Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry

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  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 03:56 PM
What j thinks are 'journalists" - are just covers for DPST propaganda machines.

Vice news describes the DPST propagadna outlets nicely.

The world would be better off without all of them.

minneapolis got No cops - time for a new flat screen ????
One good thing - OBLM spurs the development of new tv and sneaker technology.

cannot keep them in the store windows.
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Originally Posted by JCM800
You know? The Lap Dance is so Much Better when the Globalist is Crying...
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When the well attired leave the checkout line carrying steaks and shrimp using an EBT card, the door is still held open; yet notations necessarily embed.

When protestors and rioters are given special rights to assemble, yet our businesses are forced to close and we are not permitted to join in fellowship – we are pissed.

Cold Anger does not need to go to violence. For those who carry it, no conversation is needed when we meet. You cannot poll or measure fury; specifically because most who carry it necessarily avoid discussion… And that decision has nothing whatsoever to do with any form of correctness.

When the U.S. flags lay gleefully undefended, they do not lay unnoticed. When the stars and stripes are controversial, yet a foreign flag is honored – we are paying attention.

When millionaire football players kneel down rather than honor our fallen soldiers and stand proud of our country, we see that.

When the FBI sends 15 special agents to investigate a NASCAR garage door-pull; and when they kneel before those en route to tear down our national monuments we notice.

Cold Anger absorbs betrayal silently, often prudently.

Illicit trade schemes, employment and the standard of living in Vietnam and Southeast Asia are more important to Wall Street and DC lobbyists, than the financial security of Youngstown Ohio.

We get it. We understand. We didn’t create that reality, we are simply responding to it.

The intelligence apparatus of our nation was weaponized against our candidate by those who controlled the levers of government in both political parties. Now, with sanctimonious declarations they dismiss accountability.

Deliberate intent and prudence ensures we avoid failure. The course, is thoughtful vigilance; it is a strategy devoid of emotion. The media can call us anything they want, it really doesn’t matter…. we’re so far beyond the place where labels matter.

Foolishness and betrayal of our nation have served to reveal dangers within our present condition. Misplaced corrective action, regardless of intent, is neither safe nor wise. We know exactly who Donald Trump is, and we also know what he is not.

He is exactly what we need at this moment. He is a necessary glorious bastard.

He is our weapon.

Cold Anger is not driven to act in spite of itself; it drives a reckoning.

A shield, or cry of micro-aggression will provide no benefit, nor quarter. Delicate sensibilities are dispatched like a feather in a hurricane.

We are patient, but also purposeful. Pushed far enough, decisions are reached…
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Thanks, white guy who thinks he's a black guy.
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Robby Starbuck

Did you know (THREAD):

• The 1st gay candidate for President, Fred Karger, was a Republican
• The 1st Black Senator, Hiram Rhodes Revel, was a Republican
• The 1st Hispanic Senator, Octaviano Larrazolo, was a Republican
• The 1st Asian Senator, Hiram Fong, was a Republican
Did you know:

• The first Native American Senator and first non-Euro elected Vice President, Charles Curtis, was a Republican
• The first Hispanic candidate for President, Ben Fernandez, was a Republican
• The first Asian candidate for President, Hiram Fong, was a Republican
Did you know:

• The first Black person to serve in the House of Representatives, Joseph Rainey, was a Republican
• The first Hispanic woman to serve in the House of Reps, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, was a Republican
• The first Black Governor, P.B.S. Pinchback, was a Republican
Did you know:

• The first woman elected to the US House of Representatives, Jeannette Rankin, was a Republican
• The first Hispanic person to serve in the House of Representatives, Romualdo Pacheco, was a Republican
• The first Indian Governor, Bobby Jindal, was a Republican
Did you know:

• The first Native American Governor, Kevin Stitt, was a Republican
• The first Hispanic Governor, Romualdo Pacheco, was a Republican
• The first former slave to preside over the Senate, Blanche Bruce
As the son of a Hispanic legal immigrant I’ve always found the political left’s attacks calling Republicans racist or worse both maddening and fascinating. I hope this thread puts some of their ridiculousness into perspective.

Republican voters have always been welcoming to all.
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  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2020, 02:23 PM
Robby Starbuck

Did you know (THREAD):

• The 1st gay candidate for President, Fred Karger, was a Republican
• The 1st Black Senator, Hiram Rhodes Revel, was a Republican
• The 1st Hispanic Senator, Octaviano Larrazolo, was a Republican
• The 1st Asian Senator, Hiram Fong, was a Republican
Did you know:

• The first Native American Senator and first non-Euro elected Vice President, Charles Curtis, was a Republican
• The first Hispanic candidate for President, Ben Fernandez, was a Republican
• The first Asian candidate for President, Hiram Fong, was a Republican
Did you know:

• The first Black person to serve in the House of Representatives, Joseph Rainey, was a Republican
• The first Hispanic woman to serve in the House of Reps, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, was a Republican
• The first Black Governor, P.B.S. Pinchback, was a Republican
Did you know:

• The first woman elected to the US House of Representatives, Jeannette Rankin, was a Republican
• The first Hispanic person to serve in the House of Representatives, Romualdo Pacheco, was a Republican
• The first Indian Governor, Bobby Jindal, was a Republican
Did you know:

• The first Native American Governor, Kevin Stitt, was a Republican
• The first Hispanic Governor, Romualdo Pacheco, was a Republican
• The first former slave to preside over the Senate, Blanche Bruce
As the son of a Hispanic legal immigrant I’ve always found the political left’s attacks calling Republicans racist or worse both maddening and fascinating. I hope this thread puts some of their ridiculousness into perspective.

Republican voters have always been welcoming to all. Originally Posted by Redhot1960

One of the reasons to preserve history against the cancel history culture Marxists.

Thank You - RH.
Happy 4th.
When the NFL plays a "Black Anthem" - I will never watch NFL football again!

And damn sure write goodell about it!
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Another drunk angry Karen.

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