president veto

LexusLover's Avatar
So basically lustylad's lying ass is trying to say that Obama is vetoing the Defense funding Bill because though it is within budget Obama wants more money for domestic spending. Which is a lie. In reality , Defense is not within the sequestration guidelines and Obama wants more money for both Defense spending and Domestic spending. He wants a more transparent process so as not to fool dumbasses like lustylad and Ducbutter into lying about what is really happening. Originally Posted by WTF
Now WTF thinks he knows what the President is "thinking"!!!!!! Even when the President SAYS he wants more domestic spending!!!!! So, WTF, when Obaminable says he wants more domestic spending according to LustyLad it's a lie, but when you say it .... it's "TRUTH"?

That's why you have no credibility with your lameass bullshit. Again, you are sounding more and more like HELLARIOUS!!!!!
Looks like they have come up with a budget similar to the one Ryan had last time. It would get republican's through the election, if it passes.
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  • WTF
  • 10-27-2015, 07:51 AM
Now WTF thinks he knows what the President is "thinking"!!!!!! Even when the President SAYS he wants more domestic spending!!!!! So, WTF, when Obaminable says he wants more domestic spending according to LustyLad it's a lie, but when you say it .... it's "TRUTH"?

That's why you have no credibility with your lameass bullshit. Again, you are sounding more and more like HELLARIOUS!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Actually you pink letter writing Queen, if you could read and comprehend what you had read , not sure which your problem is....wanting more domestic spending is correct but the lie was lustylad saying that the Defense budget was within sequestration guidelines.

Next if you had bothered to read the OP's link , you'd have known what Obama is trying to do.

Obama is trying to avoid a situation like last year, when Republicans passed a spending bill for every department but Homeland Security — which Republicans held up in an unsuccessful effort to turn back Obama's executive actions delaying deportations.
"Obama has a record of coming out of these events pretty successfully, where usually Congress gets blamed," Krause said. "He feels like he's playing with house money. He doesn’t have much to lose, and he has a powerful institutional tool at his disposal."
In two separate veto threats to the House and Senate versions of the bill, the White House also objected to substantive provisions. As with previous defense bills, it requires him to keep Guantanamo open. It blocks another round of base closings. It prevents the Defense Department from exploring alternative fuels. And it uses off-budget war funding to boost defense spending.
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  • WTF
  • 10-27-2015, 08:00 AM
WTFagboy is a Houston home builder who thinks like Odumbo. If you hired him to build a new home for $2 million, and then agreed to his request to spend an extra $50,000 for a swimming pool, he would say "Ok - and that means I also get to blow an extra $200,000 of your money on the rest of the house! Otherwise I'm walking off the job!" Originally Posted by lustylad
You ignorant SOB , whose money do you think Congress is spending? Their own? You're such a partisan hack ...

A more accurate description would be if say your dumbass wanted a 50k pool added to your 2million dollar house and you asked me to take it out of my profit. In other words you wanted to change the terms of contract and then cried like a baby when you realized that I had the upper hand when I did not agree to your proposal and told you that if I build you that 50k pool, I want something in return. That is basically wtf happened here.
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  • WTF
  • 10-27-2015, 09:50 AM
Typical Tea Wacker...wanting a free pool and then calls the people that won't give it to him wasteful spenders...
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  • WTF
  • 10-27-2015, 10:24 AM
I wonder if ducbutters and lustyladyboy have read the latest news coming out on this deal? Not that they will understand it...we know LL will not. He only understands reach arounds!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2015, 06:26 AM
LL,lustylad, ducbutters did any of you loons notice wtf is happening?

Looks like the folks who screamed about cutting spending have caved.But hey you numbnuts can blame Obama!

lustylad's Avatar
....the lie was lustylad saying that the Defense budget was within sequestration guidelines. Originally Posted by WTF
The person who keeps lying every time he posts here is you, fagboy. Go back and cite exactly where I said the proposed defense budget is "within sequestration guidelines". If you can't do that, then apologize and STFU.

This is the second time in this thread you have lied by making up something I never said and falsely attributing it to me. You claimed I said Republicans didn't vote for the 2011 Budget Control Act - then you couldn't back up your lie so you had to STFU and change the subject.

What the fuck is wrong with you, fagboy? Is it horrible reading comprehension or willful distortion and dishonesty on your part? You get called out on this repeatedly, yet you keep doing it over and over again.

Here's a word of advice to clean up your act - start each of your posts by quoting something I actually said, instead of making up something I never said.
lustylad's Avatar
As with previous defense bills, it requires him to keep Guantanamo open. Originally Posted by WTF
Funny how you didn't highlight the phrase "as with previous defense bills". So let's get it straight - Odumbo signed 7 previous defense bills requiring him to keep Guantanamo open but suddenly this now warrants a veto?

I have a solution, fagboy. Put your homebuilding skills to work and construct a Halfway House in your Houston neighborhood. Make sure it is equipped to handle over 100 muzzies. A cafeteria with Yemeni cuisine would be a plus. We'll gradually release 'em all and let your neighborhood assimilate them. If anyone complains, just tell them it's a small price to pay to burnish Odumbo's legacy!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-28-2015, 11:42 AM
Your dick sucking ass never blatantly ask to suck a dick in the Men's restroom. .. you just tap your foot under the stall.

Kinda like how you post around here. You imply things and then deny wanting to suck a dick even after i catch you with it half way down your throat.

lustylad's Avatar
You ignorant SOB , whose money do you think Congress is spending? Their own? You're such a partisan hack ... Originally Posted by WTF
Uhh... is this a trick question? Congress is spending TAXPAYER money, you cacklebrain. That means your money, my money, and our children's future money (to the extent the US Treasury has to go out and borrow to meet Congress' insatiable appetite for spending). Do you need more Econ 101 lessons? Nothing partisan about it.

And when you build a home for someone, you're spending the future homeowner's money. Insofar as he/she uses a mortgage, you are also spending money loaned by a bank representing a claim against the homeowner's future earnings. Either way, you're spending other people's money, just like Congress does. The difference is - if you misspend it, you will be sued by the homeowner and the bank. Congress misspends our money all the time and nothing happens - except you libtards want to reward them by forking over even MORE of our money for them to misspend.
LexusLover's Avatar
The person who keeps lying every time he posts here is you, fagboy. Go back and cite exactly where I said the proposed defense budget is "within sequestration guidelines". If you can't do that, then apologize and STFU.

This is the second time in this thread you have lied by making up something I never said and falsely attributing it to me. You claimed I said Republicans didn't vote for the 2011 Budget Control Act - then you couldn't back up your lie so you had to STFU and change the subject.

What the fuck is wrong with you, fagboy? Is it horrible reading comprehension or willful distortion and dishonesty on your part? You get called out on this repeatedly, yet you keep doing it over and over again.

Here's a word of advice to clean up your act - start each of your posts by quoting something I actually said, instead of making up something I never said.. Originally Posted by lustylad

lustylad's Avatar
Your dick sucking ass never blatantly ask to suck a dick in the Men's restroom. .. you just tap your foot under the stall.

Kinda like how you post around here. You imply things and then deny wanting to suck a dick even after i catch you with it half way down your throat. Originally Posted by WTF

Hahahaha.... feeling cornered again?

Resorting to gay insults and posting about his homo fantasies is WTFagboy's way of waving the white flag whenever he knows he is cornered in a thread. Originally Posted by lustylad
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2015, 12:34 PM
Uhh... is this a trick question? Congress is spending TAXPAYER money, you cacklebrain. That means your money, my money, and our children's future money (to the extent the US Treasury has to go out and borrow to meet Congress' insatiable appetite for spending). Do you need more Econ 101 lessons? Nothing partisan about it.

And when you build a home for someone, you're spending the future homeowner's money. Insofar as he/she uses a mortgage, you are also spending money loaned by a bank representing a claim against the homeowner's future earnings. Either way, you're spending other people's money, just like Congress does. The difference is - if you misspend it, you will be sued by the homeowner and the bank. Congress misspends our money all the time and nothing happens - except you libtards want to reward them by forking over even MORE of our money for them to misspend.
. Originally Posted by lustylad interesting. I would have never known without your brilliant analysis. Now let's get back to my point... that you , ducbutter and LL seem to be dodging.

Congressional Hawks want more money for Defense so they pull this stunt where everyone winds up getting more money. You will try and pin it on liberals it seems while any objective look (COG seems to be the one consistent here) at what has happened would show that it is both parties responsible for this bullshit. I will say that it would be a whole hell of a lot easier were some of you hawks willing to cut Defense spending....that is the only way to cut domestic spending but nobody is even willing to cut out bases in their district that are no longer needed.
lustylad's Avatar interesting. I would have never known without your brilliant analysis. Originally Posted by WTF
Why do you ask dumb questions in the first place and then pretend you already knew the answers when someone takes the time to school you? Just say "thank you" and shut up, like your mother taught you to do.
