Count to 10,000 Continued

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
gman44's Avatar
gman44's Avatar
Vorplatz Basilika / square basilica

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gman44's Avatar
gman44's Avatar
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Liketobelicked's Avatar

Apartment 1303 is yet another Japanese flick involving suicide, ghosts, family, ghosts, death, ghosts, screaming, ghosts, bad subtitled "acting", ghosts, sex, ghos...enough with the ghosts already. OK, no ghosts, ok? Have we finally quit on the ghosts?

No - ghosts!

And of course, err, umm.....oh yeah, ghosts. By thw way, did I mention it was a ghost flick?
Liketobelicked's Avatar
Liketobelicked's Avatar

1305 Artist Ltd. Music production, recording, distribution and support in Columbus, Ohio. (And yes, they are always looking to book new bands and other artists, particularly those who have some originality and a unique sound and style (which lets that infernal wanker Simon Cowell right buggered out).