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  • MC
  • 02-23-2013, 01:13 PM
Here's the trailer for a very silly movie I watched last night.


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  • MC
  • 02-23-2013, 02:19 PM<iframe width="640" height="360" src=" ailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="640" height="360" src=" ailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
offshoredrilling's Avatar
errr well thanks but I was trying to remember how to do it

can you help me????
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-23-2013, 02:30 PM
I’m not exactly sure if you’re generalizing your diatribe to the masses or directing it solely at me, but by your tone I’m beginning to believe in the stereotypical descriptors with concern to Liberals. Originally Posted by The Drummer

I will always welcome any insight you may provide to educate and enlighten me, but I don’t welcome your insults. Originally Posted by The Drummer
Alrighty then. Perhaps if you do a better job of putting my comment in context with the comment of yours i quoted, you won't be so quick to be insulted. All i did was add context to your comment, to which any insults you perceived to have been aimed at you were simply aimed at the originator of your comment. That said, if you care to stand by your comment and the message it was no doubt intended to convey by your source, then yeah, you can consider the perceived insult to be aimed at you.

So “nevermind” [sic] this and “nevermind” [sic] that.

And for someone who's so easily offended by perceived insults, perhaps you shouldn't be trying to use supposed grammatical mistakes in an effort to level your own.
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 02-23-2013, 02:32 PM
errr well thanks but I was trying to remember how to do it

can you help me???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Here's a video link:

Copy everything after "v=".

Paste it between [YOUTUBE] and [/YOUTUBE ]


offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ahhhhh thanks. I remembered part of. thanks for the part I could not remember
v=Qgyfn_eHfoo&feature=player_d etailpage with out the v= for above post
thanks MC
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 02-23-2013, 02:52 PM
Greatest Movie Speech Ever:

thanks MC Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
No problem.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
They use to let ya do this. then they stopped it as for the memory it took. I saw the MC and others doing it again. sweet, not sure why I waited to try and remember how.
its like a new again toy hehehe

offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I did not remember it being so easy nor the and buttons. So thinking of what I was trying. mmmmmm I looked up how it was done before eccie killed it. Dang much easier now to boot.
The Drummer's Avatar
Alrighty then. Perhaps if you do a better job of putting my comment in context with the comment of yours i quoted, you won't be so quick to be insulted. All i did was add context to your comment, to which any insults you perceived to have been aimed at you were simply aimed at the originator of your comment. That said, if you care to stand by your comment and the message it was no doubt intended to convey by your source, then yeah, you can consider the perceived insult to be aimed at you.

And for someone who's so easily offended by perceived insults, perhaps you shouldn't be trying to use supposed grammatical mistakes in an effort to level your own.
Originally Posted by Doove
Very good, Doove. You taught me that “nevermind” is now considered one word according to Everyone knows (according to the TV commercial) that they can’t put anything on the Internet that isn’t true. So, I have now leveled [improved] my grammar? Is that your meaning?

So by simply stating a statistical fact, I may now consider a “perceived insult” as an insult.

And what message was my comment intended to carry? As I often see, your statements are incomplete. You’re assuming knowledge that I may not possess. Please explain what message I’m trying to convey, because I don’t know myself.

But, I do know this; within that 50/50 split, there are people who receive entitlements – and rightfully so: Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid recipients; Veterans with disabilities or otherwise; the unfortunate who have lost their jobs and collect Unemployment Benefits; those who need to be on Welfare because they can’t find meaningful work, or are mentally or physically disabled. I’m sure I may be missing some representative samples.

Then there are those who milk the system and feel they’re rightfully entitled to things that we, our parents, and their parents worked so hard to achieve. And, in this practice, they yearn for more and more handouts.

And this yearning doesn’t stop at the individual level. Political parties (with certain interests), also seek to expand and perpetuate.

And before you say the US economy isn’t what it used to be, there are crooks in politics and on Wall Street, etc.; I’ll tell you you’re preaching to the choir. I worked hard to obtain my Master of Science degree, I pay my bills (including student loans) and I go to work at a menial job for a fraction of what I would normally make with no return on educational investment. And, I go to work everyday.

In closing, I have no time, no desire and, without extensive research, the capacity to debate the political and social aspects of today’s world.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
And before you say the US economy isn’t what it used to be, there are crooks in politics and on Wall Street, etc.; I’ll tell you you’re preaching to the choir. I worked hard to obtain my Master of Science degree, I pay my bills (including student loans) and I go to work at a menial job for a fraction of what I would normally make with no return on educational investment. And, I go to work everyday. Originally Posted by The Drummer
heh My AAS that use to pay me very well I need a Masters now to get. Problem is with that Masters I could get minimum wage job that really one only needs a AAS for now. So I work at a factory puke job and make more than minimum for a job that you only need HS to get. All my co-workers have a AAS, Masters or a BS. Two have a PhD in something.

it is what it is. not bitching but WTF
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-24-2013, 04:51 AM
So, I have now leveled [improved] my grammar? Is that your meaning?

So by simply stating a statistical fact, I may now consider a “perceived insult” as an insult. Originally Posted by The Drummer
Whether grammatically correct or not in the strictest sense, nevermind is a common and rather acceptable part of everyday usage. Particularly on an escort review board, of all things. I rarely capitalize my "i", i use "wanna" and "gonna" on a pretty consistent basis, and i'll even throw out an "ain't" every now and then. If you need to resort to playing grammar police over items as nit-picky as that to get in a dig, i'll point out the desperation of it.

And what message was my comment intended to carry?

The running meme over that info (and info is probably a better word than comment, as it was clear you were just relaying something you had heard - and i tried to address your comment with that in mind) is that half the country is made up of nothing but lazy-ass takers, sponging off the 50% of us who pay income taxes. So i addressed it.

Look, i got nothing against you Drummer. I enjoy your posts and you seem like a stand up guy. You relayed some info you had heard, with no intended malice, i pointed out some flaws for the instances in which it is mentioned with some malice, and you took that as a slight towards you. You got snippy, and i got snippy because you got snippy. No harm done.