1 hundo THOUSAND!

lilylivered's Avatar
I think you are confused with the antifa assholes who burned cities
I suppose they are planning a few city burnings for a victory celebration....
Liberal Tears make it rain over 40 mill
with all those new Trump voters now

ya gotta shut down the polling earlier

board up the windows again

figure out just how much more ya gotta produce

and then figure out where to get them ballots

shooting yourself in the foot
bargainbento's Avatar
I think you are confused with the antifa assholes who burned cities
I suppose they are planning a few city burnings for a victory celebration.... Originally Posted by lilylivered

is the antifa in the room with you now?
lilylivered's Avatar
Nope none near me or they might not move again...
rooster's Avatar
I get almost all of my news from the WSJ.... Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Their "news" coverage might be decent. Their editorial policy is a whole different matter. I can't imagine WHY....I mean...unless....they are...owned by Rupert-mutherucking-Murdoch! Jeezis dude. Be more careful. Yer startin to embarass yerself...

At the end of the day ....

This place really astounds me, like how fucked would the lives of many people here be if a swimmer somehow got through... Originally Posted by bargainbento
Soooo much to unpack here. A lot of it very good. And let's have a shoutout for our boyz lookin fer BBFS at every opportunity!

I think you are confused with the antifa assholes who burned cities
I suppose they are planning a few city burnings for a victory celebration.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
He just gets stoopider and stoopider, with no clue....

with all those new Trump voters now

ya gotta shut down the polling earlier

board up the windows again

figure out just how much more ya gotta produce

and then figure out where to get them ballots

shooting yourself in the foot Originally Posted by JONBALLS
What THE FUCK language are you speaking? We've never even heard this language in this country before! I cannot wait until Trump deports alla you damn immugrints!!

Gdubya110's Avatar
Their "news" coverage might be decent. Their editorial policy is a whole different matter. I can't imagine WHY....I mean...unless....they are...owned by Rupert-mutherucking-Murdoch! Jeezis dude. Be more careful. Yer startin to embarass yerself... . Originally Posted by rooster

Flair4Drivel, getting all your news from a single source is practically asking to be fed someone else’s agenda. No reason to question what you’ve been fed.

Sheep Herding 101. Accept your place in the flock!

preach jack nicholson!
Flair4Drama's Avatar

Flair4Drivel, getting all your news from a single source is blah blah blah snip Originally Posted by Gdubya110
Show me where I said I get all of my news from any single source

Sheep Herding 101. Accept your place in the flock! Originally Posted by Gdubya110
The sheep are the ones with the inoculation scars and still wearing a mask as they drive alone in their cars..... and for extra credit.... staying six feet away from each other.
Those are the real sheeople.....
  • clmc
  • 06-01-2024, 02:59 PM

Flair4Drivel, getting all your news from a single source is practically asking to be fed someone else’s agenda. No reason to question what you’ve been fed.

Sheep Herding 101. Accept your place in the flock!

“INGSOC!” Originally Posted by Gdubya110
Probably gets more news from Truth Unsocial, X and Facebook....LOL!!!
Gdubya110's Avatar
I get almost all of my news from the WSJ. Last source around that is close to the middle. Originally Posted by Flair4Drama

Maybe you were drunk when you wrote it?

Looks like you’re ready to get sheared!

Looks like you’re ready to get sheared! Originally Posted by Gdubya110
who doesthat?

they seem more interesting
asking for a friend btw
rooster's Avatar
The sheep are the ones with the inoculation scars... Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Yup! REAL MEN would NEVER get the Faucci shot! Not even those who had health problems that might make them more vulnerable to pesky infectious diseases. Why...that would be...hypocrisy...(again?)

(let's try not ta thinck about how much those Covidiots would benefit from sumthin like "herd immunity"...)

The lies and denial on here are becoming as bad as everywhere else. I mean....I know it's a hooker board, but jeezis..I dunno how summa you cucks can stand yerselves at times

lilylivered's Avatar
Hmmmm, I thought a vaccine was SUPPOSED to actually do something.
Seems like just about everyone I know got Covid regardless.
Hence the fuckin thing was useless.
But I guess if you want to keep getting them, then go ahead.
Thats the difference between libtards and conservatives.
We will just laugh at your dumb asses.
You say we are a threat and tried to stop us from having constitutional rights.