For those who need proof of election fraud....

People voting who are prohibited from voting either by law or having already voted in the election ... "One Man, One Vote"!

Remember? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Who voted but was prohibited? Need names.
bambino's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2021, 08:45 AM
As usual - 'r' - and the republicans are also the party of 'Defund teh Police" - in your dreams.
the POTUS U fraudulently elected is 'brain-dead'.

Please post something cogent and constructive on issues.

Perhaps someday a cure for TDS and Trump hate will be available for deluded fascist DPST's.
bambino's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
Two post-election audits have found no traces of election fraud in the 2020 election, according to the Associated Press.

The most important part of that article.
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2021, 09:19 AM
And Arizona on deck.

DPST's are desperate to cover-up their voter fraud - which is why they resist careful investigations so desperately.

'Right" DPST's???
Jacuzzme's Avatar
All the recounts were was feeding the same BS ballots into the machine or counting them by hand. What needs done is an examination that every ballot is tied to a specific, eligible voter, and that voter only cast a single ballot. This is what dems are so afraid of, not more GIGO.
No fear, Biden won in a landslide, recounts don't matter, biden will still be president. Trump is the one with fear. He was counting on being president again to delay or run out SOL for crimes.
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2021, 09:56 AM

More evidence - smoking gun of cover-up of voter fraud - for those in denial and delusion.

More evidence - smoking gun of cover-up of voter fraud - for those in denial and delusion. Originally Posted by oeb11
Right wing communist propaganda site, igor.
Are Arizona voting machines connected to the Internet?

Arizona law prohibits voting machines from being connected to the internet. All elections systems are air-gapped, which means they are never connected to the internet or to other networks.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-16-2021, 10:34 AM
Two post-election audits have found no traces of election fraud in the 2020 election, according to the Associated Press.

The most important part of that article. Originally Posted by royamcr
How dare you keep reminding certain fixated people on what the key point is. It isn't THEIR desired truth, so they rant on. "But the sky is blue today. so clearly Trump won!"

Interestingly, another Trump supporter who actually has a few functioning brain cells, Alan Dershowitz, has very clearly come out and said "Trump lost. The election wasn't stolen". Add that to the Q-Anon wackos who tried really hard to find a smoking gun in AZ but couldn't.

No, Trump really did lose because more people think he is a lying, cheating, charlatan who threw a four year+ temper tantrum.

Put a decent Republican in office--not a RWW or a dictator-wannabe--and maybe you wouldn't lose the next election to someone who should have been long ago retired. But sadly there are a lot of RWWs who don't want reasonable conservatism, they want a Evangelical Theocracy that returns us to the Good Ol' Days of 1950. Or 1850.
I'd possibly vote for a republican that isn't sucking trumps dick all the time. Romney, Ryan, Kasich come to mind. Ryan jumped ship cause he knew what was going on and didn't want to ruin the rest of his political career. He will be back. Romney, haven't heard the last of him either. Most of the rest are trump humpers. Fuck I'd vote for Chris Cristie even. lol
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Given President Trump’s overwhelming popularity with Republican voters, those guys destroyed any hope they had of ever winning an election. Your analysis is 180 degrees out of whack, a couple of dems votes isn’t going to win you diddly squat.