Butthole licking is gross

FunInDFW's Avatar
Indeed, you certainly do how to get yourself attention. I doubt what you tthink this is doing for you is actually what is happening.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Yeah, I recognize that style... Looks like you folks have been conned. Max appears to be an alternate female handle for Whispers. Originally Posted by Bobave
I dunno a Whispers. And hey brilliant man, you are more than welcome to keep the misdirection going. Use me all ya want. I'm used to it! However, this time, it's on me.....so, there's ya another freebie! LOL I don't con....but I learned to mislead from quite a few of you gents. Thanks for the lessons, I paid attention. LOL
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Indeed, you certainly do how to get yourself attention. I doubt what you tthink this is doing for you is actually what is happening. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Gee, I dunno. You master minds know everything. Want the person's name I told what I was doing and gonna do? Tough sh*t! LOL Gosh, ya'll get easier and easier!

Do yourself a favor darlin', never presume to know or think ya know anything about me, cause ya never will.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Want the person's name I told what I was doing and gonna do? Tough sh*t! LOL Gosh, ya'll get easier and easier! Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
ManSlut's Avatar
Could Maxi be the missing link to the repetitive jamiejo rant?

Maxi, is jamiejo 'there' with you?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Nothing wrong with anyone or any two doing what they enjoy! As long as it's consensual. Being drama ridden, past history, who dislikes who, who thinks they are the expert on credibility, has got NOT ONE THING to do with, behaving appropriately. Some of ya judge so much, ya think you are the judges of it all. You're not. You're just not. sorry
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Could Maxi be the missing link to the repetitive Jamejo rant?

Maxi, is Jamejo 'there' with you? Originally Posted by ManSlut

Dude...I dig your sigline.
ManSlut's Avatar
Not to get this thread back on subject (why the fuck would I do that, it's going amazingly well?...lol), but the absolute best Consensual Man Ass Eaters I have experienced are Desirae/PrettyElite10 and Nikki/The Legendary Bad Ass...OMG
ManSlut's Avatar
Dude...I dig your sigline. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Dude, thanks..lol
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 08-09-2015, 01:13 PM
Let me show ya something boys, since you think you got this whole thing down, me, the manhater is gonna teach ya something about humanity. Feel free to take notes, it might help ya out a bit. I gave some hints to what was happening as I drove down this road, but only the less oblivious could see it for what it really was.

First thing I see when I read the OPs post is a lady who has had a BAD experience. The second thing I see is a bunch of insensitive individuals saying really really insensitive things to someone who had just experienced something none of you can relate to. And this is where the games begin: Try to follow along if you are able

Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Gee, I think we must have seen the same a**hole. What's his name again?
Not sure why this has any bearing on the the insults received, it is what it is.
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Just curious, but what exactly is funny about a male trying to force a lady to provide what she obviously does not? Would ya think it funny for a lady to ram a dildo up your bum if you had made no indication it was something you wanted, or maybe tie you up and allow her bi-sexual boyfriend have his way with you?

Not quite so funny anymore, huh?

First attempt to let ya know ya ain't got a clue what the lady has been through and your remarks are inappropriate
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Just for the record boys and girls, the department of Justice defines Sexual Assault:

Any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the recipient.

I suggest that gents never take it upon themselves to take what is not clearly offered by a lady, regardless of her status as a paid playmate or not. Some of us got limits!

And, another thing gents and ladies might like to consider, is that law enforcement no longer tries to make it the ladies fault by bringing charges of prostitution should she report such behaviors. Not that they are our biggest fans, but because they realize they only add to the problem when they practice stupid stuff like that and they've come to realize, whores are people too, even if some men forget that.

just some facts...not sure why anyone sees it as inflammatory, it's not...
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
It's one thing for the lady to try to lighten up the situation. It's a whole other, when gents might be construed as insensitive. But maybe an E for effort, if that's truly your way of showing a little compassion for the lady and what she experienced as a disgusting act trying to be forced on her.

again.....why is this inflammatory?
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Gotta love, yet another, compassionate male.
Not afraid to be a little sarcastic while trying to point out something really unpleasant happened to a member of this community, and some are being morosely insensitive
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Lol....you guys are talking about unexpected receiving. This guy shoved his bacterially infested excrement hole, in her face. What part of these acts is equal, a woman gives you DATO, a guy tries to force her to give it to him? Not even in the same ballfield. Although we are all sorry for your surprise violation. It's never good to get something you don't want or find uncomfortable or even fail to give consent to. I understand that part, even if it's not the same.

adding funny stories about surprises and trying to compare it to forced actions the lady endured, is kinda.......weird, inappropriate, deeply disturbing
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Hey, I didn't write it, nor am I analyzing the full meaning. It's the actual definition listed on the site. But, force is force.

Ladies who provide usually have a menu, either outright or activities the gents have partaken of in reviews. I would assume most intelligent men find it implied consent. However, just another reason I don't like reviews, cause one of mine is NOT true. No need to shoot the messenger, or even speculate politics on who drafted the law, cause that's not the point. It's been defined by the Federal Department of Justice. Maybe it's why guys should actually do more research? It's not a bit ridiculous to a lady being forced to do something never offered or listed as services, to encounter an a**hole of this magnitude.

I have never met this lady, but I sure have compassion and can relate to gents that are "pushy" or even forceful. I understand it's harder for gents to do so, cause most of you have never had another man try to do something of a sexual nature in a forceful manner. However, I'm sure the lady would appreciate the dumbing down of stupid inconsiderate replies.

I don't have a huge problem with receiving DATO, however, I know how clean I am. If I am not the one who scrubbed your booty, don't even hint ya want me to do that.....matter of fact, I just ain't gonna. LOL One of those instances where the scales tip in my favor......ah well. LOL

inflammatory and manhating....nowhere close....LOL
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post

Geez.....once again, I hate some jerk tried to force you to do anything!

I try to go with even bad things can be good. I learn what I can just to ensure I don't experience that particular bad thing and all it's fallout, again. We all got our "go to" coping mechanisms, and I sure hope ya don't experience anything, except pleasant gents in the future.

Really? Showing an acceptable way of behaving to someone who has just been exposed to an unpleasant experience, is inflammatory and man hating type of behavior?
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
I concur.....that was uncalled for and I was kinda thrown off by just how awful a thing that was to say.

Inflammatory man hating?
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
For the argumentative and hateful gents who love to pick fights with and belittle the ladies. I highlighted the most important parts of her original post just for you and your education. If you can not comprehend what the highlighted words mean, there's this little tool available to all with the ability to read, it's called a dictionary.

Again. her joking around is one way to cope with a HORRIBLE experience, as she perceived it and is obvious in her very first post. We all have coping mechanisms we use when we need them, and hers are normal concerning what happened. Others making light of her because they don't have the ability to show compassion is WRONG! period. Is it not OBVIOUS she was justifiably upset? This is beyond growing thick skin and take what ya get cause you're a whore kinda thing.

I hope each of you animals is viciously raped by one among you some day and then....maybe you too can understand the need and desire for a little compassion!

I don't really hope that or wish that on anyone, but maybe it made someone think about their stupid comments should they think to make another one when a lady flat out tells you she was assaulted. smh.....idiots!

A little inflammatory, starting to get upset, but driving it home, hoping that'll get some attention at what I AM saying, as opposed to....guess? Hey, it worked didn't it? You can not have compassion for a woman who experienced something unpleasant, but you fall to your knees as if I had kicked you, just at the thought of a whore stating something you never would consider as a tool which might be helpful when ya think about addressing a lady who has experienced something bad more as if, ah well, let me see if I can really make the whore uncomfortable, cause I'm all that funny guy here to entertain the masses?
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
shut up and sit down, little man. No one wants to hear from yet another prick that would take advantage of a woman and not even have an ounce of compassion for anyone! Don't address me again. You and I will never see eye to eye, because I have my priorities straight, and you clearly DO NOT! I won't argue with you, cause you're stupid. I am not. buh bye

If you are not concerned and being outraged by the behavior of those here, it just says lots about your character. The fact I am....says things about my character as well, boys. It is what it is.

Hate spinners that send folks in all directions, just as bad as liars as far as I'm concerned. I truly gave him a pass on another thread. Didn't even consider what he had to say here, but he bashed away at me cause he's kinda defensive like that. No worries....I can see what's going on, but he's just in the way.
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
ahhhh.....I'm a frightened little whore, cause the little boy said I'm crazy, it must be so. Whateva shall I do?

It's sad when one is so defensive, sees himself in words, yet blames the only one willing to speak up about it, instead of taking responsibility for his own stupid mistake that he was the one being addressed. And I'm the crazy one? Now that, is funny!

Got most of the attention on me now......can anyone see yet, what's happened here?

Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
I didn't turn it into an assault. He did, the moment she had to struggle with him not to do what he was trying to force her to do. Read the law. If you can't interpret law, that ain't my fault.

Thanks for the advice about what Kaylee can do and can not do. I'm not Kaylee, I'm MaxiMilyen, nice to meet ya. I'm a lady who doesn't take kindly to gents acting stupid when another lady has been shaken up. How much, exactly do you know about the psychology of assault, sexual or not? I'm guessing, not much. Me? I know plenty. So shhhhh.....

And you think that good ole boys getting a giggle at her expense would, huh? Hey hang with them, cause you are no where close to the kinda gent I'd really like to see. No offense meant, but I don't play with the blind or the dumb and it's not that I'm prejudice against the handicapped. Ya know?

sarcasm mixed with common sense...a little inflated drama to keep the focus where it needs to be....anyone get it yet? LOL
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
It's awesome you wouldn't insult someone...cause I wasn't insulted at all by you telling me I did something I didn't do. I appreciate your "candor" and wisdom though.

Shoot myself in the foot? Ha! The only thing I did, was protect myself from men who don't like women and have little or no humanity. Cause yeah, I'll call 'em out if the rest of ya won't.

Mind my biz? THIS is my biz, not the gents, unless they are pimps.

It should be an alert, but there's no reason it shouldn't be addressed in Co-Ed, as well. This is a community "of sorts". The lady needed to blow off steam, maybe find some compassion, or whatever she needed to do to get her head and her heart right with it. I believe a little support and a tad bit of humanity, rather than crass attacks of an insensitive nature, is what she sought. But hey, I can't read her mind, and what would a whore know anyway? Geez, maybe more than some of ya know, as is evidenced by the lack of compassion shown here.

Police your own behaviors and actions before telling others they know not what they do. Especially when it's obvious that you don't. Hey, ya never know who knows what or when they are actually trying to tell ya something ya might need or want to know.

Thank you to the gentlemen who know to show compassion and don't act like little kids. You rock!

manhater? how so?
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
You obviously wanna harp....so let's harp. I said in the very next breath/sentence, it was not what I wished at all. Cause let me tell ya something, it's not the most pleasant experience one could endure, and it sure makes ya be able to see what is what a whole lot clearer. I explained exactly why I said what I said. So, don't put it to the forefront over and over again as if it's a true wish of mine, cause it's not. But, it sure has shock factor to say stupid insensitive things, doesn't it?

Edit: You are darn sure right about that, as evidenced by the tag teaming you guys need to do. Me? I got a spine, hon. I don't need no help. I got this! And then some

keeping your focus right where I want it be. The lady coulda been reading your crap or not, but if I could make it stop somehow and for her, ya damn skippy I would, cause again......it's the way I roll.
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Hey. I've already stated all over the place, I don't wanna roll around in the muck, cause it's not fun. But, when the gents don't police their own behaviors and actions, then yes of course, I'll take one for the team. That's the way I roll. And guess what else, I'll do it again if needed or warranted, cause yeah, sometimes all an a**hole understands is the language of another a**hole. I get it!

facts and continued misdirection....sorry if ya feel fooled I did that, but it wasn't about you a**hats, it was about her. man hating? nope.....not at all
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Nice of you to show concern, but I feel you are talking backwards. The issue is not men being victimized by women, it's women be physically victimized by men. But way to totally throw it off the subject. It's a crying shame a man can be victimized in that manner, but there are far fewer of those cases than the other. I suppose if men hadn't been victimizing women throughout the centuries, maybe none of this would be an issue for any of us now. I dunno, cause that's not the case at all. Being naked in bed with a man, has never been consent for a man to abuse her physically, even if she crawled in willingly, and no matter how men stupidly interpreted that at any point in time. Men in this world still kill women for getting raped, and still believe it's within their right to do so. Does that make it right? Hitler thought it was ideal to kill all Jews. Did that make it right? Not in my eyes. Men are no better than women, other than the ability to use muscular strength at times. So, should they do it just because they can and are you saying that's ok and you don't understand why the law would beg to differ?

Ya know, I've known men to make false claims against women and even other men. I don't like liars. But 6 of one and half a dozen of the other, hon. Police your own behaviors and don't encourage inappropriate behaviors of others.
dang, I'm good at this, huh?
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
0h. ok. thanks hun!

btw....I can certainly understand why some of these gents like your bored presents!

here's a freebie boys......she's got great bored presents and doesn't mind what lady she steps on in order to make a buck, cause she will love any ole 1.3" of dangling death......go getter!
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Is it me that has no idea?

Smoke n mirrors, tainted man. Smoke n mirrors.

I got lots of ideas.....

I gave ya lotsa clues, but you were still so distracted. I don't have a clue what I'm doing or saying, do I? LOL
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
Still tag teaming, fellas? What was that kids used to say? You can dish it out, but ya can't take it? Pffft.....

Knock it off being insensitive about attempted forced activities.....I don't care who likes who, who has pissed who off in the past. No one deserves what you guys did here. And.....no.... not everyone keeps up with your kiddie drama. It went way past inappropriate what ya'll did, don't ya think? I'm only roaming around in hopes folks start taking this screening thing more seriously. Can't help what I see while I'm here.
PM me, but goading me back to the thread.....? Really?
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen View Post
ahhh....harper # 2. I don't HAVE to believe anything anyone tells me I HAVE to believe, but thanks for telling me what I HAVE to do. You're just another guy who only sees what he wants to see and share, and focuses on a spin. Love the way you point fingers at women, but never the hateful and horrible men on this board. Are you ever afraid for your safety as some of the women are, so they don't even get involved on the board?

You can shove it where the taint shines, for all I care Mr Nobody special. But ya sure as shinola can't erase what you said, and you can't erase my clarifications either, taint touter. Geez Louise.....You can't even see what I did on this thread, all ya can do is whine around all butt hurt, cause a lady gave you guys the tiniest taste of your own darn shi**y medicine.

Stick to taint, boyo.....that's your true forte'!

I kinda wonder how the RW women in your lives would feel if they knew some of you behaved the way ya do. Would your Moms, daughters, sisters, and wives be thrilled to see how you really feel about women and actually believe is an acceptable way to behave and treat them?

Your Welcome boys and girls and that's what ya call Smoke and Mirrors!

Leave the lady alone if you can't show compassion.....otherwise, it makes us all wonder about what kinda 'john' you are.

You may not think I'm a genius, but please know, I'm a woman who knows how to get what she wants. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Interesting way to spend your Sunday.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Interesting way to spend your Sunday. Originally Posted by L.A.
You're not writing a volume on anti-butt licking today? At this point I don't read her posts, even a no life troll like myself doesn't have that kind of free time.

Another provider tried to tell her too but she thinks the rest of the world is wrong on everything. Those type of people can't get along in the RW and become bitter at life because it's always everyone else that's wrong - there is no winning when you try to reason with them.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-09-2015, 02:07 PM
It looks like MM loves the drama, she'll post on every thread and not make sense most of the time, I wonder what type of "John" would want to spend anytime with her?

MM find something productive to do today besides posting nonsense and trying to stirr the pot for more drama, back away from the keyboard and gather your thoughts. In case you have not noticed the op has backed off and yet you continue to go on and on.
Oh my goodness. Lol. This has my rolling I swear.

Always ask for that extra.

I'd probably look at it and make the RBF unintentionally.
I love my butthole being licked as for licking one,
go borrow my shower AND a wash cloth bruhh.

pyramider's Avatar
Love the way you point fingers at women, but never the hateful and horrible men on this board. Are you ever afraid for your safety as some of the women are, so they don't even get involved on the board? For your information I stick up for the ladies 99% of the time. Since you are a know it all, look it up.

You can shove it where the taint shines, for all I care Mr Nobody special. But ya sure as shinola can't erase what you said, and you can't erase my clarifications either, taint touter. Geez Louise.....You can't even see what I did on this thread, all ya can do is whine around all butt hurt, cause a lady gave you guys the tiniest taste of your own darn shi**y medicine. I am a nobody, I have never stated I was anybody. All you have done is hijack a thread and threaten people.

Stick to taint, boyo.....that's your true forte'! You win, I would not want to view your taint if it were the last on earth.

I kinda wonder how the RW women in your lives would feel if they knew some of you behaved the way ya do. Would your Moms, daughters, sisters, and wives be thrilled to see how you really feel about women and actually believe is an acceptable way to behave and treat them? Rather than wishing violence now you are wishing outing? For your information, I am the same person in real life that I am in the hobby. Are you crazy in real life, too? Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
My responses are in red.