The many hateful trans threads this Easter weekend

Some of us feel that believing in gods is an alternative lifestyle. I've noticed most people that profess to be Christians aren't really pulling it off either.

Why would the rest of us feel obligated to put up with any of that silliness? Originally Posted by Salty_dick
Alternative lifestyle to what?
  • Tiny
  • 04-09-2024, 09:22 PM
Some of us feel that believing in gods is an alternative lifestyle. I've noticed most people that profess to be Christians aren't really pulling it off either.

Why would the rest of us feel obligated to put up with any of that silliness? Originally Posted by Salty_dick
Do you have anything to say about transgenderism? If not perhaps you'd be wise to start another thread to address whatever point it is that you're trying to make. One of the forum rules is to keep threads on topic and it's being enforced.
Like the hobby lifestyle?

Irony, meet hypocrisy, meet your cousin … Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'll pray for you too Salty Dick. Originally Posted by Tiny
You were expecting it to be burned onto stone tablets by the burning bush sort of thing? You realize how many tablets that would be? Shoot howdy, they would still be carrying them down the mountain side... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Do you have anything to say about transgenderism? If not perhaps you'd be wise to start another thread to address whatever point it is that you're trying to make. One of the forum rules is to keep threads on topic and it's being enforced. Originally Posted by Tiny
Ah. I think transgenderism is fine. And since there seems to be a conversational drift towards lifestyle or belief choices, sprinkled with the holy word, I thought it was germane.

Also, I hadn't noticed there was a big adherence to staying on topic (as evidenced by the quoted notes above). Thanks for the advice though. Much appreciated.
Alternative lifestyle to what? Originally Posted by Levianon17
To not being an idiot.

Frankly, if there's a choice of who gets to stay being a nice transgenderperson vs one of these "christians" like the MTG gorilla? Easy decision with the transgender being the winner. Want to see some real trash? Just head for the rural areas where education hasn't seeped in, but the evangelicals have.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I hadn't noticed there was a big adherence to staying on topic (as evidenced by the quoted notes above).... Originally Posted by Salty_dick
You were expecting it to be burned onto stone tablets by the burning bush sort of thing? You realize how many tablets that would be? Shoot howdy, they would still be carrying them down the mountain side... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
If you can't figure out how the above does not apply to the thread on TransDay on Easter, I just can't help ya.
In my years on eccie. I've never seen the pure hate that these threads represent. Turns my stomach. I'm actually holding my tongue.
The faux outrage over a date that has been on the books for a while now . This year it happens to fall on Easter.
So what. Biden supported the holiday. So what.
Biden is not bashing Christians. Christians know of tolerance and understanding. Compassion for others. Intolerance is hateful and spiteful. Looking at this with an open mind. This transgender day coinciding with Easter this year is a good thing symbolically. Both holidays at their core are about judgement tolerance and love for one another.

Iam truly saddened by the hate used in gods name by these threads. Originally Posted by winn dixie
The entire narrative is the meanest, most nefarious morally bankrupt political football ever tossed onto the field. Any public office holder from school board to federal government should be instantly removed and banished from all positions of authority, in perpetuity. The only people needing the morality police are the people advocating for the morality police.

Not what Jesus would do.
Alternative lifestyle to what? Originally Posted by Levianon17
A critical thinking human being with a sense of morality and ethical behavior., Mostly.
If you can't figure out how the above does not apply to the thread on TransDay on Easter, I just can't help ya. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Then you can't help me. It was TransDay on 3/31. Same as it's been for years. Looks like the easter bunny is the one moving things around.
And he would direct you to love all people or trans people includied. Jesus is the temerity. I wish the rapture would hurry up and maybe we could get something done
  • Tiny
  • 04-10-2024, 01:25 PM
Also, I hadn't noticed there was a big adherence to staying on topic (as evidenced by the quoted notes above). Thanks for the advice though. Much appreciated. Originally Posted by Salty_dick
Well, the mice will play when the cat's away. But when Biomed, our moderator reappears, heads will roll and you will see adherence.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Then you can't help me. It was TransDay on 3/31. Same as it's been for years. Looks like the easter bunny is the one moving things around. Originally Posted by Salty_dick
Easter has been running on the same lunar cycle for 1,992 years and can be projected forward for another 2,000+, though I'm not crtain we'll make it that far before a galactic do-over occurs. The Easter Bunny goes back just a mere 300 years or so, at best.
Easter has been running on the same lunar cycle for 1,992 years and can be projected forward for another 2,000+, though I'm not crtain we'll make it that far before a galactic do-over occurs. The Easter Bunny goes back just a mere 300 years or so, at best. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
So what? It doesn't change the fact that Trans day was on 3/31. If easter lands on someone's birthday, should we cancel it?

You seem upset about a date marking two events at once. Happens all the time without the outrage.
To not being an idiot.

Frankly, if there's a choice of who gets to stay being a nice transgenderperson vs one of these "christians" like the MTG gorilla? Easy decision with the transgender being the winner. Want to see some real trash? Just head for the rural areas where education hasn't seeped in, but the evangelicals have. Originally Posted by Salty_dick
The true idiots are those that recognize Transgenders. They are just honoring a group of people with a delusion that they really don't give a fuck about at all.
And he would direct you to love all people or trans people includied. Jesus is the temerity. I wish the rapture would hurry up and maybe we could get something done Originally Posted by Daneskold1
Don't give me that disingenuous bullshit. It's not about love or hate it's about the truth. The truth is Transgenders are not who they want to portray themselves as to the rest of society. If you want to share in their delusion go right ahead.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The true idiots are those that recognize Transgenders. They are just honoring a group of people with a delusion that they really don't give a fuck about at all. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Kinda personal there, eh bud? Idiots? That’s rich coming from a diehard MAGA zealot.

I care not why you feel so threatened by people who aren’t just like you, but you sure seem to spill it all over this forum. Whether you like it or not, LGBTQ+ people are major threads in the fabric of our nation in 2024 and have every right to live in peace and security in this, the land of the free and the home of the brave. In my opinion America truly needs these groups to remind us who we are and who we’re supposed to be.

Yinz should take it easy with the insults and accusations there, Levi. You’re going to hurt yourself.

Live and let live. Your book says that, doesn’t it? Freedom and such?