Let It Be Known...

Thanks for the feed back ;-)
ibechill's Avatar
cars are overrated I prefer a black stallion :-) Originally Posted by Sweet Mandy
How about a red one
Eccie Addict's Avatar
That is not what a WK is.....

First of all I'm the so called WhiteKnight thats been labeled by these fairweather hypocrites in the mens room.I could care less that I'm dispised by a bunch of ego male chauvinist pigs.I'm being lababled this for bring flowers,cookies,stuffed animals, having multi hour sessions,instead of the normal one and defending the providers I have seen.Like I've told everyone in my lifetime(including my boss) unless theres a felony involved I got no dam reason to lie about anything.They just don't like no noobie coming in there little world standing up to them.I should no my place and pecking order is what I gather.They think I'm looking for love but I'm just looking for a part time girlfriend to put up with my foremans bs at work and that fact I live with my ex still mainly to take care of my daughter.I've said in previous posts this is just a midlife crisis thing before I turn 40 this summer.Betting on the horses is my #1 hobby and the Kentucky Derby is right around the corner so I'm done with this drama so I can focus on the drama I really want to see is the triple crown races coming up next month. Originally Posted by burner2157
punisher's Avatar
How about a red one
Originally Posted by ibechill
I have never seen that before. I just sold my Honda motorcycle and will be buying either a Harley or Honda Gold Wing. I am planning a road trip from here to California and that looks very comfortable for a long trip. Any more info or details about this beauty? Just sayin'.
This thread is still going?

Mandy, try not to let whatever is said about you bother you too much. For every person that adores you, there are usually two or three that don't.

We all have haters, trust me...I know. Let 'em keep hatin'
There was nothing being said about her specifically. She is stating that guys are being unfair and vulgar to the ladies in general in the ML. I don't think its the criticism that bothers some of these ladies that has voiced their opinion in this thread as much as being called "whore", "ho", "hooker", and etc along that line.

IN ALL HONESTY. i believe that providers that present themselves a certain way should not be called some of those vulgar words...i think of myself as a working girl..nobody wants to put the food on my table for me.. so i do it my damn self. seriously men are paying TO SEE ME so they have no right to call me those names...AS LONG as i give them the respect that they deserve!!!
No one really deserves to be labelled with vulgar terms just as much as no one deserves to be labelled with racist terms. But it's not gonna stop anyone from using those terms.

but shoot if you men want to talk bad about me go ahead...ill eventually shrug it off..and focus on my personal life anyways
Everyone has an opinion. All the ladies are subjected to criticisms in this hobby world. People are gonna talk about ya, good or bad, and with or without you giving them the green light. There's a lot of opinion discrepancy, so there are gonna be good and bad things said about you or any other ladies. Don't let it bother you too much. If you can help it, prove the naysayer wrong, otherwise just ignore em and focus on the good.

The ML was never really secure in the first place. Anyone can get access to it pretty easy, and then there is the WKs that think they may be able to get extra attention from the ladies by "enlightening the ladies" or revealing things to the ladies that they may not be aware of that are being said about them or other ladies. TBH, I don't really care if people can see or know what I said about them, cuz I would probably say the same thing if they were in person.
punisher's Avatar
I wasn't rude u should know better then to ask me my rates. Originally Posted by Sweet Mandy
I know I was in the wrong and I apologize, will not happen again. Can I still get together with you? Yeah Mandy, just heed some of the advice that's been written here. You can be the nicest person in the world, both inward and outward, and there will always be somebody that will not like you and talk excrement about you. It's human nature and humans have been talking crap about each other for centuries, and it is what it is. Myself, I am not into gossip and that's why I really don't participate in that kind of stuff here or even outside in my real life. Like I used to tell my troops when I was still on active duty military and hit with Murphy's Law ("If anything can go wrong, it will"), I just tell them, FIDO (F**k It, Drive On)! If some of these comments get under your skin, just close your eyes, take a deep breath, exhale, and "wax on, wax off" just like in the movie Karate Kid. That should make you relax again. Just sayin'.
Wayward's Avatar
The notion that anything in a private forum stays secret is amusing, not as amusing as Mandy but still good for a chuckle. We have really enjoyed this thread and while this discussion has gone on for years if not decades, sometimes a fresh perspective is pleasing.

punisher gets some linkage looks like there is a dealer in Austin. This Stallion does come in black but seems more small car than large bike.

DarthMaul's Avatar
Usually "Let It Be Known..." was followed by a fight where I grew up?

Haters...Motivators..Same thing except if you are from a certain era.

Prince Rogers Nelson's father once told him..."Stop playing around with that piano if you are just going to make it sound like crap..". The rest is history.

I have raised (2) kids one is still a teenager and the other in their early 20's. The people from this modern era can't take criticism, you have to encourage them and make them feel like they are part of something.

When I was a kid, a football coach would say "You hit like a pu%%y, follow through and drive through your opponent and push him back 5 yards!" And on the next play...I CLOBBERED HIS ASS! I took it as "constructive criticism" not degrading.

Good, this discussion is burning itself out...
ibechill's Avatar
I googled car stallion and found this four year old link

Guess they are 3 wheel motorcycles aka trikes.

Oh and don't kiss her ass.
K2S0's Avatar
  • K2S0
  • 04-23-2011, 09:07 AM
Oh and don't kiss her ass. Originally Posted by ibechill
sorry, i couldn't resist it... she's got such a nice one... a couple of pecks and and some smacks thrown in for good measure...

wait were you talking figuratively or literally?
punisher's Avatar
I googled car stallion and found this four year old link

Guess they are 3 wheel motorcycles aka trikes.

Oh and don't kiss her ass. Originally Posted by ibechill
Thanks for that info. If it looks good, smells good, and taste good, I just might kiss her ass...that is if I ever get a chance to hook up with her. I am outta here, got about 100 .223 of lead to send downrange.
Wakeup's Avatar
hmmm...okay so we are whores...but men are seeing us "whores"...so i guess its okay for me to call men "tricks" then right? JK Originally Posted by rubyred
That's EXACTLY what we are, so why shouldn't you be able to call us that? These are words, and the only reason that some people think that certain words are "bad" is because they're too weak minded to see past those words and realize that words mean nothing. These lemmings in society have brainwashed us to believe that words are powerful. Words are only powerful if the person hearing those words MAKES them powerful. To label certain words as societally unacceptable is pathetic. Racial epithets, curse words, slurs and anything else are the exact same string of letters put together to form a written or spoken word as anything else, it's only when weak minded people put their own definition on them that they become "bad." Look at the Collins English Dictionary, it's a perfect example of the perpetuation of the insecure person mindset.

"whore" - n - 1. A prostitute or promiscuous woman: often a term of abuse.
- vb - 4. To seek that which is immoral, idolatrous, etc.

Putting "often a term of abuse" in the definition is perpetuating a myth that the word has more meaning than its face value. It doesn't, individuals, upon hearing the word, have the right and responsibility to judge it on their own, not be told by someone else how to judge it. Your parents, your teachers, television, and a host of other things are all trying to tell you the meanings of words and how they should make you feel. For once, why don't you weak minded, lazy people take the time to figure out on your own what these words really mean to you, and stop taking everything being fed to you by the people and things around you. The definition writer is inflicting their own morality on me by telling me, in the definition, that the word reeks of immoral behavior. I'm choosing to NOT accpet someone else's morality, instead I choose to make my own. You people might consider who is giving you your morality and then try and come up with your own.

They're whores, prostitutes, escorts, hookers, call girls, harlots, courtesans, and any number of things which are all correct. Next time you people get insulted by a word, why don't you look closely at yourself and you'll see that it's not the SAYER who's inducing the bad connotations, it's the HEARER...

You yourself have often asked me why others on the board think I'm a bad person. Now you have your reason. I say whatever words I choose to say, I have my own morality, and I refuse to compromise and consider the morality or beliefs of others. If the people reading those words choose to let those words upset them, that's their problem, not mine...feel free to give me power over your emotions by reacting to words that I type...I'm not asking for that power, but if you choose to give it to me, I'll surely abuse it, just to show you how brainwashed you are...
thats all folks! till next time..... ;-)
mietk's Avatar
  • mietk
  • 04-23-2011, 09:57 AM
That's EXACTLY what we are, so why shouldn't you be able to call us that? These are words, and the only reason that some people think that certain words are "bad" is because they're too weak minded to see past those words and realize that words mean nothing. These lemmings in society have brainwashed us to believe that words are powerful. Words are only powerful if the person hearing those words MAKES them powerful. To label certain words as societally unacceptable is pathetic. Racial epithets, curse words, slurs and anything else are the exact same string of letters put together to form a written or spoken word as anything else, it's only when weak minded people put their own definition on them that they become "bad." Look at the Collins English Dictionary, it's a perfect example of the perpetuation of the insecure person mindset.

"whore" - n - 1. A prostitute or promiscuous woman: often a term of abuse.
- vb - 4. To seek that which is immoral, idolatrous, etc.

Putting "often a term of abuse" in the definition is perpetuating a myth that the word has more meaning than its face value. It doesn't, individuals, upon hearing the word, have the right and responsibility to judge it on their own, not be told by someone else how to judge it. Your parents, your teachers, television, and a host of other things are all trying to tell you the meanings of words and how they should make you feel. For once, why don't you weak minded, lazy people take the time to figure out on your own what these words really mean to you, and stop taking everything being fed to you by the people and things around you. The definition writer is inflicting their own morality on me by telling me, in the definition, that the word reeks of immoral behavior. I'm choosing to NOT accpet someone else's morality, instead I choose to make my own. You people might consider who is giving you your morality and then try and come up with your own.

They're whores, prostitutes, escorts, hookers, call girls, harlots, courtesans, and any number of things which are all correct. Next time you people get insulted by a word, why don't you look closely at yourself and you'll see that it's not the SAYER who's inducing the bad connotations, it's the HEARER...

You yourself have often asked me why others on the board think I'm a bad person. Now you have your reason. I say whatever words I choose to say, I have my own morality, and I refuse to compromise and consider the morality or beliefs of others. If the people reading those words choose to let those words upset them, that's their problem, not mine...feel free to give me power over your emotions by reacting to words that I type...I'm not asking for that power, but if you choose to give it to me, I'll surely abuse it, just to show you how brainwashed you are... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
While MR. Wake Up is correct, you left one thing out- INTENT.

Words are just words but what was the intent of the author? Unless you are reading an instruction manual the author intended to invoke a specific reaction, feeling from what was said.
Wakeup's Avatar
While MR. Wake Up is correct, you left one thing out- INTENT.

Words are just words but what was the intent of the author? Unless you are reading an instruction manual the author intended to invoke a specific reaction, feeling from what was said. Originally Posted by mietk
I was waiting for this, and I completely agree. The vast majority of the time, we'll never KNOW the speaker's intent, and that only makes it worse, because now we're GUESSING as to how we think THEY'RE guessing about our interpretations of the word so they would GUESS how it would affect us. You see how fucked up the sentence is just describing what is happening??

In my opinion, the intent of the person saying the word is subject to even MORE misinterpretation than the word itself. Whether we're guessing about the intent of the speaker, or we're putting connotations on the word ourselves, it's still all our own faults...

Even if it was a known intent to invoke a reaction in us, why in hell are we giving that person power over us by actually giving in to the reaction they wanted to invoke, either bad or good? We shuld be smart enough to realize what reactions are being provoked inside us, to analyze those emotions on our own, determine if the reaction makes sense to us, and then react, or modify our reaction as we see fit. Unfortunately the society we live in bombards us every day telling us to do what it says and react to words how it wants, and we're dumb enough to follow them, just like the OP was...

Like I said, words, both the saying of them, and any guesses as to the intent behind the saying of them, only have power if the one hearing them gives them power...I utterly refuse to let anyone else have that much power over me. If these people choose to live their lives in captivity to what others say about them, I have no problem with it, just don't expect me to respect that stupidity as inviolable...