nothing reply anything you want

Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 02-22-2013, 05:54 PM
we where hoping for doove. but now that you volunteered Tiger.
errrrr lets all pray Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Come to the temple.
needs more bacon...

Vern0065's Avatar
Now im more of a sausage guy so that looks good!!
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 02-22-2013, 07:36 PM
Now im more of a sausage guy so that looks good!! Originally Posted by Vern0065
Gasp, Vern... we never would have guessed. Lol

Nice curtins Anita
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-22-2013, 07:40 PM
lol. meat curtains
they are cute arent they
Guest042416's Avatar
Anita u were awesome I'll be back
The Drummer's Avatar
Obviously, Doove, I’m not as well versed in the political and social arena as you are. But, please, don’t suggest that I’m belittling anyone.

My mother is a widowed senior living strictly on Social Security that she paid into her whole life. And no one respects veterans, disabled or otherwise, more than I do. I often think about them and the horrific experiences they must carry for the rest of their lives. So “nevermind” [sic] this and “nevermind” [sic] that.

I’m not exactly sure if you’re generalizing your diatribe to the masses or directing it solely at me, but by your tone I’m beginning to believe in the stereotypical descriptors with concern to Liberals.

I will always welcome any insight you may provide to educate and enlighten me, but I don’t welcome your insults.

TD Originally Posted by The Drummer
How appropriate this thread, containing a poll, is in relation to this discussion.

As I wrote the above post in this thread; I considered how, in this world, there are no absolutes. It’s not conservatism vs. liberalism as a dichotomy. Therefore, this survey is flawed and would yield no results of any significance. Originally Posted by The Drummer
I agree completely that it is flawed and will not have any useful results. I knew that when I started it. But in general, it is fun to gather the opinions of the board members. It is also interesting to see who blames who for for good or bad. Originally Posted by GP

I'm certainly not criticizing your pole. That wasn’t my intention. It’s just when responding to Doove, thoughts raced through my mind relative to how we may sometimes paint issues in black and white with no gray area. Then, ironically, the next couple mouse clicks brings me to your survey.

I know you intended to entertain and not conduct an empirical study!

So I hope you and Doove, for that matter, take no offense.
jokacz's Avatar
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-23-2013, 07:26 AM

I'm certainly not criticizing your pole. That wasn’t my intention. It’s just when responding to Doove, thoughts raced through my mind relative to how we may sometimes paint issues in black and white with no gray area. Then, ironically, the next couple mouse clicks brings me to your survey.

I know you intended to entertain and not conduct an empirical study!

So I hope you and Doove, for that matter, take no offense. Originally Posted by The Drummer
No offense taken at all. Just wanted to make sure it was clear how I was going about this.
who put's curtains on the exterior
The Drummer's Avatar
No offense taken at all. Just wanted to make sure it was clear how I was going about this. Originally Posted by GP
Thank you, GP.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
who put's curtains on the exterior Originally Posted by SAMO

but the curtains do have a hot look hung that way
thanks jokacz
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmm let me take a shot at that anita.

from her view

your half brothers and sisters should not be calling your dad grampa!!!!