No way Mooshell is a female!!!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
everyone who hangs out on a hooker board is weird. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If you say so
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you say so Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you most of all

lustylad's Avatar
you most of all Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Orson Welles concurs.

lustylad's Avatar
How do you think Hunter Biden got into Yale Law? Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh wait... I stand corrected!

In the case of Hunter Biden, someone DID make a phone call... except it wasn't his dad, it was none other than... Slick Willy the Perjuring Sexual Predator!

File under: Another Biden scandal for the Mainstream Media to hush up!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I agree both would not otherwise have been "qualified". I disagree with your claim that Bush43's "dad made a phone call." No need for that. Everyone in the Yale Admissions Office knew who was applying. You obviously don't understand how these things work. Wink, wink. Nod, nod.

How do you think Hunter Biden got into Yale Law?

Riiight! Because everyone knows all Republicans are racist. It has nothing to do with the guy's politics. Nope. If Obama had been a conservative, Republicans would have "picked on him" just the same. Just like they "picked on" Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Clarence Thomas, Allen West, John James and Winsome Sears.

Fucking racists! Originally Posted by lustylad

let's expand on this wonderful post, shall we?

He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Georgetown University in 1992.[6] During the year after he graduated from college, he served as a Jesuit volunteer at a church in Portland, Oregon, and met Kathleen Buhle, whom he married in 1993.[6] After attending Georgetown University Law Center for one year, he transferred to Yale Law School and graduated in 1996.[6]

given Hunter's proclivities for sexual debauchery .. like fucking his dead older brother's widow, one wonders about the morals of Hunter's "work" or if he was just hunting naive pussy to fuck? i'll leave that to the reader to ponder.

Early career

After graduating from law school in 1996, Biden accepted a position at the bank holding company MBNA, a major contributor to his father's political campaigns.[6] By 1998, Biden had risen to the rank of executive vice president.[6][14]

this is perfectly normal in Corp America! everyone starts an entry level job and makes exec vp in two years flat!

He then left to serve at the United States Department of Commerce until 2001, focusing on ecommerce policy for President Bill Clinton's administration.[15]

Slick Willie Blythe always returns a favor! i wonder how many votes in the Senate Joey provided for Slick's agendas ..

Biden then became a lobbyist, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair.[16] According to Adam Entous of The New Yorker, Biden and his father established a relationship in which "Biden wouldn't ask Hunter about his lobbying clients, and Hunter wouldn't tell his father about them."[6]

don't ask .. don't tell!!!


Hunter Biden was appointed to a five-year term on the board of directors of Amtrak by President George W. Bush in 2006.[17] Biden was the board's vice chairman from July 2006 until 2009; he was replaced as Vice Chairman in January[18] and resigned from the board in February,[19] shortly after his father became vice president. Biden said during his father's vice-presidential campaign that it was time for his lobbying activities to end.[6]

translation .. this scam doesn't pay enough. time to be a lobbyist!

Investor and lobbyist

Biden is a capital investments professional with an interest in funding early-stage natural resource extraction and technology companies.[citation needed] In 2006, Biden and his uncle James Biden purchased international hedge fund Paradigm Global Advisors; Hunter was interim CEO of the fund[20] for five years, until 2011.[21] In September 2008, Biden launched a consultancy company named Seneca Global Advisors that offered to help companies expand into foreign markets.[22] Biden, Devon Archer, and Christopher Heinz founded the investment and advisory firm Rosemont Seneca Partners in 2009.[16]

hmmm. sounds familiar ..

Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer wants USSC to review fraud conviction

BHR Partners

Main article: BHR Partners
From 2013 to 2020, Biden served as a member of the board of the China-based private equity fund BHR Partners, of which he acquired a 10% stake in 2017 at a discount.[29][26] The founders of BHR Partners included Biden's Rosemont Seneca Partners investment firm (20% equity), along with US-based Thornton Group LLC (10% equity) and two asset managers registered in China.[30][31][22] The Chinese-registered asset managers are the Bank of China (via BOC International Holdings-backed Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management) and Deutsche Bank-backed Harvest Fund Management.[32]

what's this? Hunter goes to China with Joey and gets a sweetheart deal just weeks later? nothing untoward or suspicious about that!

Biden's trip to China with son Hunter in 2013 comes under new scrutiny

What wasn't known then was that as he accompanied his father to China, Hunter Biden was forming a Chinese private equity fund that associates said at the time was planning to raise big money, including from China. Hunter Biden has acknowledged meeting with Jonathan Li, a Chinese banker and his partner in the fund during the trip, although his spokesman says it was a social visit.

The Chinese business license that brought the new fund into existence was issued by Shanghai authorities 10 days after the trip, with Hunter Biden a member of the board.

nice sweet deal with the Chicoms! who else is left for Hunter to influence peddle?


Burisma Holdings

See also: Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory and Trump–Ukraine scandal

Biden joined the board of Burisma Holdings owned by Ukrainian oligarch and former politician Mykola Zlochevsky, who was facing a money laundering investigation just after the Ukrainian revolution, in April 2014.[6][44][45][46] Biden was hired to help Burisma with corporate governance best practices, while still an attorney with Boies Schiller Flexner, and a consulting firm in which Biden is a partner was also retained by Burisma.[47][48][49] Christopher Heinz, John Kerry's stepson, opposed his partners Devon Archer and Hunter Biden joining the board in 2014 due to the reputational risk.[45] Biden served on the board of Burisma until his term expired in April 2019,[48] receiving compensation of up to $50,000 per month in some months.[48][47] Because Joe Biden played a major role in U.S. policy towards Ukraine, some Ukrainian anti-corruption advocates[50][51] and Obama administration officials expressed concern that Hunter Biden having joined the board could create the appearance of a conflict of interest and undermine Joe Biden's anti-corruption work in Ukraine.[6][45] While serving as vice president, Joe Biden joined other Western leaders in encouraging the government of Ukraine to fire the country's top prosecutor Viktor Shokin,[52][53] who was widely criticized for blocking corruption investigations.[54][55] The Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Shokin in March 2016.[56][57]

none of this is suspicious at all! it's all hard workin' Hunter!

lustylad's Avatar
none of this is suspicious at all! it's all hard workin' Hunter!

BAHHHAAHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I'd say your review of Hunter's impressive career path touches all the bases with one exception - you forgot to mention his newly discovered talents in the art world!

Let's try not to be too harsh or judgmental about Hunter. After all, it's difficult to adhere to a strict moral/ethical compass (or remember where you misplaced all your laptops) when your brain is constantly addled from (forbidden subject... snort, snort)!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'd say your review of Hunter's impressive career path touches all the bases with one exception - you forgot to mention his newly discovered talents in the art world!

Let's try not to be too harsh or judgmental about Hunter. After all, it's difficult to adhere to a strict moral/ethical compass (or remember where you misplaced all your laptops) when your brain is constantly addled from (forbidden subject... snort, snort)! Originally Posted by lustylad

i left that out because i'm a landscapes guy .. finger painting doesn't impress me

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
speaking of another disgraced scumbag who got a inside deal to Yale ..

adav8s28's Avatar
Yep. I knew ...............
Originally Posted by winn dixie
You can go f**ck yourself. You might as well. You can't even get it at the AMP.
adav8s28's Avatar
Bush Jr. was a "legacy kid". Anybody who has gone to an Ivy League school knows many of them because they have no business being there if not for their daddy. I worked to get there. Their dads made a phone call.

They were "C" students for a reason. They shouldn't have been there. It's not that great when they get there though when you are taking classes with those of us who deserved to be there because we tend to fuck up the curve a bit that you're not used to. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Lustylad doesn't think their dads made a phone call. Maybe you could enlighten him. It sounds you know how the admission process worked for the unqualified legacy kids.
adav8s28's Avatar
Maybe you should ask them...

I'm not defending Bush43 but while we're on this topic, do you have any problems with Al Gore's pisspoor academic record? You !

[/I] Originally Posted by lustylad
I was not defending Al Gore. You brought Gore into the conversation. It has been shown that an unqualified white democrat, white republican and a democrat female of color got admitted into a IVY league school because of a connection or gov policy. They did not or may not have been admitted because of their academic record in high school. Why does Bambino pick on Michelle Obama?

Rick Perry became Gov of Texas with 28 "C"s and 9 "D" s on his transcript at Texas A&M. Trump made him Energy Director. That department was one of the three he wanted to get rid of when he campaigned for the republican nomination. How are you qualified to be energy director when you flunked organic chemistry.

It's a good think he did not become a veternarian. It would be difficult for him to learn to write a prescription after flunking organic chemistry. Like Trump said those new glasses are not making you any smarter.

The point is there are connections and not academic performance that can get one into a job or a school. Both republicans and democrats have taken advantage of that. Bambino only complains about Michelle Obama.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You won't find the American Thinker saying/writing anything about that. Originally Posted by adav8s28
While I was getting my bullshit MBA degree, I dated a Columbian chick. On our 1st date, she told me she had no business being at that school and was only there because she was a Hispanic female. She was a 1st year, and I was a 2nd year.

Anyway, I moved to Los Angeles after I graduated. We were no longer dating but we remained friends. She came out to visit to get out of the snow. She actually was a TA in FSA (financial statement analysis) and FM (financial modeling) at the time... she told me that while we were at the Beverly Center mall walking around. All I said was "now do you think you were smart enough to be there?" She teared up and said "yes".

So yeah, people can find what they want on the internet without knowing shit. Go outside and live it and then talk about it. Don't give me malware bullshit links from a bullshit site to share your narrative when you haven't actually experienced what you are talking about in RL.

She didn't think she deserved to be there, so she busted her ass to make sure she did and was way above most who were there when she graduated. That's my point. My point is not about fucking a Columbian chick in grad school. LOL
Grace Preston's Avatar
speaking of another disgraced scumbag who got a inside deal to Yale ..

BAHHAAHA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Ah yes-- Tucker. A man with all the money and advantages in the world, who still couldn't go Ivy League-- and was rejected by the CIA and then told by his father to go into journalism because.. and I quote... "They'll take anybody". His father was once a gonzo reporter, along the same lines as Hunter S. Thompson.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Lustylad doesn't think their dads made a phone call. Maybe you could enlighten him. It sounds you know how the admission process worked for the unqualified legacy kids. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I forgot my old ass Trumpster audience in this forum. I should have said "pulled some strings" so my bad. I should have known these big mouth geniuses wouldn't know what I meant unless I spelled it out for them so again, my bad.

Dudes trying to tell me what I've actually witnessed in person for 7 years. That's funny. Do I have to explain how alumni donations work to you people at Ivy League schools too? I'll say it quickly - if you give enough, your dumb ass kid gets in no matter what. LOL
adav8s28's Avatar
speaking of another disgraced scumbag who got a inside deal to Yale ..

BAHHAAHA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hey Tucker C. you forgot about Bush43. I wonder why. Is it because he is a republican? .

Nice balanced report there Tucker C. You don't care that the game works the same way for Republicans.