43% of Repblicans believe President Obama is a Muslim

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Well now, it appears Mr. Trump doesn't hate Muslims - in fact he loves them and does business with them. Checkmated your sorry ass, Timmy the shitstain. Originally Posted by DSK

I guess he loves them the say way George Dubyah loves muslims? Didn't Dubyah's family do business with the Bin Laden family? I wonder if Trump does business with Jews- because they will try to screw you every chance they get isn't that right DSK?
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Is that something from Blade Runner?

"Sheer stupidity"

Does that mean their dumb too?

God loves you Timmy.

Is that something from Blade Runner?

"Sheer stupidity"

Does that mean their dumb too?

God loves you Timmy. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
They possess the dumb?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
They possess the dumb? Originally Posted by WombRaider
The "Their" was intensional dumbass..

Quote: "Their dumb" WTF

I guess when you have to explain it...it's not funny.

Did you get the Repblicans/Blade Runner or did that go over your head too?
  • DSK
  • 09-20-2015, 07:50 PM
Yes, since you pronounce it so, it must be. Fucking mouthbreather. I don't doubt that your Donald would do business with the devil if it would earn him a buck. My problem with Trumpenstein is not his racism (all the GOP candidates fit that mold), it is his crude braggart personality, his utter lack of knowledge relating to foreign policy, his sexism and his infantile inability to graciously field any sort of criticism.

So, fuck you and your stupid checkmate statement. I hope it made you feel better, it really has shit to do with anything I've posted about Trump or your dumb ass. Originally Posted by timpage
Everyone breathes out of their mouth, you ignorant cock sucking faggot.
  • DSK
  • 09-20-2015, 07:52 PM
I guess he loves them the say way George Dubyah loves muslims? Didn't Dubyah's family do business with the Bin Laden family? I wonder if Trump does business with Jews- because they will try to screw you every chance they get isn't that right DSK? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Only an ignorant anti-Semite would say that.
dirty dog's Avatar
Yet you dfk girls who are known to be cum guzzler's- have you ever DFK a chick and her breath smelled liked semen? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Does your momma count?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
only wellendowed and bigtex know what semen smells like.
only JLIdiot, errr DSKIdiot and I know what semen smells like. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
FIFY (no charge)
lustylad's Avatar
Sheer stupidity.

http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefi...ma-is-a-muslim Originally Posted by timpage
The same CNN/ORC poll found that 29% of independents and 15% of Democrats also think Odumbo is a Muslim. Among all Americans (i.e., everyone polled), the perentage was 29%.

While I was looking up the actual poll, I noticed most of the media sources ran the headline that almost 1/3 of all Americans think Odumbo is a Muzzie. Timmy deliberately cherry-picked the one source (thehill) that focused on Republicans alone, without putting the numbers into context by comparing them with other political sub-groups.

Hey timmytard, why didn't you look up and answer JD's question in post #2 where he asked how many dems think the same way? Is it because you didn't want to admit that 15% of your own tribe suffer from what you label "sheer stupidity"? Maybe you ought to ship all those idiot Dems off to re-education camp before you start another phony "look how dumb those Republicans are" thread!

No, I won't provide the link to the actual poll. I'm too disgusted. Look it up yourself.

The best working theory ...for you boys comes from an 87 year old at a Benghazi Tribute. Did he go give his theory on Traven Martin after that? Originally Posted by WTF
" Traven Martin" ???? Damn lib, get your friggen talking points squared away AND THE PERSONS NAME RIGHT if you're going to use them in your post ! TRAVEN ???? Did woomby teach you how to "write" and " proofread" your posts ? Or are you another one of woomby's online personalities !
The same CNN/ORC poll found that 29% of independents and 15% of Democrats also think Odumbo is a Muslim. Among all Americans (i.e., everyone polled), the perentage was 29%.

While I was looking up the actual poll, I noticed most of the media sources ran the headline that almost 1/3 of all Americans think Odumbo is a Muzzie. Timmy deliberately cherry-picked the one source (thehill) that focused on Republicans alone, without putting the numbers into context by comparing them with other political sub-groups.

Hey timmytard, why didn't you look up and answer JD's question in post #2 where he asked how many dems think the same way? Is it because you didn't want to admit that 15% of your own tribe suffer from what you label "sheer stupidity"? Maybe you ought to ship all those idiot Dems off to re-education camp before you start another phony "look how dumb those Republicans are" thread!

No, I won't provide the link to the actual poll. I'm too disgusted. Look it up yourself.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You're crowing over 15 percent? If they believe it, they are stupid. So what? Republicans ARE stupid. Study after study shows it. They also show they're racist, homophobic, etc.
The "Their" was intensional dumbass..

Quote: "Their dumb" WTF

I guess when you have to explain it...it's not funny.

Did you get the Repblicans/Blade Runner or did that go over your head too? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Most everything goes over the head of The Gloryhole Guru since he's on his knees most of the day ! The only thing that doesn't is those "ropey loads" for his facials !
The "Their" was intensional dumbass..

Quote: "Their dumb" WTF

I guess when you have to explain it...it's not funny.

Did you get the Repblicans/Blade Runner or did that go over your head too? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Sure, you make mistakes on purpose.
only wellendowed and bigtex know what semen smells like. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
woomby knows REAL WELL what it smells like too , from all of those "ropey load" facials that he's taken down at the 'holes !