For those who need proof of election fraud....

this entire fraud will unravel when the first low level operative is indicted for felony crimes. so which state will the first defector come from? AZ/GA/MI/PA/WI? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's all they need is one putz to interrogate and he'll sing like a Canary and the Democratic party is toast.
bambino's Avatar
That's all they need is one putz to interrogate and he'll sing like a Canary and the Democratic party is toast. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It’s coming like a freight train.
bambino's Avatar
���� BREAKING NEWS! ����


According to Ken Bennett: Thousands of duplicate ballots had missing serial number, making it almost impossible to match the original ballots with the duplicate ballots.

In response to a question by Senate President Fan, Mr. Bennet responded there is no way to know if ballots sent to duplication was duplicated multiple times.

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Geez, they only printed 168,000 ballots on Election Day!!!!
bambino's Avatar
It keeps coming:

Highlights from AZ Audit Senate Hearing 7/15

Hand Count

• Ballot duplication nightmare. Serial numbers are required to match the original and duplicated ballot. “Thousands” of ballots are either missing serial numbers or have unreadable serial numbers printed over a dark black ballot identification box.

Machine Analysis

• Inferior equipment verification process. Senator Peterson noted that if the EAC equipment verification process cannot handle evaluation by an audit, then we need a new certification procedure.

• Security breach, cyber security vulnerabilities, and missing security event data. Ben Cotton of CyFIR emphasized the critical need for router and Splunk log data. He gave 4 reasons:

a) The November election system breach reported by Maricopa County and the SoS.

b) Extreme cyber security vulnerabilities: the last malware and operating system/ security patch update was in August 2019 when the Dominion software was originally installed. “It would take less than 10 min to gain system-level access.”

c) Security event data only goes back to 2/5/21. By design, the security log only holds 20 MB of data. Strangely, on 3/11/21, there were 37,646 queries for a blank password that had had the effect of overwriting the data prior to 2/5/21.

d) Suspicious anonymous logons. CyFIR has found anonymous logons at the system level that do not follow the pattern of normal Windows behavior.

• Maricopa County is unable to validate the security of the election system. The evidence provided suggests that only Dominion is able to verify the ICP configuration. Cotton explains that it’s impossible to validate the security of an election system if you cannot independently validate the configuration. CyFIR needs the authentication fobs held by Dominion to check ICP configuration.

Paper Analysis

• Ballot calibration was off by an average of 1000% leading to bleed-through, which can cause over-votes or inaccurate vote attribution. The County has stated that they use thick VoteSecure paper, which should limit bleed-through in the event of mis-calibration. However, the Cyber Ninjas team found a large number of ballots on very thin paper stock. The ballots printed on-demand at the voting centers on Election Day has the worst calibrations issues. More than 168K ballots were affected.

Voter Rolls

• Voter roll anomalies affect more than 107K ballots. Doug Logan “highly recommends canvassing” based on the data his team has reviewed. For example:

a) There are 74,243 mail-in ballots with no clear record of being sent out

b) 11,326 who voted did not show up on the 11/7 voter rolls, but are listed in the 12/4 database

c) 3,981 who voted on Election Day were registered after 10/15, which is a violation of state law

d) Approximately 18k people voted on Election Day but were subsequently removed from the rolls


• Maricopa County did not turn over images of the envelopes as requested on the January subpoena

The hearing concluded with a review of the 17 missing items needed to complete audit, many of them already subpoenaed, including router data, Splunk logs, hardware tokens, envelope images, chain of custody documentation, and all portable media. Fann stated that the Senate will likely have to go back to court to enforce the subpoena.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's all they need is one putz to interrogate and he'll sing like a Canary and the Democratic party is toast. Originally Posted by Levianon17

yep. and that putz is out there .. many times over.

���� BREAKING NEWS! ����


According to Ken Bennett: Thousands of duplicate ballots had missing serial number, making it almost impossible to match the original ballots with the duplicate ballots.

In response to a question by Senate President Fan, Mr. Bennet responded there is no way to know if ballots sent to duplication was duplicated multiple times.

Stay tune for further updates...

���� National Audit Watch Channel: @AuditWatch
�� National Audit Watch Chat: @AuditWatchChat

Geez, they only printed 168,000 ballots on Election Day!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

the operatives were so shocked Trump was getting such massive numbers that they didn't expect they had to double down and work overtime for days to manufacture enough ballots to steal the election.

that will be their ultimate downfall .. the steal became so massive you simply can't cover it up for long. and time is running out.
Fake news, let me guess, Mike Lindell is running this...

There’s enough fraudulent ballots in Maricopa county to flip Arizona, Nevada, Ga, Pa, and Wi combined!!!!!! That’s without an audit of the Dominion Machines. Which had 37,000 entries from outside sources!!!!

Big Takeaways from Maricopa County Forensic Audit (in terms of #s) This doesn't even begin to touch everything else we heard today and what's to come. #1 There were 74K more ballot sent out than requested. All we've been hearing from the Democrats is voter suppression etc... Interesting, I'd like to hear them reconcile that. #2 Over a very short period of time there were 37,00 Queries into logins on the server. The requestor of the query would essentially whitewash all prior logins into the server. The obvious intent was to erase all associated history related to the logins. Nice try, it didn't work. Originally Posted by bambino
Senate Republicans' election review is led by and largely paid for by people who believe the presidential election was stolen from former President Donald Trump.

Can't trust a bunch of trumptards. Not a bipartisan recount, it means nothing.
  • oeb11
  • 07-15-2021, 07:02 PM
Denial, deflection, and cover-up - the reason the fascist DPST's are desperate to stop voter fraud investigations - and proceed with HR-1 to give them legalized voter fraud in perpetuity.

But - One has never read the bills, is in denial and deflection - and totally in agreement with the coverups -'r'!

If the fascist DPST's don't send troops to quash the Arizona and Georgia investigations - preliminary comments show the fascist DPST's have subverted thousands of Votes - committed voter Fraud - and are desperately covering up by refusing to permit access for investigators.

Go right on ahead with the rest of teh loyal Fascist DPST communist party memeber in denial and deflection - it is just typical.

Best have the votes in hand for 2022/2024 - Voter fraud criminals will be in serious jeopardy - 'r'.

such a shame to be so deluded in life - hoodwinked by the false promises of marx, free money, and a fake prosperity of teh socialist marxist tyrannical dictatorial prison you do so desire.

See - cuba and venezuela - but U are too blindly dedicated to the false god narrative of Xinn.

and will force America into a disaster for you foolish desire to be taken care of by the Communist radicals.

Quote - Can't trust a bunch of trumptards. Not a bipartisan recount, it means nothing.

name-calling is just deflection - 'r' - and there is no cooperation of any fascist DPST - since they must cover up their fraud.

Catch 22 - we (DPST's) won't cooperate - so not 'bipartisan' - so no investigation.

Transparent as glass - and that window is cracking and breaking under the light of expert, non-biased , investigations.

Too BAD!
It’s coming like a freight train. Originally Posted by bambino
You got it. The Pain Train is coming right around the bend.
Biden will still be ya'lls president...
Biden will still be ya'lls president... Originally Posted by royamcr
He might be your president. I'll never refer to him as anything but a dumb ass. More people have power over him than he'll ever have over me.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Too late Brad, a rat jumping off a sinking ship in Georgia Originally Posted by bambino

Just in from Arizona!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
He might be your president. I'll never refer to him as anything but a dumb ass. More people have power over him than he'll ever have over me. Originally Posted by Levianon17
He's still your president.
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
She's a trumphumper. Can't be trusted.