Who’s the biggest hate group in the USA?

MT Pockets's Avatar
OMG, I almost spit my margarita out laughing so hard. But I managed a save. Too funny. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You do realize his comment implies women are less than men. LOL!
lustylad's Avatar
No one can understand you, sperm burper. Your mouth is always full and you can't stop burping.
lustylad's Avatar
You do realize his comment implies women are less than men. LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Not true, sperm burper. It just means you should stay out of the water during your menstrual cycle.
sean rider's Avatar
Just in case folks want to have a serious discussion based on facts...

I B Hankering's Avatar
Still does not answer why you focused on her though. And why did Campbell take so long to come forward? How do we know when he actually told anyone? One more thing. Why are you putting all the blame on her? What was in it for the whole group? Did they get payed off? You also forget the Russians wanted her out of office.
If they had her in their pocket why did they help Trump ( with or without his knowledge)?
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're a piece of shit ignoramus if you don't understand that the Secretary of State has historically been the most powerful cabinet position, M T Brain Socket. It was hildebeest's job to know, M T Brain Socket. That you liberal retards keep equivocating and giving that lying bitch a pass only makes you look incredibly stupid, M T Brain Socket. BTW, Campbell was under a gag order from Obumbo's DOJ, M T Brain Socket, you ignorant POS.
lustylad's Avatar
Just in case folks want to have a serious discussion based on facts...

https://investigaterussia.org/timeli...resident-trump Originally Posted by sean rider
Gee thanks, shame-ridden.

Speaking of facts, can you tell us exactly when the FBI opened a counter-intel investigation of the Trump campaign? When did it start and exactly what was the basis for it? When was the Trump campaign put under surveillance? How many "informants" did the FBI enlist to spy on the campaign? What were their names, who did they communicate with and when, and how much were they paid?

Inquiring minds want to know!!!
sean rider's Avatar
Again, time to work on your exit strategy. At this point Trump is quoting Putin’s denials as if he can be trusted more than all of the US intelligence agencies.

And now the Republicans in the Senate are standing behind and agreeing with the CIA/FBI/NSA studies.

Once and for all, this is no deep state conspiracy. The Russian threat is real, Putin is our enemy, and Trump’s preference for him over the US should be what worries you.


“Findings by the intelligence community that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election to help Donald Trump win were "accurate and on point," according to an unclassified report and accompanying statement by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released Tuesday.”

“Accusations of political bias at the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI have roiled Washington, with Republicans accusing investigators of targeting the White House for political reasons.

But some key Republicans said that it seemed Russia was, in fact, trying to help Trump win. In a statement earlier this year, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said it was “clear based on the evidence” that Putin wanted Clinton to lose in November.

Other top administration officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have signaled that they agree that Russian actors wanted Clinton to lose.”
Again, time to work on your exit strategy. At this point Trump is quoting Putin’s denials as if he can be trusted more than all of the US intelligence agencies.

And now the Republicans in the Senate are standing behind and agreeing with the CIA/FBI/NSA studies.

Once and for all, this is no deep state conspiracy. The Russian threat is real, Putin is our enemy, and Trump’s preference for him over the US should be what worries you.


“Findings by the intelligence community that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election to help Donald Trump win were "accurate and on point," according to an unclassified report and accompanying statement by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released Tuesday.”

“Accusations of political bias at the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI have roiled Washington, with Republicans accusing investigators of targeting the White House for political reasons.

But some key Republicans said that it seemed Russia was, in fact, trying to help Trump win. In a statement earlier this year, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said it was “clear based on the evidence” that Putin wanted Clinton to lose in November.

Other top administration officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have signaled that they agree that Russian actors wanted Clinton to lose.” Originally Posted by sean rider

Timmy, who told you? you could come back?

Liberals are the biggest hate group and it’s not even close.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"Other top administration officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have signaled that they agree that Russian actors wanted Clinton to lose.”

of course the Russians wanted Clinton to lose. it was payback for her meddling in Russia's 2012 presidential election. Israel probably meddled too, but next to nothing is mentioned about it. recall it was Obama who meddled in Israel's election.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu


this fact is lost in the current noise about Trump and Russia. so while the liberals rattle their sabers about Russia, they ignore the fact that their own party did exactly that with Russia and Israel. you could even claim Obama meddled in Britain's EU exit vote with his rather famous speech while visiting the UK but that is of course a stretch. He merely tried to influence the Brexit vote. that's not meddling, is it?

Russia would likely have done very little in the 2016 election if Clinton was not a candidate.

You also can't convince me that Trump was the type of candidate they wanted to defeat Clinton. He's a wild card and uncontrollable.

Trump has challenged Russia in Syria and sold weapons to the Ukraine, all of which Russia's real puppet President, Obama would not do.

doesn't sound like Putin is controlling Trump to me.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
people make strange moves, sometimes for the wrong reasons.

one would think Russia would support Clinton as she's a known player as compared to Trump who's an unknown known player even thought he had attempted business dealings in russia.

its possible that they did not want another clinton in the white house as the clintons were double crossing grifters. I do note that Bill Clinton promised that Nato wouldn't expand beyond germany, they did it anyway.

so, if this claim was true that Russia worked against Clinton out of spite because of her involvement in Russia's election. so what was the advantage of sabotaging Clintons election?
sean rider's Avatar
Wake up.

Trump has been laundering Russian oligarch money for years. Between this and other kompromat Putin knew he could control Trump. This is at this point somewhat speculative on my part. But if you go back to the time line linked above, the evidence is lining up...and this is *before* the Mueller report.

In addition Putin is a troglodyte of a sexist, and felt humiliated by Hillary Clinton and the way she put him down at every turn.

"In 2012 the US government approved the Magnitsky Act, a bill of sanctions against Russian entities seen to be involved in the death of Sergei Magnitsky.
The sanctions bill enraged Mr Putin."

"She left the State Department in 2013, but continued to criticise Mr Putin.

Over the years she has said that Mr Putin "doesn't have a soul", she called him a "tough guy with a thin skin", and she compared his annexation of Crimea in 2014 to the actions of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.

She also supported the crippling economic sanctions slapped on Russia in the wake of that annexation."

"For the last 10 years, just about every foreign policy Mr Putin has tried to enact, from Europe to the Middle-East, Ms Clinton has vocally opposed."


If Putin's first goal, though, was to destabilize American democracy and the western alliance, he couldn't have found a better partner than Trump. Trump has insulted all the major western leaders, has undermined the G7, is threatening to end NATO, is starting a trade war with all of our western partners, and is on course to recognize and approve of Putin's control over Syria and annexation of Crimea.

Finally, Putin probably recognized in Trump what we should all now know is true. By temperament Trump is an authoritarian personality type with no respect for democracy. His racism and nationalism is isolating the US. And his practice of insulting our allies is only matched by his fondness for complimenting murderous tyrannical leaders such as Putin, Xi Jinping of China, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, Rodrigo Duterte of Philippines, and so on.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You're a piece of shit ignoramus if you don't understand that the Secretary of State has historically been the most powerful cabinet position, M T Brain Socket. It was hildebeest's job to know, M T Brain Socket. That you liberal retards keep equivocating and giving that lying bitch a pass only makes you look incredibly stupid, M T Brain Socket. BTW, Campbell was under a gag order from Obumbo's DOJ, M T Brain Socket, you ignorant POS. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Once again you avoid the fact that you put all the blame on her you Dotard. Campbell did not report to her idiot.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Not true, sperm burper. It just means you should stay out of the water during your menstrual cycle. Originally Posted by lustylad
I assume you are safe since Sistine tore your inside out so bad you got a hysterectomy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Once again you avoid the fact that you put all the blame on her you Dotard. Campbell did not report to her idiot. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're lying again, M T Brain Socket. It's clear that Odumbo and hildebeest are both at fault, M T Brain Socket.

Trump has been laundering Russian oligarch money for years.
Originally Posted by sean rider

You're lying again, simpering rodent. You and Mother Jones are 180°s away from the truth, simpering rodent.