How are we going to pay for all this shit?

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  • WTF
  • 02-18-2022, 08:42 PM
Slowly? Our real GDP grew by 5.7% last year. That's the fastest growth we've clocked since 1984 under your beloved Ronnie
. Originally Posted by lustylad
I haven't looked but growth after a shutdown is to be expected....especially since both Trump and Biden threw so much money on the fire.

But it will eventually blaze do not need 2018 again.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I haven't looked but growth after a shutdown is to be expected....especially since both Trump and Biden threw so much money on the fire.

But it will eventually blaze do not need 2018 again. Originally Posted by WTF

if you come out as a trans albino gay squirrel i'm pretty sure Biden will appoint you Chairman of the Fed. then you can fix everything, right??

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  • WTF
  • 02-19-2022, 07:32 AM
How many people have come out in your mouth?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Here comes the patented bait and snitch.
lustylad's Avatar
Well Brokeback....if a country you are getting supplies from is in lockdown mode and you are having trouble getting those supplies say in the auto can really effect sticker price in an inflationary way.

But you knew that right... Originally Posted by WTF
Your "facts" are all wrong, as usual. Taiwan was one of the countries least affected by covid. Major US automakers stupidly cancelled their microchip orders from Taiwan when the pandemic started. Taiwan chipmakers didn't "lock down" production, they just redirected their shipments to other customers. Now their future deliveries are locked up, not locked down.

But you're too much of a simple-minded simpleton to understand. Read and learn:
lustylad's Avatar
I haven't looked but growth after a shutdown is to be expected.... Originally Posted by WTF
Nobody said otherwise. We're talking about how fast. You claimed "we are SLOWLY working our way out of a global shutdown" when last year's GDP numbers showed the fastest growth in nearly 4 decades.

But hey, when have you ever let your cluelessness regarding the actual economic data stop you from weighing in and looking dumb?

lustylad's Avatar
How many people have come out in your mouth? Originally Posted by WTF
You're still trolling this board ISO someone who is CIM like you? Good luck!
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  • WTF
  • 02-19-2022, 03:22 PM
Your "facts" are all wrong, as usual. Taiwan was one of the countries least affected by covid. Major US automakers stupidly cancelled their microchip orders from Taiwan when the pandemic started. Taiwan chipmakers didn't "lock down" production, they just redirected their shipments to other customers. Now their future deliveries are locked up, not locked down.

But you're too much of a simple-minded simpleton to understand. Read and learn: Originally Posted by lustylad
I used auto as an example he might understand. I was actually talking in a more macro view. You understand wtf Marco means, right? But your example was fine. Restricted supply is partly to blame for inflation please sit down and stfu until you can say something truthful.

Covid lockdowns, quarantines and restrictions are causing a backlog in some of China’s major ports, resulting in “chaos” and pushing up air freights by as much as 50% in some cases, analysts tell CNBC.
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  • WTF
  • 02-19-2022, 03:51 PM
Nobody said otherwise. We're talking about how fast. You claimed "we are SLOWLY working our way out of a global shutdown" when last year's GDP numbers showed the fastest growth in nearly 4 decades.

But hey, when have you ever let your cluelessness regarding the actual economic data stop you from weighing in and looking dumb?

Originally Posted by lustylad
In case you hadn't noticed we are a integrated all your nationalistic rahrah for your next Trump rally

The third factor is supply constraints, which have affected goods’ production across the world. These have been triggered by a variety of factors, including reduced production and orders during the initial downturn, subsequent COVID-related shutdowns, and the unexpectedly rapid rebound in demand. For instance, constraints in the availability of semiconductors have put a dent in global production of a variety of goods, such as autos, and affected exports in advanced economies, especially in the third quarter. Globally, firms facing supply bottlenecks accommodated strong demand by running down inventories, which are particularly low, and inflationary pressures increased across the globe, with soaring commodity prices and goods prices rising notably after a long period of stability.
lustylad's Avatar
I used auto as an example he might understand. I was actually talking in a more macro view. You understand wtf Marco means, right? But your example was fine. Restricted supply is partly to blame for inflation please sit down and stfu until you can say something truthful. Originally Posted by WTF
Huh? Now you want to blame Biden's inflation on Marco Polo? You're really reaching now, aintcha! How does a 13th Century explorer drive up prices in the grocery store today? Please tell us!

The auto chip shortage was YOUR flawed example, not mine. Did you even read my link with its detailed WSJ analysis? There is and was no "restricted supply". As I already explained, US automakers stupidly and voluntarily cancelled some of their chip orders at the start of the pandemic. Now they're crying because Taiwan Semiconductor scrambled and replaced the lost orders by locking in new customers for all those chips. They never had to cut production.

Here's what former Obama hack Steve Rattner wrote in the NYT this week:

"Much has been made, for example, about the very real shortage of semiconductors. But that gap has occurred despite manufacturers delivering a staggering 1.15 trillion chips in 2021, handily eclipsing the previous annual record. That looks to me like a demand problem creating a supply problem."

In other words, your "example" is NOT indicative of any "restricted supply" due to the pandemic. Plus - did you even notice how most of the lockdowns occurred in 2020, but inflation didn't heat up until 2021, i.e. AFTER the dim-retards stupidly and irresponsibly overheated the economy? As Rattner put it:

"Blaming inflation on supply lines is like complaining about your sweater keeping you too warm after you’ve added several logs to the fireplace."

It's ok, WTF. You just keep doing you.

Nobody expects you OR Joe Biden to say anything TRUTHFUL about inflation. Maybe you can advise Joey to start blaming it all on Marco Polo!
lustylad's Avatar
In case you hadn't noticed we are a (sic) integrated all your nationalistic rahrah for your next Trump rally... Originally Posted by WTF
No kidding? "We are a (sic) integrated world"? You mean economically, not racially? Why yes, it takes a global village! Got any more flaky, superficial cliches to add to the convo?

Speaking of "nationalistic rahrah" - don't you want to pound your chest, take a victory lap and wave your cute pom-poms for Joey? After all, the US economy in real terms surged by 5.7% last year. Not enough data is in yet to compare that with the rest of the OECD, but it's nearly twice as fast as any yearly GDP gains under trumpy! So where's the partisan... er, I mean the nationalistic rahrah, WTF? And why is Joey polling so dismally in a booming economy?
  • Tiny
  • 02-19-2022, 09:54 PM
After all, the US economy in real terms surged by 5.7% last year. Not enough data is in yet to compare that with the rest of the OECD, but it's nearly twice as fast as any yearly GDP gains under trumpy! Originally Posted by lustylad
You're cherry picking to take away from Biden's legacy. YoY GDP growth for the 2Q2021 was 12.2%! That was the highest in the USA since 1950! Yes it has diminished somewhat, but 5.7% is still fantastic. President Biden is a true economic genius. Only Hugo Chavez did better. He was responsible for 36% growth in GDP in 2004.

Aside - Venezuela's GDP declined 26.7% YoY in 1Q2023. See any similarities?
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  • WTF
  • 02-20-2022, 11:05 AM
You're cherry picking to take away from Biden's legacy. YoY GDP growth for the 2Q2021 was 12.2%! That was the highest in the USA since 1950! Yes it has diminished somewhat, but 5.7% is still fantastic. President Biden is a true economic genius. Only Hugo Chavez did better. He was responsible for 36% growth in GDP in 2004.

Aside - Venezuela's GDP declined 26.7% YoY in 1Q2023. See any similarities? Originally Posted by Tiny
You two forgot to reminisce about Trump bragging about his GDP post pandemic numbers!

No matter how the Democrats and their media allies attempt to qualify it, that was the biggest GDP surge ever. It beat the previous historic high of 16.7% in the first quarter of 1950, as well as the third-quarter estimate of 32% from economists surveyed by Dow Jones.

President Trump’s economic policies are continuing to make miracles, despite all the fear-mongering, skepticism, and negativity coming from the Democrats and their allies in the liberal media.

Some media sources are already reporting this historic number with the caveat that we still have a long way to go to recover to fully recover. Well, of course, we do.
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  • WTF
  • 02-20-2022, 11:14 AM
Huh? Now you want to blame Biden's inflation on Marco Polo? You're really reaching now, aintcha! How does a 13th Century explorer drive up prices in the grocery store today? Please tell us!
Originally Posted by lustylad
If you'd pull the weenies from your ears and wipe the cum from your eyes you'd know that what was meant was macro.
  • Tiny
  • 02-20-2022, 11:16 AM
You two forget to reminisce about Trump bragging about his GDP post pandemic numbers! Originally Posted by WTF
Haha! Touche.