Bashing Leslie Lane

Well, I'm officially retired and am only available to gentlemen that are pre-booked. However, I did extend a special offer to you and only you so..looks like 2010 will be your year.
Cheers!!! Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
oh we go again... you call p4p with the same men over and over retired???
on second thought...can i get my box of wine too...before you back out?
Leslie Lane's Avatar
LiL Bubba...

Retired more p4p. It sd. It means...I have a real civilian job that I need to get back to on Dec. 1st. So when I say RETIRED...that's what I mean....RETIRED. can have that box of wine. ...
but congrats on the shortest career ever
buy me a mex mart instead... you never know... we just might get along
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Got it...Mex Mart.
Got it...Mex Mart. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
why do you edit your post...after i reply to it? that shit is just confusing/
Britney_Jaye_Loves_You's Avatar
Well I wouldn't mind a Sugar Daddy ha! hehe
and most would appreciate you bein honest and upfront about it.
nuglet's Avatar
ya know what they say, beauty is skin deep, ugly goes all the way to the bone.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-20-2010, 10:02 AM
ya know what they say, beauty is skin deep, ugly goes all the way to the bone. Originally Posted by nuglet
... or boner.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Luckily for me...I've never been known as a great beauty.....
Luckily for me...I've never been known as a great beauty..... Originally Posted by Leslie Lane

I have and let me tell you its a blessing one day and curse the next...
blenderhead's Avatar
It's been only a blessing for me. I've got pregnant ladies giving me their seat on the bus.. Old ladies opening doors for me.. Homeless people giving me change.. John Travolta turning straight because he didn't want to be gay if he couldn't have me.. Being beautiful is awesome.

And some would beg to differ, Leslie.
nuglet's Avatar
Luckily for me...I've never been known as a great beauty..... Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
When you're right, you are right!
this IS a bashing thread right? Let's stay on topic.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Oh Chicken Nuglet.....bash away.
nuglet's Avatar