Theres ALWAYS a fox in the hen house..

AtxTexMex's Avatar
actually, i am very clean. i have heard rumors of others not being so hygienic. to avoid that andany bad reviews i AM ALWAYS on top of my game when it comes to that and get told that it is magnificent alot. and i dont think you are. just playful banter but it really is a cute kitty...the way ir moves side to side like that...LMAO! Originally Posted by MISS2868

Why do you keep speaking of clients and reviews when you have none, no ads, no clients claiming theyve seen you, and no reviews on you or the quality of service you provide.
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 09-19-2012, 02:38 PM
Oh, now you have to be all rational.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 09-19-2012, 02:46 PM

Mal is busy dancing while waiting to be cast in the next Dr. Horrible Singalong. Originally Posted by Qziz
They need to give Mal's doppleganger on Castle more free rein to shoot bad guys. Especially in outer space.
Why do you keep speaking of clients and reviews when you have none, no ads, no clients claiming theyve seen you, and no reviews on you or the quality of service you provide. Originally Posted by AtxTexMex

He's fs, shaves his ass for you and everything. He does expect a reach around though while you're pounding it.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 09-19-2012, 04:15 PM
You're starting to creep me out a little..... what are you doing back there........hey mister that is off limits to you........................... .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .......... Originally Posted by homer13
You're starting to creep ME out, with your knowing so much about my reviews, and making snap judgements about what kind of person I am, by the ladies I choose to see, and insulting those choices for all to see, completely unprovoked. Be it known that I've seen probably 20x the number of reviews I have on eccie. I only review when I'm asked. Most of the ladies I've seen don't NEED reviews, due to their good looks and great BCD, so I don't bother.

It'd be nice if from now on, you pick on Marco, or anyone else that deserves it, and not lash out at a fellow board member that never attacks you.

In not wanting to hijack the thread, I will reiterate to MISS2868, I feel if you don't trust clients enough to do BBBJ, YMMV is not really the way to go. Make your menu CBJ, or BBBJ. Otherwise, your just going to piss people off when they arrive and don't get what's advertised.

Unless of course, this is Narco (incorrect spelling intended), in which case, grow some balls and stop acting like a girl.
You're starting to creep ME out, with your knowing so much about my reviews, and making snap judgements about what kind of person I am, by the ladies I choose to see, and insulting those choices for all to see, completely unprovoked. Be it known that I've seen probably 20x the number of reviews I have on eccie. I only review when I'm asked. Most of the ladies I've seen don't NEED reviews, due to their good looks and great BCD, so I don't bother.

It'd be nice if from now on, you pick on Marco, or anyone else that deserves it, and not lash out at a fellow board member that never attacks you.

In not wanting to hijack the thread, I will reiterate to MISS2868, I feel if you don't trust clients enough to do BBBJ, YMMV is not really the way to go. Make your menu CBJ, or BBBJ. Otherwise, your just going to piss people off when they arrive and don't get what's advertised.

Unless of course, this is Narco (incorrect spelling intended), in which case, grow some balls and stop acting like a girl. Originally Posted by Sire
You and I were joking back and forth, this wasn't an attack. Go back and read your and my back and forth it was all in good fun. I don't come right out and attack you, if you go back to the first post we ever had you'll see you took the first shot across the bow not I. That doesn't mean I hold a grudge or come at you free nilly because we have been having good fun in this thread and others but we don't always see eye to eye. We have different definitions of hot and we have both told each other we disagree on that front. Nothing more nothing less. Let's just strike this up to the Miss's getting us both a little hot under the collar and call it cool.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 09-19-2012, 04:31 PM
Oh, hell. Don't drag my name into this. I have only one handle...PERIOD. This non-sense is making my head spin. I don't hide behind fascades. I am who I am.

I'm only following cause the Miss's are pretty darn HOT and have really caused an uproar around these parts.

*FBSM with a simulated FS twist (Laney)
*UTR and Off Market Priced (Leslie Lane) Originally Posted by Laney1

Oh, come on honey. I just wanted to see you post!