Tucker Carlson reports

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hunter Biden's Former BFF Makes Stunning Admissions to Tucker Carlson


Julio Rosas | August 02, 2023 3:30 PM

Tucker Carlson released part one of an interview with Hunter Biden's former business partner Devon Archer after he provided testimony to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee about the Biden family's business dealings.


At the top of the interview, Carlson pressed Archer on what specific skills Hunter Biden brought to the table for the business he was conducting.
"At the end of the day, he had a career in Washington...[He] had a very big network in D.C. and brought that knowhow and understanding of D.C. and, ultimately, the Biden brand," Archer replied, going on to agree with Carlson that Hunter's biggest asset was the "Biden brand."

"Do you think that he would have been in those businesses, not having a business background, without his father being in a government position?" Carlson asked.

"It's hard to speculate, in those regards, I mean, I think when we initially met and he talked about his advisory business...It seemed like a new and interesting network for us to expand our business...Obviously the brand of Biden, you know, adds a lot of power when your dad is the vice president," Archer explained.

When it came to the over 20 phone calls Hunter had with Joe Biden during business meetings, Archer said in hindsight that was an odd move, especially since it was on speaker phone, but maintained he did not know whether it was coordinated to happen during the meetings. Sometimes it would be the elder Biden calling his son, but Archer acknowledged putting your dad, who is the vice president, on speaker phone during meetings was an "abuse of soft power."
Precious_b's Avatar
MAN! I haven't posted in over a month and just a couple of post here since?!

DAMN! This thread has DIED!

waco, why haven't you become campaign manager for tucky so as to breath new live here with his political career?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
MAN! I haven't posted in over a month and just a couple of post here since?!

DAMN! This thread has DIED!

waco, why haven't you become campaign manager for tucky so as to breath new live here with his political career? Originally Posted by Precious_b

because Carlson isn't interested in political office. and it looks like "Toxic Tucker" has snared another victim if you believe the woke mob in the press..


Ice Cube Should Have Checked Himself Before He Wrecked Himself With Tucker Carlson

we should note the source of the "outrage" ...


let's roll that footage shall we?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
want to know the truth about the Jan 6th response or lack of?

ask the former Capitol Police Chief. Carlson did ..



... Thanks fer posting that, mate.

This thread is always informative.

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
because Carlson isn't interested in political office. ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well, I hope he doesn't pick up a shotgun like Dick Cheney.
What you stated made him a danger in office too.

Still waiting for you to change his mind and have you run your boy to the executive office.
  • Tiny
  • 09-20-2023, 08:40 PM
Ray Epps pled guilty today to disrupting the orderly conduct of government business by entering a restricted area on Capitol grounds on January 6. He faces up to a year in jail when he’s sentenced in December.

Tucker Carlson and Revolver made Epps’ life a living hell by claiming he was a government agent. He had to sell his business and home in Arizona and go into semi-hiding in the Rockies to try to avoid being harmed. Epps is now suing Fox News for Carlson’s role in destroying his life.

I believe Epps was the biggest reason why Fox fired Carlson. They saw this coming. Too bad Epps isn’t suing Carlson instead of Fox, but I guess it pays to go for the deepest pockets
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ray Epps pled guilty today to disrupting the orderly conduct of government business by entering a restricted area on Capitol grounds on January 6. He faces up to a year in jail when he’s sentenced in December.

Tucker Carlson and Revolver made Epps’ life a living hell by claiming he was a government agent. He had to sell his business and home in Arizona and go into semi-hiding in the Rockies to try to avoid being harmed. Epps is now suing Fox News for Carlson’s role in destroying his life.

I believe Epps was the biggest reason why Fox fired Carlson. They saw this coming. Too bad Epps isn’t suing Carlson instead of Fox, but I guess it pays to go for the deepest pockets Originally Posted by Tiny

Epps was only an example of the left's bias. the sham "interview" he gave to "clear" him was a staged farce. he was fed leading questions designed to "exonerate" him. all the usual suspects were there including Representatives Schiff, Murphy, Aguilar, and Kinzinger. Kinzinger one of the "hand picked" token rino's was the worst of all and this asshole was "supposed" to be representing the Republicans.


read it here and tell me it wasn't staged to "exonerate" Epps.

you are really gonna complain about Epps getting 1 year possibly when people were given 4-5 years for stealing a coat rack?

he needs to go down hard.

because i say so

Epps had nothing to do with FOX taking Carlson off the air. it was because he aired the footage of the fake insurrection and was going to continue and embarrass the "narrative". and FOX has NOT Fired Carlson. they just took him off the air. they are more than willing to pay him 20-25 MILLION until Jan 2025 to keep him from launching a show on another network
  • Tiny
  • 09-20-2023, 10:02 PM
Epps was only an example of the left's bias. the sham "interview" he gave to "clear" him was a staged farce. he was fed leading questions designed to "exonerate" him. all the usual suspects were there including Representatives Schiff, Murphy, Aguilar, and Kinzinger. Kinzinger one of the "hand picked" token rino's was the worst of all and this asshole was "supposed" to be representing the Republicans.


read it here and tell me it wasn't staged to "exonerate" Epps.

you are really gonna complain about Epps getting 1 year possibly when people were given 4-5 years for stealing a coat rack?

he needs to go down hard.

because i say so

Epps had nothing to do with FOX taking Carlson off the air. it was because he aired the footage of the fake insurrection and was going to continue and embarrass the "narrative". and FOX has NOT Fired Carlson. they just took him off the air. they are more than willing to pay him 20-25 MILLION until Jan 2025 to keep him from launching a show on another network Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Here's what I'm getting out of the link,

1. Epps testified under penalty of perjury that he never worked in law enforcement or for the FBI

2. He served our country for 4 years as an infantryman in the Marine Corps.

3. He was a member of the Oath Keepers from about 2010 to 2012, and served as the Arizona Chapter President.

4. He supported President Trump in 2020.

5. He believed there was election fraud in 2020 or at least there were some fishy things going on. He and his wife received five mail in ballots.

6. He hesitated about going to Washington because he was snowed under at work, but decided to go to because his son was going. His wife didn't feel comfortable with her son going alone. They were concerned for their son's safety because of Antifa and others demonstrating, burning cities, and shooting people. He believed Antifa would try to create a violent situation.

7. He provided text messages showing he made the trip with his son. They were excited to be going. It was a father and son vacation.

8. He said under penalty of perjury that he had no communications or interactions with law enforcement relative to his trip.

9. He and his son and his son's friend stayed at the Washington Marriott on the night of January 5. They went sight seeing on the 5th and took photos, which he gave the Committee. He also supplied text messages documenting his and his sons activities on the 5th.

10. They went to a Trump parade on the night of the fifth. Trump supporters were arguing with police. He told some "that's not what we're all about," and tried to deescalate the situation.

11. He believed there were problems with the election. He and others were there to protest and let their government know they weren't comfortable with that.

That's as far as I'm reading, to page 27 out of 97 pages. There's nothing I read so far that would indicate you're right. The guy just pled guilty and there's a pretty good chance he's going to jail and you're claiming he's a government agent? You're smarter than that.

Tucker Carlson railroaded Ray Epps. He fucked up his life. Why? To sell commercials.

A couple of our left of center posters here want to lock up Epps and throw away the key, although Blackman has expressed sympathy for his wife. Trump supporters want to do the same. It's absolutely crazy.

The Trumpsters have kicked out the RINOS and now they're starting in on their loyalists. How do they think they're going to win general elections? There won't be anybody left to vote for their candidates.

But Tucker Carlson and Rachel Maddow will make tons of money.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Here's what I'm getting out of the link,

1. Epps testified under penalty of perjury that he never worked in law enforcement or for the FBI

2. He served our country for 4 years as an infantryman in the Marine Corps.

3. He was a member of the Oath Keepers from about 2010 to 2012, and served as the Arizona Chapter President.

4. He supported President Trump in 2020.

5. He believed there was election fraud in 2020 or at least there were some fishy things going on. He and his wife received five mail in ballots.

6. He hesitated about going to Washington because he was snowed under at work, but decided to go to because his son was going. His wife didn't feel comfortable with her son going alone. They were concerned for their son's safety because of Antifa and others demonstrating, burning cities, and shooting people. He believed Antifa would try to create a violent situation.

7. He provided text messages showing he made the trip with his son. They were excited to be going. It was a father and son vacation.

8. He said under penalty of perjury that he had no communications or interactions with law enforcement relative to his trip.

9. He and his son and his son's friend stayed at the Washington Marriott on the night of January 5. They went sight seeing on the 5th and took photos, which he gave the Committee. He also supplied text messages documenting his and his sons activities on the 5th.

10. They went to a Trump parade on the night of the fifth. Trump supporters were arguing with police. He told some "that's not what we're all about," and tried to deescalate the situation.

11. He believed there were problems with the election. He and others were there to protest and let their government know they weren't comfortable with that.

That's as far as I'm reading, to page 27 out of 97 pages. There's nothing I read so far that would indicate you're right. The guy just pled guilty and there's a pretty good chance he's going to jail and you're claiming he's a government agent? You're smarter than that.

Tucker Carlson railroaded Ray Epps. He fucked up his life. Why? To sell commercials. Fuck. Originally Posted by Tiny

did i say he was a gov agent? nope. was he? maybe. was he an instigator? obviously. did the left massively over prosecute? yes. ask yourself why.

just answer me this .. do you think someone guilty of simple trespass and petty theft (the aforementioned coat rack) deserved 4 years in prison?

and thanks for the thread bump.
  • Tiny
  • 09-20-2023, 10:27 PM
just answer me this .. do you think someone guilty of simple trespass and petty theft (the aforementioned coat rack) deserved 4 years in prison? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Of course not. Dustin Thompson got fucked. The Qanon Shaman got fucked big time. And yeah, Carlson did help bring some of this to the public's attention, if that's what you're getting at. That still doesn't absolve him for ruining Ray Epps' life.

Epps deserves a more lenient sentence than either Thompson or the Shaman. He never entered the Capitol building and did not destroy property. Although he encouraged people to protest on Capitol grounds and did so himself, he also tried to deescalate conflicts with police and discourage violence.

He deserves no more than a figurative slap on the wrist IMHO. Do you disagree?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Of course not. Dustin Thompson got fucked. The Qanon Shaman got fucked big time. And yeah, Carlson did help bring some of this to the public's attention, if that's what you're getting at. That still doesn't absolve him for ruining Ray Epps' life. Originally Posted by Tiny

who should be absolved for ruining all those other people's lives?

not Tucker.

so who? the democrats of course. with their DOJ insiders like that fucktard Garland.

nope. they all should swing from ropes at GITMO.

they are the true threat to democracy.

and it is what i'm getting at. Carlson exposed the left's lies. to compare Jan 6th to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 is the most egregious lie ever told.

by the democrats.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
tucker carlson will not be silenced!!!


... Thanks for posting that, mate.

#### Salty