Roll Call

binary13's Avatar
this is all too much fun
skater2's Avatar
OK I made it over as well. Looks like the same old crowd here! LOL

Deep.. You will have to give me a call and tell how your retirement is going.

I am here I am here I am here......


Happy New Year everyone.
Buffalo in da house. Formerly drnathan69.
Amber1198's Avatar
I made it : )

I just need to warm up...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
amber you made it, it is warm now

Amber!!! Get over here and I'll help warm your buns....hehehe
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-04-2010, 12:05 PM
Amber!!! Get over here and I'll help warm your buns....hehehe Originally Posted by Hanna
I don't think she is talking about using an oven
nascar88888's Avatar
Hello and welcome Amber :-)
Montana, I see you found a fitting Avatar!
Welcome Amber. It's great seeing you come aboard.
nevin's Avatar
  • nevin
  • 01-04-2010, 04:58 PM
present and accoutned for
BlackJedi's Avatar
Hello All:

New to the Hobby--just two encounters which were so so.

Was a member of the AS#D but was more of an lurker. Plan on being more active on this site.
Welcome Padawan.

Let's get busy writing those two reviews!

The so-so is important.
Had to go through pages of posts on aspd, but finally found the site. clever trick putting the site name as individual letter on a vertical line for me to find it