The Bills : )

lilylivered's Avatar
what will they think of next.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The juice is loose running for the gate
gate keeper opens the teap door
he leaps over ir like luggage at a airport
as landing before the gate
a hand reach's up and drags him down
gate keeper say's

your down at the one yard line and no time left on clock
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ops forgot
others on the field before the gate
that he zig n zad past
some are cheering and some are booing
as the game is over
offshoredrilling's Avatar
game brought to you by

Hertz and Ford Bronco
lilylivered's Avatar
Its times like this with him dying that I love to believe there is a hell.
That asshole deserves to be there
Its times like this with him dying that I love to believe there is a hell.
That asshole deserves to be there Originally Posted by lilylivered

Totally agree.
  • kosti
  • 04-16-2024, 10:29 PM
offshoredrilling's Avatar
  • kosti
  • 04-18-2024, 10:49 PM
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
what will they think of next..... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Selling the Bills?
Or a portion of?

How do we get rid of Pegula?
lilylivered's Avatar
Hopefully just a business move.
Will be hard to fill the new stadium with the new high prices for tickets.
Idiot fans were talked into believing a new stadium was needed and how nice it will be to have a new one. lol
They will LOVE it...
Rich stadium was just fine as it was. Been there many times. There was absolutely no reason for a new stadium. Think…Soldier Field or Lambeau Field?
lilylivered's Avatar
NFL didnt like how low the ticket prices were in Buffalo.
Therefore they wanted the Bills to build a new stadium.
Its all about the price of the ticket...
Which IMHO is bullshit. I understand the NFL pushing for increased revenue, but to force a team to move with no other reason but for the NFL’s revenue is bs. Rich stadium was on its way to become a historical stadium like ones I mentioned. I realize it takes time to look how old Soldier Field and Lambeau field have survived so long. They’re historical venues that you can feel the history while inside. I just think it was a pure business move that wasn’t necessarily needed. Just my humble opinion. I loved Rich Stadium.
lilylivered's Avatar
if the upper deck was truly unstable they could have persued support underneith or some other way to stablize it...