How are we going to pay for all this shit?

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  • WTF
  • 02-20-2022, 11:44 AM

The auto chip shortage was YOUR flawed example, not mine. Did you even read my link with its detailed WSJ analysis? There is and was no "restricted supply". As I already explained, US automakers stupidly and voluntarily cancelled some of their chip orders at the start of the pandemic. Now they're crying because Taiwan Semiconductor scrambled and replaced the lost orders by locking in new customers for all those chips. They never had to cut production.

! Originally Posted by lustylad
Can they now get chips?


That is a Chip shortage.

If you were gay and I'm not saying you're not, if you could not get ahold of some dicks.

You'd be in a dick shortage.

See'd be the numbnut telling starving kids in Africa and elsewhere to stfu because there isn't a food shortage!
lustylad's Avatar
If you'd pull the weenies from your ears and wipe the cum from your eyes you'd know that what was meant was macro. Originally Posted by WTF
Is that why all your posts are cock-full, er, I mean chock-full of spelling errors? Too much cum in your eyes? Try wearing goggles... it works for yssup!
lustylad's Avatar
Can they now get chips?


That is a Chip shortage...

See'd be the numbnut telling starving kids in Africa and elsewhere to stfu because there isn't a food shortage! Originally Posted by WTF
Every post you make demonstrates what a simple-minded simp you are! Nobody is saying chips aren't hard to get!

Those of us who are capable of drilling down and analyzing these matters more than superficially would ask - WHY are they in short supply, when manufacturers churned out a record 1.15 trillion chips in 2021? Could that be indicative of "a demand problem creating a supply problem"?

If you had been in charge of chip procurement for General Motors, you would have been fired a long time ago! (Of course, given your obvious lack of problem-solving skills you would never have been hired by GM in the first place!)

You and your numbnut pal Joe Biden think the way to help starving kids in Africa is to drop helicopter pallets of cash on them. You're both too fucking stupid and lazy to teach them how to raise local crop yields. Then when prices of bread and maize double, you try to blame supply lines instead of your own mindless, hyper-inflationary helicopter drops!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Just print more money. Yeah, that's the ticket. Its not like it's going to have any purchasing power anyway.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Taiwan was one of the countries least affected by covid. Major US automakers stupidly cancelled their microchip orders from Taiwan when the pandemic started. Taiwan chipmakers didn't "lock down" production, they just redirected their shipments to other customers. .. Originally Posted by lustylad

But Joey Bribes gets a cut from the Ukraine and China, not Tiawan. How's he gonna get a cut? Does this mean he's gonna have eat the store brand ice cream? Well... no doubt he's got a solid leash back to China to keep a tight grip on Tiawan. Oh snap!. The leash handle is around Xi's wrist and the clasp is on Joey Bribes collar. Ooops! Thinking we are proper ?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-21-2022, 08:20 AM
Every post you make demonstrates what a simple-minded simp you are! Nobody is saying chips aren't hard to get!

Those of us who are capable of drilling down and analyzing these matters more than superficially would ask - WHY are they in short supply, when manufacturers churned out a record 1.15 trillion chips in 2021? Could that be indicative of "a demand problem creating a supply problem"?

Originally Posted by lustylad
So there is a Supply problem.

Thanks for finally admitting as much.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-21-2022, 08:24 AM
Is that why all your posts are cock-full, er, I mean chock-full of spelling errors? Too much cum in your eyes? Try wearing goggles... it works for yssup! Originally Posted by lustylad
I post on my phone and never check for errors....only folks will little to no substance care about spelling errors.

Unless this is a grammar class.

Is that the forum you think you're in?

Wipe your eyes clean and you will see you are in the Political Forum...not the gay grammar glee club.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-21-2022, 08:35 AM
Taiwan was one of the countries least affected by covid. ] Originally Posted by lustylad
Why was that?

Maybe you can explain the reason to your conspiracy theorists friends such as bambino Gandhi's sidekick Salty.

Difficulties frequently encountered in many Western countries with vaccine hesitancy, contact tracing, quarantine and facemask resistance have not generally been problems in Taiwan. The public regards cooperating with the government in national emergencies as a civic responsibility and shares the recognition that everyone is in this together. The importance of these two attributes cannot be overstated in Taiwan’s highly successful Covid-19 outcomes to date.
lustylad's Avatar
So there is a Supply problem.

Thanks for finally admitting as much. Originally Posted by WTF
Never said otherwise. Now when are you going to admit the auto industry chip shortage - and the resulting impact on new car production and prices here - wasn't primarily the result of covid lockdowns?

You've already agreed with me that 1) the chips in question are chiefly manufactured in Taiwan, and 2) Taiwan was relatively unaffected by covid.

Once again - if automakers hadn't curtailed their Taiwan chip orders at the start of the pandemic, they would still be enjoying a secure, uninterrupted supply of this critical auto part.

Sad how you're just too dense to comprehend the article I cited in post #1295:

"With microcontrollers for auto makers, TSMC has been privately frustrated by the industry’s insistence that it give priority to its orders, people familiar with the matter said. Auto makers curtailed their own orders last year as the pandemic started. By the time demand snapped back, TSMC had committed capacity elsewhere."

You're like a Nascar driver who sells his radiator hose to save a few bucks, then when his engine overheats and blows up in the first lap he blames it on a water shortage!
lustylad's Avatar
I post on my phone and never check for errors....only folks will little to no substance care about spelling errors. Originally Posted by WTF
"No substance"? Make up your mind - do you fart or do you shart?

Funny how everyone in this forum uses their phones, but you're the only one too stupid to learn how to make corrections using the 60-minute edit window.

I only "care" insofar as your fumbles and bumbles are entertaining and easy to make fun of!

Gandhi's sidekick Salty. Originally Posted by WTF
Fyi - Salty is from Australia, not India. Gandhi died 74 years ago.

Difficulties frequently encountered in many Western countries with vaccine hesitancy, contact tracing, quarantine and facemask resistance have not generally been problems in Taiwan. The public regards cooperating with the government in national emergencies as a civic responsibility and shares the recognition that everyone is in this together. Originally Posted by WTF
i tend to like individualism and the liberty a well executed exercise of that individualism keeps ever more safe

in both small things and large, the exercise of individualism gives notice to any would be tyrant
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-21-2022, 05:51 PM
i tend to like individualism and the liberty a well executed exercise of that individualism keeps ever more safe

in both small things and large, the exercise of individualism gives notice to any would be tyrant Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Good...go suck your own dick then
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  • WTF
  • 02-21-2022, 06:28 PM
Never said otherwise. Now when are you going to admit the auto industry chip shortage - and the resulting impact on new car production and prices here - wasn't primarily the result of covid lockdowns?

You've already agreed with me that 1) the chips in question are chiefly manufactured in Taiwan, and 2) Taiwan was relatively unaffected by covid.

Once again - if automakers hadn't curtailed their Taiwan chip orders at the start of the pandemic, they would still be enjoying a secure, uninterrupted supply of this critical auto part.

e! Originally Posted by lustylad
So the SHUTDOWN was the reason was responsible for the Chip I said.

Thank you for making my point once again
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Good...go suck your own dick then Originally Posted by WTF

All the best
ECCIE Worldwide
lustylad's Avatar
So the SHUTDOWN was the reason was responsible for the Chip I said.

Thank you for making my point once again Originally Posted by WTF
Lol... now you're flailing because that's all your feeble mind is capable of.

Ok, I'll play along! Here's my original post:

Once again - if automakers hadn't curtailed their Taiwan chip orders at the start of the pandemic, they would still be enjoying a secure, uninterrupted supply of this critical auto part. Originally Posted by lustylad
If you really want us to apply your flimsy flaky logic, we must go all the way back to the original antecedent. Then you'll have to agree Dr. Fauci is responsible for the chip shortage!

Let me restate my post to reflect your "logical" version of events...

If Dr. Fauci hadn't misdirected US taxpayer dollars to fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the global pandemic would not have occurred nor would we have had to endure the resulting economic shutdowns prompting automakers to stupidly cancel their Taiwan chip orders and TSMC to commit its capacity elsewhere.

Does that work better for you? Good!

Hey folks...

WTF found the culprit! Dr. Fauci is responsible for the global chip shortage and the inflation in auto prices!