nothing reply anything you want

The Drummer's Avatar
Whether grammatically correct or not in the strictest sense, nevermind is a common and rather acceptable part of everyday usage. Particularly on an escort review board, of all things. I rarely capitalize my "i", i use "wanna" and "gonna" on a pretty consistent basis, and i'll even throw out an "ain't" every now and then. If you need to resort to playing grammar police over items as nit-picky as that to get in a dig, i'll point out the desperation of it.

The running meme over that info (and info is probably a better word than comment, as it was clear you were just relaying something you had heard - and i tried to address your comment with that in mind) is that half the country is made up of nothing but lazy-ass takers, sponging off the 50% of us who pay income taxes. So i addressed it.

Look, i got nothing against you Drummer. I enjoy your posts and you seem like a stand up guy. You relayed some info you had heard, with no intended malice, i pointed out some flaws for the instances in which it is mentioned with some malice, and you took that as a slight towards you. You got snippy, and i got snippy because you got snippy. No harm done. Originally Posted by Doove
You’re right, Doove. I shouldn’t have nit picked the grammar, but I was upset because I perceived someone thinking I’d belittle the less fortunate.

And, as you can see, I use contractions too. We may as well write the way we speak. That’s the beauty of language and style – always evolving.

And, you had every right to expand on the 50/50 reference. Most of us know about Romney’s 47 percent remark and how misleading it was. What you did was, simply, bring to the forefront elements that some might be unaware of. I shouldn’t have been so quick to take a burn.

As for me being a “stand up guy”; you “ain’t” so bad yourself!

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-24-2013, 06:10 AM
Get a room! LOL
The Drummer's Avatar
Get a room! LOL Originally Posted by GP
Ha, ha!!! I knew I'd get my balls broke within minutes.

Btw, do you know of anywhere to rent rooms by the hour?
jokacz's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Btw, do you know of anywhere to rent rooms by the hour? Originally Posted by The Drummer
why yes I do
jokacz's Avatar
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 02-28-2013, 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by MC
I've saw that pic before on FB I think it may be true lol
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmm as many see me as a dick. wellllll willing to help out some gals with the duckface
jokacz's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I fucked up a few times this weekend. errrr I should be banned. But as mods have no idea I still be here. I hope the few that provide me joy in knowing can forgive me.

Now that I in some of this background eccie BS. I see no way out. I seemed to got in the web of mess learning about as a way of trying ta stay out of it.

mmmmm maybe I can keep from getting deeper and not fuck up again.

sorry to the few I let down and loss a bit a trust from.
I fucked up a few times this weekend. errrr Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
This tantalizing confession/apology post leaves us hanging with curiosity.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-03-2013, 11:21 AM
OSD will never come out and say. He is worse than a hooker with GPS. He likes to tease he is GFE, but really isn't.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
well any more said would be repeating mistake already made.
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  • GP
  • 03-03-2013, 12:55 PM
OSD, you ain't got the balls to go and get yourself banned. Come on, be a real man! Go and get banned like the real men around here! Stop being such a pussy! LOL