Anything you wanna post. Nothing is off topic thread

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-29-2024, 01:11 PM
And to close out Thanksgiving day.....
A pic from about 3am this morn when I went out to check on the 5 hour old new addition to the family.
Mom and foal doing fine. A bit late in the year for this, but it is what it is.
The gals are all out at the barn doing the women support thing. ECG reports a couple gals got misty eyed. The city slicker guy one of the gals brought told me a bit ago that in the last 3 days he's had so many doses of reality his head is spinning.
I'll leave the pic up till later today. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
What a thing of beauty. Thank you for sharing.
winn dixie's Avatar
Ripmany is back
He's misunderstood by staff here
+- a week before band
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
He's actually understood by a few folks. A very few folks.
winn dixie's Avatar
Rip for global moderator
winn dixie's Avatar
Somebody check the chefs referees bank accounts.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Somebody check the chefs referees bank accounts. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Nope, the Raiders QB blew it.
He shuffled his feet unintentionally while looking around. The foot shuffle is the signal for the center to hike the ball. Watch how upset the center was. The foot shuffle was done, so not the centers fault.
Even if there had been no flag, well the Chiefs recovered the "fumble" anyway.
winn dixie's Avatar
Chiefs player injured at the shoe today
winn dixie's Avatar
Holy shit

Never have I seen a bigger group of cultists in one place like what's at Kyle field
winn dixie's Avatar
Aggies be like blah blah blah

Have fun at that mid level bowl game. Snick
winn dixie's Avatar
Come come and let wd relieve you from sin.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Are you registered with a recognized religious organization that authorizes you to do that?
winn dixie's Avatar
Are you registered with a recognized religious organization that authorizes you to do that? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
No but I did stay at a holiday Inn once.
Let wd absolve you from sin and wrong doing.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 12-02-2024, 07:44 AM
splashing Holy water doesn't count unless they dying of thirst & it saves them.
winn dixie's Avatar
Guideline #21
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As the op I request this thread to be closed/locked please.
A pm to admin has already been sent. I know staff are busy. Please close thread. Simply not posting in thread will not get what I'm needing.
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Thank you..wd
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Thread has run its course. Please close. Thanks. Wd