Now-- before I say this.. let me say that I have no problem with gun ownership...
But as to the argument of "if they are illegal, then he would have just gotten them illegally". Why are there few if any reports of mass shootings in places where guns aren't legal? Hasn't been a mass shooting in Australia since the one that prompted the gun banning. When was the last mass shooting in Sweden? London? For a civilized, first world nation, we certainly seem to have excessive numbers of mass shootings compared to other first world nations. Really, compared to many developing (and often violent) nations.
Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Right, they just bomb airports, cafes, shopping malls, theaters, and soccer games...or knife attacks, or run over people with trucks. Evil ALWAYS finds a will be with us always. Check out what's happening in Venezuela right now, the Iranians are teaching them how to control the entire unarmed population....just as they did their own in 2011. Question. What if the citizens of Iran had the right to bear arms in 2011? Do you think we would be worried about a nuclear armed Iran in the near future? I submit that the citizens of Iran would have made this problem a moot situation if they had gotten just a little help they pleaded for. The Obama administration missed the chance to nip this whole thing in the bud. Just how far could Nicolas Madero continue with his destiny of the destruction of Venezuela if the citizens were armed? Both of these situations cannot happen here, for the simple reason we have the firepower to stop it...granted by the Constitution as an unalienable right...let's not fetter it away looking at zoomed in microcosms of time.