When will I.B. quit being a liar?

I B Hankering's Avatar
I am kinda bored with him, but I like knowing all his little minions are gnashing their teeth wishing they could throw him a lifeline . But they know he is wrong. LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Never so wrong as those -- like your stupid, lying ass -- who would stoop to voting for hildebeest, M T brain Socket.

LOL! I like how you are getting all "Biblical" Of course I knew what you meant by the "brother" comment but you are too fucking stupid to realize I am white. Speaking of Sodomy, the real definition is fucking others over for profit. Sodomites stood outside of town a would approach travelers and try to manipulate them for money. They would fuck over their own neighbors to make a dime. Sounds like something Trump would do. LOL!

So when you get done with your fantasy about gay sex , lets get back to the point. You lied about the voters , you knew you lied, and you took the bet and lost. So now it is time to say bye bye!
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You'd be one of the biggest advocates of fantasy gay sex in this forum, M T Brain Socket.
We've established that you are a stupid, lying brother fucker whose accusations lack substance, M T Brain Socket. It goes without saying that your obvious falsehoods require no rebuttal since it is obvious they lack substance and foundation, M T Brain Socket. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Is MT Fuffer still " IN TACK " with HIS HERO seArgent shitburner, HIS "brother " in trolling the HEB parking lots ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Poor Rey Gey wants his Boy Toy.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Never so wrong as those -- like your stupid, lying ass -- who would stoop to voting for hildebeest, M T brain Socket.
Enough with the filibuster attempts. Lets get back to the issue of the thread. I will simplify it for. Does you or does you not have any data to back up your claim? Is that dumb enough for you?

You'd be one of the biggest advocates of fantasy gay sex in this forum, M T Brain Socket. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So explain to me how your opinion of my sexlife has any bearing on you being a liar?
MT Pockets's Avatar
Is MT Fuffer still " IN TACK " with HIS HERO seArgent shitburner, HIS "brother " in trolling the HEB parking lots ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Okay after doing a little research I found out why you ran out on Luke at the HEB that day. If I run in to him I will see if he will reconsider hooking up with you. I will tell him you had bone spurs. We all know how crippling those are. Thankfully they are temporary and you could still lead a normal life and maybe even become the worst POTUS ever!
MT Pockets's Avatar
Poor Rey Gey wants his Boy Toy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As big of town San Antonio is you would think Gey Rey could find another husky boy toy. Shit just find a skinny one and let his mama fatten him up like she did Luke.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Poor Rey Gey wants his Boy Toy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Quit projecting your perversions onto others, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

So explain to me how your opinion of my sexlife has any bearing on you being a liar? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Your sex life is like a bad compass bearing a course in a perverted direction, M T Brain Socket.

Okay after doing a little research I found out why you ran out on Luke at the HEB that day. If I run in to him I will see if he will reconsider hooking up with you. I will tell him you had bone spurs. We all know how crippling those are. Thankfully they are temporary and you could still lead a normal life and maybe even become the worst POTUS ever! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Be sure to have your compact mirror so you can see Lubed Wide-ass's face as he butt fucks you, M T Brain Socket.

As big of town San Antonio is you would think Gey Rey could find another husky boy toy. Shit just find a skinny one and let his mama fatten him up like she did Luke. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
So, you're saying you know Lubed Wide-ass well, are you, M T Brain Socket?
MT Pockets's Avatar

Your sex life is like a bad compass bearing a course in a perverted direction, M T Brain Socket.
And that explains your fucked up numbers how?
Be sure to have your compact mirror so you can see Lubed Wide-ass's face as he butt fucks you, M T Brain Socket.
Another fantasy from the resident homophobe. You sure know a lot about gay sex. Why would that be? I bet I know!

So, you're saying you know Lubed Wide-ass well, are you, M T Brain Socket? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No I said if I run in to him. You really do have a low comprehension rate . I thought it was an act but you really are stupid.

So once again I will ask you to show your numbers or leave for a month. I have shown mine from reliable sources and even pointed out yours dispute your assertion
I B Hankering's Avatar
No I said if I run in to him. You really do have a low comprehension rate . I thought it was an act but you really are stupid.

So once again I will ask you to show your numbers or leave for a month. I have shown mine from reliable sources and even pointed out yours dispute your assertion
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Technically, if Lubed Wide-ass is butt-fucking your brains out, M T Brain Socket, he's running into you; so, your dissembling is for naught!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

This is EXACTLY what IBDOTY has done since he first was anointed Dipshit of the Year.

He won't give you his numbers because he doesn't have them. But he'll call you names and bluster all day.

Want to see him run away?

Open the DOTY award thread for this year.

We won't hear from him until afterward.

I B Hankering's Avatar

This is EXACTLY what IBDOTY has done since he first was anointed Dipshit of the Year.

He won't give you his numbers because he doesn't have them. But he'll call you names and bluster all day.

Want to see him run away?

Open the DOTY award thread for this year.

We won't hear from him until afterward.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You've yet to explain why you're such a faggoty hypocrite, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

BTW, you're also a liar, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You've yet to explain why you're such a faggoty hypocrite, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

BTW, you're also a liar, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

There's no lie there. No hypocrisy.

You WERE the original DOTY. And Golden Lips Award recipient.

Do you deny that Corpy???

Come on now... call me more names. Again and again. Like the fucking broken record we all know you to be.

I B Hankering's Avatar

There's no lie there. No hypocrisy.

You WERE the original DOTY. And Golden Lips Award recipient.

Do you deny that Corpy???

Come on now... call me more names. Again and again. Like the fucking broken record we all know you to be.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

DOTY has always been your title, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Technically, if Lubed Wide-ass is butt-fucking your brains out, M T Brain Socket, he's running into you; so, your dissembling is for naught! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Now how is he gonna do that when either you or Rey are always on his jock?
Again lets hear something about your bullshit numbers. You keep avoiding the fact you are a liar and a bet welsher.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Now how is he gonna do that when either you or Rey are always on his jock?
Again lets hear something about your bullshit numbers. You keep avoiding the fact you are a liar and a bet welsher.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets

There was never a bet, and you know it, M T Brain Socket, But then you do have to maintain your reputation as a stupid, congenital liar by continuing to lie, M T Brain Socket.