austin LGBTQ rallies
7 poor J666 - all keyboard and no substance.

8 can't afford a real poker game - go watch Molly's game - Hollywood - but basis in fact.
9 - enjoy your outrage
10 thank you for wasting bandwidth, j666... Originally Posted by oeb11
I’m just a retired firefighter not a trust fund baby. Those are big stakes to me. A simple no would have sufficed.
The Justice Department inspector general has found evidence that an FBI employee may have altered a document connected to court-approved surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser, but has concluded that the conduct did not affect the overall validity of the surveillance application, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The person under scrutiny is a low-level FBI lawyer who has since been forced out of the agency, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss material that has not yet been made public. They declined to identify the lawyer. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So more anonymous sources say that "someone" in the mix who they fail to identify, "might" have information.

Are you serious in this? Really, I have to ask your state of mind in regards to TDS these days.

Sounds like another wishful gotcha that is going to fail for you again.