Trump legal going ons

How DO y'all sleep at night, supporting this lyin fuck? Originally Posted by rooster
Willie Wanker's Avatar
He ain't a "real person" any more than Pinocchio....

How DO y'all sleep at night, supporting this lyin fuck? You have been played and misled by this asshole from Day One....exactly like despots have done with the ignorant masses throughout history. Ya really shoulda known better. But instead, you have embraced it. Talk about history repeatin itself.... Whew.

History will not be kind to you. Assuming that they live long enough, your grandkids and great-grandkids are gonna judge you very harshly for these times.

. Originally Posted by rooster
We don't completely disagree. I'm equally as perplexed how anyone can support the current administration. We all have different views for our own reasons. I hope we're still in a place where we can set that aside and still have a beer and shoot the shit without hating each other over politics or religion.
I've been on Twitter recently. It's always been divided, but it's brutal now. People always picked on each other's politics, but now it's at the point where they're just harassing and attacking each other. Bad times.
Zollner's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by sexman333
seems true to most of the DEM'ers and many of the GOP'ers

NYS AG is at it yet again also. HIM wants to move his company's to another State. She the AG wants to stop that so she can keep dragging HIM to court So she can keep feeding her masses

When we get the truth on how JFK was killed. It will take the same amount of time the truth on the 2020 election and Jan 6th thingy YUP we be all be safely dead then they hope.

Its the WOKE that want to destroy history ...
Presj22's Avatar
Lock Him Up
rooster's Avatar
We don't completely disagree. I'm equally as perplexed how anyone can support the current administration. We all have different views for our own reasons. I hope we're still in a place where we can set that aside and still have a beer and shoot the shit without hating each other over politics or religion.
I've been on Twitter recently. It's always been divided, but it's brutal now. People always picked on each other's politics, but now it's at the point where they're just harassing and attacking each other. Bad times. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Nicely done. I'd buy ya that beer if I was in the neighborhood....

I just had lunch with a friend who is a massive denier of climate change. We both had our say. Then had our lunch. Still friends.

Zollner's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
we got HIM now... ahhh not
winn dixie's Avatar
7 years of "weve got him"! They aint even got trump on a parking ticket!
trumps legal goings ons has been an eye opener to the voters on how partisan and full of hate the libs are!
Zollner's Avatar
Even the Supreme Court is not swallowing the delusional Maganut lunatic logic being spouted by Don and his lawyer team.

The Supreme Court just summarily denied the former President’s last-ditch efforts to keep a hundred sensitive national defense documents retrieved with a criminal search warrant from Mar-a-Lago out of the hands of federal law enforcement.

You better get him before granny has at him. Might be nothing left
Presj22's Avatar
7 years of "weve got him"! They aint even got trump on a parking ticket!
trumps legal goings ons has been an eye opener to the voters on how partisan and full of hate the libs are! Originally Posted by winn dixie
We’ll see who the delusional are in time.
Zollner's Avatar
I will prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Trump has not violated a single meaningful law and that you're too dumb, brainwashed, and emotionally crippled to have a grip on anything true. We'll start very simply and build from there. For seven years the Department of Justice, the most powerful law enforcement agency in the US with more than 100,000 attorneys, special agents, and other law enforcement staff which make up over 40 components including the FBI, DEA, US Marshals, US Attorneys and US Attorney General, Crime Division, and Tax Division have relentlessly investigated everything Trump has ever done from Kindergarten until today trying to find anything that would destroy the man they despise and keep him or anyone in his family rotting in prison. They have failed miserably. Why will they not listen to you? Do they not understand that you know for a fact the unspeakable crimes Trump has committed that they can't find? I'll give you a hint: Michael Avenatti. See how quick and easy you can send someone to prison if you have someone who actually commits a crime?